23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B

Isaiah 35: 4-7; Psalm 145(146):7-10; James 2: 1-5; Mark 8: 27-35

First Isaiah preached in Jerusalem before the exile in 587 BC. In God’s presence in the Temple, Isaiah became aware that the great sin is pride: we think we can “do it my way”. The nation’s disasters were their own fault. They must trust in God, especially in face of the constant threats from Assyria. After dire descriptions of the calamities to come, Isaiah paints this encouraging eschatological picture of the kingdom in the end time.
The Psalm praises and thanks God for his generosity and kindness, especially to those who put their trust in him.
James continues his theme that faith must be shown in what we do. His mentioning “synagogue” reminds us how Jewish was the Christian community this “brother of the Lord” was writing for. He insists that faith in Jesus is not compatible with treating people differently depending how we see them. We are in no position to judge the worth of others.
In Mark’s Gospel we see God’s kingdom breaking into creation, as Jesus heals first the Syro-phoenician woman’s daughter and then a deaf-mute. Isaiah’s prophecy is being fulfilled. Naturally the disciples cannot help spreading this good news far and wide. But Jesus cautions them not to do so yet, because his work will not be understood until after the Crucifixion.
(Isaiah 35: 4-7; Psalm 145(146):7-10; James 2: 1-5; Mark 8: 27-35)
*** [Contents]

20th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B

Proverbs 9: 1-h26; Psalm 33(34); Eph 5: 15-20; John 6: 51-58

The Book of Proverbs gives pithy maxims for right living, applying the Law to real life. God’s word is here seen personified as Wisdom, urging us: “Come and eat my bread, drink the wine I have prepared”.
The Psalm urges us to glorify the Lord, grateful that he has rescued us from danger. Therefore we should fear the Lord, “keeping our tongue from evil”.
Paul tells the Ephesians to enjoy food and wine, but they should “not drug” themselves with wine. And after singing Psalms and hymns in community they should “go on singing and chanting to the Lord in their hearts”, so giving thanks to God.
Chapter six of John’s Gospel reaches the climax of Jesus’ teaching on the Eucharist. The Gospel’s prologue tells us that “the Word became flesh”: the Wisdom of God took our human flesh to share the trials of this world with us. Jesus gives us his flesh and blood to sustain us on our journey, as he fed Elijah. Jesus insists that physically eating and drinking must be part of the Eucharist so that we take his “Word become flesh” into our very beings. Not surprisingly, some Jews – like us – find it difficult to link together the spiritual and material worlds, as did the Samaritan woman, and Nicodemus.

18th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B

Exodus, the second of the five books of the Law, tells of Moses leading the Israelites through the desert to the promised land, a collection of slaves becoming a people, developing culture and laws. Above all coming to recognise and worship the God who saved them as the one God. They often rebelled and murmured against Moses. But God fed them in the desert with quails and manna – ‘daily, or tomorrow’s bread’.
The Psalm reminds us of the importance of handing down to later generations the traditions of God’s dealings with his people.
Paul continues reminding the Ephesians of the new rules they must live by. Not overturning the rules in Exodus, but demanding more and deeper conformity to Jesus’ way. We have to put aside our old self which – as Paul knows very well – so easily “gets corrupted by following illusory desires”. We must “put on the new self that has been created in God’s way”.
In chapter 6 of John’s Gospel, after Jesus fed five thousand, he starts to explain the meaning of this miracle. Jesus feeds us, just as God fed the Israelites in the wilderness. Gently Jesus corrects the Jews’ understanding of Exodus: It was not “Moses who gave” but Jesus’ “Father who gives the bread from heaven” – now and always.
(Exodus 16: 2-4, 12-15; Psalm 77(78); Eph 4: 17, 20-24; John 6: 24-35)

16th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B

Jeremiah 23: 1-6; Psalm 22(23); Eph 2: 13-18; Mark 6: 30-34

Jeremiah was preaching around 600 BC. For forty years before the exile he reminded Judah’s rulers how they had broken the covenant, worshipping other gods and taking advantage of the poor. His warnings were ignored, Jerusalem was destroyed, and the people taken into exile in Babylon.
But the Lord promises to rescue his people. He will make a new covenant and send a descendant of David to rule with truth, integrity and honesty.
The Psalm celebrates God’s loving care for his people, like a shepherd guarding and guiding his flock, and looking forward to his generous end-time feast.
Paul tells the Ephesians that Gentiles and Jews, previously separated by the Law, have now become one “by the blood of Christ”. The Law’s barriers have been broken down, and God’s covenant now extends to Gentiles. Early proposals for Christians to ignore the Jewish Scriptures were rejected, and the Old Testament readings now included at Mass can help our faith.
Mark’s Gospel has described the death of John the Baptist while the apostles were away on their mission. On their return Jesus takes them away ‘on retreat’. But the crowds follow, setting the scene for the feeding miracles. For the next five weeks we switch to John’s Gospel for a fuller account of Eucharistic feeding.
(Jeremiah 23: 1-6; Psalm 22(23); Eph 2: 13-18; Mark 6: 30-34)
Jeremiah was preaching around 600 BC. For forty years before the exile he reminded Judah’s rulers how they had broken the covenant, worshipping other gods and taking advantage of the poor. His warnings were ignored, Jerusalem was destroyed, and the people taken into exile in Babylon.
But the Lord promises to rescue his people. He will make a new covenant and send a descendant of David to rule with truth, integrity and honesty.
The Psalm celebrates God’s loving care for his people, like a shepherd guarding and guiding his flock, and looking forward to his generous end-time feast.
Paul tells the Ephesians that Gentiles and Jews, previously separated by the Law, have now become one “by the blood of Christ”. The Law’s barriers have been broken down, and God’s covenant now extends to Gentiles. Early proposals for Christians to ignore the Jewish Scriptures were rejected, and the Old Testament readings now included at Mass can help our faith.
Mark’s Gospel has described the death of John the Baptist while the apostles were away on their mission. On their return Jesus takes them away ‘on retreat’. But the crowds follow, setting the scene for the feeding miracles. For the next five weeks we switch to John’s Gospel for a fuller account of Eucharistic feeding.
(Jeremiah 23: 1-6; Psalm 22(23); Eph 2: 13-18; Mark 6: 30-34)

15th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B

Amos 7:12-15; Psalm 84(85): 9-1 4; Eph 1: 3-14; Mark 6: 7-13

The first six chapters of the Book of Amos show in detail why the Jews will suffer judgement. Amaziah denounces Amos to the northern king for his unwelcome prophecies. Speaking around 760 BC, Amos bravely ignores him, and continues to warn the people. 200 years later his warnings were written down – because he was right: the northern kingdom had rejected God, and was destroyed.
The Psalm describes the coming happiness revealed by the Lord: virtues are imagined as courtiers of the returned king.
Over the next seven weeks we hear extracts from Paul’s breathtaking letter “to the Ephesians”. Its ideas can flow past us so quickly that we can easily miss their significance. If we stop after each phrase and ponder its meaning, we see a God very different from common belief. A God who lovingly “chose us in Christ” “before the world was made”. A God whose “hidden plan he so kindly made in Christ from the beginning”, so that we might “live through love in his presence”. This was no ‘plan B’, suddenly concocted to correct a mistake!
In Mark’s gospel, after his rejection in his home town we heard last week, Jesus now sends the disciples out on mission Next week we hear about their experiences.
(Amos 7:12-15; Psalm 84(85): 9-1 4; Eph 1: 3-14; Mark 6: 7-13)

People Helping People Araial / Street Party

On Sunday, 9th June, the first “People Helping People” arraial was held on the street along side the Penha da França chapel. The objectives of the function were to raise funds for the charity, dispense information about the charity to interested people attending, and generally to build a community spirit amongst the regulars at the English Mass and the organisers of the charity which was initiated by Father Bernardino Andrade, to help the most needy and marginalised in our society.

It was decided to offer the food and drinks for a voluntary donation, and our chairman, Alexandre Silva (who is also Father Bernardino’s grand nephew), made a wonderful effort in approaching various firms asking for their help. Accordingly, we would like to thank the following organisations for their generous participation:

Capela da Penha de França (Father Carlos was very helpful).
Moynihans Irish Pub (as ever a huge support with drinks, storage space and cooking of food)
Casal da Penha de França Restaurant (platter of pork and wine, etc.)
Hotel Quinta da Penha de França
Luxstar (decoration and lighting of the space and counters).
VarioSport (t-shirts, flyers, and posters)
Câmara Municipal (licensing and covering the cost of this)
J. Faria and Filhos (cane spirit, shrimp, squid and red fish)
EnoMania (wine)
Xavelha (wine)
Justino (wine and Madeira wine)
Libargel (wine)
Henriques e Henriques (Madeira wine)
Barbeito (wine)
Junta de Freguesia
Agostinho (friend who organised the grills, etc. and provided a lot of know how in organising the event).
Ruben (organisation of the musicians)
Nobrega (25% discount) on meat
Empresa de Cervejas da Madeira (2 barrels of beer and discount on remaining items).
English Team
Alina (bolo do caco, traditional candy necklaces)
and everyone in the English team especially for providing last minute items required!

Especial thanks to Alexandre Silva and all his friends and family who made this event so worthwhile.

It was a wonderful day, enjoyed by everyone who attended and we raised much needed funds for the charity as well as raising awareness of the charity in the community. The left over food was also donated to the needy families who the charity supports.

13th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B

Wisdom 1: 13-15, 2:23-24; Psalm 29(30); 2 Cor 89: 7-15; Mark: 5: 21-43

The Book of Wisdom, written in the century before Christ, starts by exhorting us to “love righteousness … and seek the Lord with sincerity of heart”. God made man in his own image: not immortal, for only God is immortal, but God made man “imperishable”. Death is not the end.
The Psalm gives thanks for deliverance from death: prayers during sickness were answered by God, triumphing over death.
The reading from Paul’s second letter to the Corinthians might have been written today: we should share the earth’s resources with other peoples currently in need. We may need help some time! Paul was collecting financial aid for the Church in Jerusalem, since many towns in the rest of the empire had greater resources. Paul’s approach is supremely practical: he praises the Corinthians and then challenges them to give generously. But they should always keep a balance, not beggar themselves.
We resume our Sunday readings from Mark’s gospel. During his journey to heal Jairus’ daughter, Jesus is interrupted by a woman seeking a cure for her continuous haemorrhage. Jesus tells her her faith has restored her to health. As with the child raised from the dead, God’s kingdom breaks through, to help us understand what God has planned for us in his new creation.
(Wisdom 1: 13-15, 2:23-24; Psalm 29(30); 2 Cor 89: 7-15; Mark: 5: 21-43)

11th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B

Ezekiel 17: 22-24; Psalm 91(92); 2 Cor 5: 6-10; Mark 4: 26-34

Ezekiel has many chapters about Israel’s failure to keep faith in God, culminating in the Babylonian exile. But God keeps his promises: He will restore his people to Israel. A remnant will survive and return to Zion, to build a renewed and perfect creation.
The Psalm extolls the Lord’s just deeds: “the just” are so steadfast they appear rooted, flourishing “in the courts of our God”, while “evildoers shall be scattered”.
Paul has described some of his difficulties, accepting that “while we live we are always being given up to death for Jesus’ sake”. He encourages the Corinthians to have confidence in the Lord: whatever problems we face in our earthly lives, we look forward to making “our home with the Lord”. Then our reward will be affected by our behaviour in this world.
In Mark’s gospel Jesus describes the kingdom of God in parables. All around us are examples of transformation, seeds becoming unimaginable plants. We have got used to thinking of the kingdom of God as “somewhere else” – in “heaven” rather than on earth. But Jesus’ parables do not suggest this, and in the Lord’s prayer we ask every day that God’s kingdom come “on earth, as it is in heaven”. Do we mean it? What are we doing about it?
(Ezekiel 17: 22-24; Psalm 91(92); 2 Cor 5: 6-10; Mark 4: 26-34)