Newsletter, 11th January, Baptism of the Lord, Year B

Scripture Readings

Isaiah 55:1-11; 1 John 5:1-9; Mark 1 : 7-11

Second Isaiah reminds the exiled Israelites God has not forgotten his everlasting covenant. They are invited to return to him, looking forward to the heavenly banquet in the end days. But they must “listen, and your soul will live”. In every Mass we are “called to the supper of the Lamb”. Isaiah urges: “seek the Lord while he may be found”: hidden and unimaginably different from us, yet he is “still near” and “rich in forgiving”.

John briefly summarises the basis of our faith, namely that the man Jesus is Son of God, God’s Christ. Both the water at his baptism, and the water and blood pouring from his side on the Cross, witness to Jesus’ humanity. Just as Baptism and the Eucharist witness to our faith, which demands that we love God as we love his son. Loving God is not about emotion: is an act of will, it means keeping his commandments.

Unlike the other three gospels Mark has no prologue: after quoting Isaiah he starts immediately with John the Baptist proclaiming the coming of the Lord. God was revealed to the Jews during the Exodus and in their return from exile. Now God reveals himself to the whole world through his Christ. Jesus is confirmed as God’s Son by the Father and by the Spirit.

Psalm Response: With joy you will draw water from the wells of salvation.

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