Ascension Year B

Acts 1: 1-11; Psalm 46(47); Eph 4: 1-13; Mark 16: 15-20

Luke begins Acts by repeating Jesus’ ascension, both to emphasise its importance and to link the coming work of the apostles with Jesus’ earthly ministry. Before Pentecost the disciples still do not understand, asking if the time has come for the kingdom of Israel to be restored. But only God knows. Jesus must return to the Father so that the Holy Spirit can come and give them power to be his witnesses “to the ends of the earth”. The two men from the empty tomb appear again, promising Jesus will return. But we are not to know when.

The Psalm calls on all nations to acknowledge the God of Israel as the only true God. He is King and reigns over all the earth.

Paul’s letter to the Ephesians gives a broad, developed understanding of Jesus. Christians should seek unity in the one Lord, making good use of the various gifts given us by Christ.
In the second ending of Mark’s gospel, Jesus appeared after his resurrection to Mary Magdalen, and then to two disciples walking in the country. All three told the Apostles – who did not believe them. Jesus then rebuked the apostles, before commissioning them as his witnesses. He was then taken up into heaven.

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