FROM MY HEART TO YOUR HEART – Does Being Rich Mean Being Happy?

– Brought to you by Fr. Bernardino Andrade
Cecil John Rhodes was an enormously wealthy man. He was an English-born business, mining magnate, and politician in South Africa. He was the founder of the diamond company De Beers, which today markets 40% of the world´s rough diamonds and at one time marketed 90%. An ardent believer in colonialism and imperialism, he was the founder of the State of Rhodesia to perpetuate his name.
One day a newspaperman asked him: « You must be very happy. », Rhodes replied, « Happy! No! I spent my life amassing a fortune only to find out that I have spent half of it on doctors to keep me out of the grave, and the other half on lawyers to keep me out of jail. »
Does being rich mean being happy?

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