FROM MY HEART TO YOUR HEART – The Church: A Hotel or a Journey?

– Brought to you by Fr. Bernardino Andrade


One of the many privileges I had during my ministry in California was my frequent contacts with members and leaders of different religious denominations. Even if we were aware of our differences, more than that, we were aware of the so many things that unite us.

This happened one day during a spiritual retreat with Protestant Pastors:
During a meal, this lady asked me: «Are you saved?»
My answer was:
«Oh no! God still has lots of work to do to save me. No I am not saved yet».

Maybe this is one of some of the differences between Catholics and a few Evangelical church denominations. Many people see the Church as a hotel. «I am converted: I accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior. I arrived. I am saved». This is like if I arrived to a hotel. Now I can unpack, take my shoes off and relax. I arrived.

The Church sees herself as a journey. A journey, with ups and downs, like the Hebrew people who are walking throughout the desert always with the temptations to return to the old life. Yes. They were slaves. Their suffering was unbearable, but they also remembered some of the many good things that they had left behind. They had some pleasures that they were not able to enjoy in their journey to freedom.

I remember a man telling me, long time ago: «I like to sin. I enjoy sinning. But then I feel so empty. I feel so sad. I feel so frustrated with myself». On that day he came for Confession where finally he felt peace.


Lenten Journey

On the first Sunday of Lent (Year A), we are invited to join Jesus in the desert.

On the second Sunday of Lent we are invited to go up to the mountain and be transfigured with Jesus. We are invited to transform or change our way of thinking, talking and acting. We are invited to have with Jesus a mountain top experience.

On the third Sunday of Lent we are invited to approach Jesus at the well like the Samaritan woman. One thinks what was that woman looking for in those six men? Finally she met a seventh man who also needed her because he was thirsty. She had been drinking «dead water» full of mosquitoes, garbage and poison. Finally she found in this man called Jesus the «living water».

On the fourth Sunday of Lent a blind man is cured and sees light for the first time.

On the fifth Sunday of Lent the Church presents the Resurrection of Lazarus. We celebrate life. Then we celebrate Palm Sunday.

Finally the Paschal Mystery that includes Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Holy Saturday together with Easter Sunday make just one celebration.

Now… have a nice trip! Have a nice journey!

Love and Peace,
Fr. Bernardino Andrade

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