From my Heart to Your Heart – Who spilled the coffee?

I was conducting a Bible class to a group of parishioners. They had planned that, each day, one of them would bring a cake and a pot of coffee to be shared after the class. The meeting had ended and people were gathering their things. In this moment I heard something, I looked and saw coffee on the floor. Being very «righteous» I looked and the first thing that came to my mouth was a question: «Ho… who spilled that coffee? ».

When I asked the question there was a lady already cleaning the floor. Without raising her head, she answered:
«Father, now we don’t ask who spilled the coffee. Now we clean it».
Today´s gospel reminds me of the story of the «spilled coffee».
«As Jesus went along, he saw a man who had been blind from birth. His disciples asked him:
«Rabi, who sinned, this man or his parents, for him to have been born blind? » (Jo. 9: 1-2)

I heard many years ago a conference delivered by the captain of an Airlines Company. And one thing that I never forgot was what he said about «blaming». He said that this society will be remembered as the «blaming society». If something goes wrong, very often the first reaction is not
to solve the situation. If something goes wrong the first reaction is to find whom to blame. It seems that the normal reaction should be: «What can I do to solve this problem?» or «What can I do to help»? But the most common reaction is: «Who did that»? «Whose fault is it»? «I am glad I was not there. They cannot blame me». «Who spilled the coffee? ». «Who sinned?
In this story of the blind man, it seems that there was a conspiracy to hurt and humiliate Jesus and to hurt and humiliate the blind man. It seems that the first reaction should be of compassion for the blind man. Besides he was not just blind but also very poor. He was a beggar. The second reaction should be of joy and celebration. They had all the reasons to celebrate and rejoice.  A member of their community whom they knew very well had been blind duringa ll his life and now by Jesus’ intervention he can see.
«It’s better to light a candle than to curse the darkness. »
I was driving my car, with two ladies inside, in one of the busiest streets of Funchal. It was 2PM on one of the hot summer days. It was very very hot. On the sidewalk there was a man sleeping under that sun, covered with a heavy coat. One of the ladies said: «Look at that man laying down
under this hot sun». And then she added:
«But nobody stops. Nobody stops. They don’t even look at him. They don’t even see him».
We all have blind spots that prevent us from paying attention to the human tragedies, and all
kinds of human suffering. LORD HELP ME TO SEE.

Love and Peace
Fr. Bernardino Andrade Andrade

4th Sunday of Lent, Year A

1 Samuel 16:1,6-7,10-13; Psalm 22(23); Ephesians 5:8-14; John 9:1-4

Before our first reading King Saul had disobeyed God’s instructions by allowing animals from his defeated enemy to be sacrificed to the Lord. He put more faith in ceremony and ritual than he did in the Lord. Samuel told Saul obedience is more important than holocausts, and that the Lord has rejected Saul as king of Israel. The Lord sends Samuel to Bethlehem to anoint one of the sons of Jesse as king.
The Psalm celebrates God’s loving care for his people, like a shepherd guarding and guiding his flock, and looking forward to his generous end-time feast.
Paul’s letter to the Ephesians is centred on the Church as Christ’s body, with a mission to make God’s plan of salvation known throughout the world. Christians must “be like children of light, for the effects of the light are seen in goodness, right living and truth”.
John’s dramatic gospel readings continue with the healing of the man born blind, who, at first, appears to take little interest. His parents distance themselves out of fear, echoing the growing separation between Jews and Christians by John’s time. But for John, just seeing is not enough, the light of faith is essential. So Jesus seeks the man out and gradually leads him to full belief, and so to worship him.
(1 Samuel 16:1,6-7,10-13; Psalm 22(23); Ephesians 5:8-14; John 9:1-41)

From my Heart to Your Heart – a map, a cup of coffee, confession and today´s Mass


The «mountain top» experience of my life in Africa was the experience of organizing and conducting retreats for the youth and smaller groups of children. In May of 1966 we started a small group of young adults that we called «Juvenile Center». The group started with twelve boys and girls. All of them were working in different professions. Then students started joining them and pretty soon the group was a large group of different ages. Then the Juvenile Center started growing, up to the point of being able to mobilize the entire city of Quelimane, which is not a big city. There were always different activities happening and those activities created among them a sense of community.


Retreats were the main event that used to congregate boys and girls for three days in a retreat house for prayer, meditation, silence and adoration. In all retreats the main theme was the encounter between Jesus and the Samaritan woman.
«If you knew the gift of God and who it is that is saying to you «give me a drink» you would have asked Him and he would have given you living water. » (Jo. 4:10).

This was the highest event of each retreat.

«If you knew the gift of God…» Conducting this meditation my concern was to put in their hearts and their minds that this «Gift of God» was something very real. It was not just an idea or a feeling. This gift of God had the power to transform their lives. This was the moment when many of them changed their lives and started a new relationship with God. This Gift of God was an exciting gift that changed many lives during the retreats.


Because I was aware of this responsibility, every time I conducted a retreat, I used to prepare it very well. Like as if it were the first time. There were three tools that I used to prepare this meditation: a nap, a cup of coffee and Confession. I wanted to be sure that I was not tired. That’s why,before the meditation, I used to do anything to take some time for a nap. I wanted to be rested and full of energy. The other thing was to drink a cup of coffee. I believed (I don’t know if it was true) that a cup of coffee would help me to be awake. One third thing was to look for a priest, and have a good Confession. I wanted to be full of that «Gift» Jesus is talking about. With these three «crutches» I was usually on fire and I started talking about the «Gift of God» Jesus was talking about with the woman at the well.

This «Gift of God» is offered to each one of us today during this Holy Mass where we all heard the Gospel of the encounter of Jesus and the Samaritan woman who was considered an outcast. But that «Gift of God» performed a miracle. She became a missionary who
brought many people to Jesus.

Fr. Bernardino Andrade 12-03-2023

3rd Sunday of Lent, Year A

Exodus 17:3-7; Psalm 94(95); Romans 5:1-2,5-8; John 4:5-42

Moses led the Israelites out of Egypt about 1300 BC, probably under Ramses II. God gave them food and water while they wandered in the wilderness. But they grumbled, losing faith that “God was with them”. “Massah” means “test”, “Meribah” means “quarrelling”. As this was before they made the covenant with God by Sinai, they are not punished yet. But this generation will not enter the promised land.
The Psalm invites us to praise and worship the Lord daily, for he is our king and shepherd. We must not lose faith in God, as did the Israelites on their desert journey.
Paul tells the Romans that God loves and forgives us, just as he continued caring for the ungrateful Israelites. Christ died for us, proving God’s love, gaining pardon for all humanity and access to his grace through faith.
We hear the first 3 gospels over 3 years, but we hear parts of John’s gospel every year during Lent and Easter. Today Jesus encounters the Samaritan woman at the well. John carefully moves the characters on and off stage as the woman gradually comes towards faith in Jesus. Then, while still unsure, she goes and brings the rest of the Samaritans in her town to hear this man, wondering “Could he possibly be the Messiah?”
(Exodus 17:3-7; Psalm 94(95); Romans 5:1-2,5-8; John 4:5-42)

2nd Sunday of Lent, Year A

Genesis 12:1-4a; Psalm 32(33); 2 Timothy 1:8-10; Matthew 17:1-9

After the Fall, the Flood and the Tower of Babel, Genesis moves to the times of the patriarchs, probably before 1500 BC. God tells Abram to travel from Haran near the Euphrates to “a land that I will show you”. God promises that Abram’s descendants will become a great nation which will be blessed, and will take God’s blessings to all peoples. Abram trusts in God and obeys, following the age-old migration route through Palestine to Egypt.
The Psalm praises the Lord’s power and kindness, confident that he will rescue us from our urgent waiting.
In one of his last letters Paul instructs Timothy to continue proclaiming the true gospel he received from Paul, correcting errors that will arise from false teachers. God’s plan, made before time began, was revealed by the appearing of Jesus Christ, who has saved all humanity, abolishing death. And God freely offers us grace to be holy.
In Matthew’s gospel, Jesus for the first time tells his disciples of his coming passion. They are then given a preview of Jesus’ glory as the Son of God. Moses and Elijah appear with Jesus, who is the correct interpreter of the Law and the Prophets. Then Jesus predicts his resurrection, after which they will understand what they have seen.
(Genesis 12:1-4a; Psalm 32(33); 2 Timothy 1:8-10; Matthew 17:1-9)

1st Sunday of Lent, Year A

Genesis 2:7-9, 3:1-7; Psalm 50(51); Romans 5:12-19; Matthew 4:1-11

From Genesis we have the second and probably older description of the creation of humanity. This expresses the truth that God made us as “living beings”. By eating the forbidden fruit, man does “become like God”, able to make choices, but without the wisdom needed to choose well. Perhaps like a child’s growing self-awareness. The mischievous serpent later came to be interpreted as Satan.
This penitential Psalm begs pardon for our sins, asking to be restored to grace and purity, and promising to make God’s mercy known to others.
Paul has been arguing to the Romans that righteousness comes only through faith. Human beings are unable to become righteous by following the Law given to Moses, which identifies – but does not help to avoid – sin. God offers righteousness as gift, through Jesus’ obedience to his Father.
In Matthew’s gospel the devil introduces each temptation with the words: “If you are the Son of God”, exploring what can it mean for Jesus to be “Son of God”? Is he a miracle-worker, able to satisfy all desires without effort? Is it about showy displays of power or trying to make God do what we want, in return for belief in him? Jesus dismisses Satan, showing his real power. Jesus will rule over all creation, but only through the Cross.

7th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A

Leviticus 19:1-2, 17-18; Psalm 102(103); 1 Corinthians 3:16-23; Matthew 5:382

Leviticus, meaning “he called”, is about holiness, the utter separateness of God. We are each called to become whole, like a jigsaw with all the parts fitting together perfectly. Hence “You shall be holy, because I, the Lord, am holy”. The book expands the basic commandments, insisting on concern for our neighbour, the sacredness of sex, the marriage laws, and forbidding aberrant sexual behaviour. Thus the Israelites are to keep themselves in a state of wholeness, as a sign of their intimate union with the Holy Lord.
The Psalm is a hymn of grateful praise to God, whose mercy is great because he knows man’s frailty.
Paul is critical of the Corinthians, telling them they were not mature enough to be given the solid food of spiritual instruction, because they were still jealously quarrelling among themselves about who to follow. They must follow only Christ, obeying God’s rules, even though this will be seen as foolishness by the wisdom of this world.
In Matthew’s Gospel Jesus continues drawing out the meaning of the Commandments in the sermon on the mount. Last week the shorter form omitted the difficult teachings forbidding divorce and calling our brother a fool. Today we are urged to love our enemies. Always Jesus pushes us further, urging us towards perfection, in union with our heavenly Father.
(Leviticus 19:1-2, 17-18; Psalm 102(103); 1 Corinthians 3:16-23; Matthew 5:38-48)

From my heart to your heart: Carne de Vinha d’ alhos (Meat of wine and garlic)

One of the most delicious, inexpensive and popular dishes of Madeira Island is a dish called «carne de vinha dà-lhos» that means «meat of wine and garlic». Usually it is consumed in sandwiches and it is most popular during Christmas Season. When I was a child, this was the only
time of the year when the people of the countryside would have the privilege of eating meat. Most of the people were poor and they had no money to buy meat.

Therefore, they would raise a pig during the year to be killed one week before Christmas. The meat was prepared and sometimes it would last for the entire year. The funny part is that this was at a time when nobody had refrigerators or freezers but the meat was very well preserved and would last as long as they needed.

For me, who lived this kind of life along with my neighbours, this is not a surprise. That’s why it is not a surprise that Jesus had called his disciples «You are the salt of the earth». The Madeiran people from the countryside, when they heard Jesus calling them «salt of the earth» they understood the meaning very well. They knew that the delicious meat that had been prepared by them would never be deteriorated because it had been completely mixed and penetrated with salt, which was the most efficient and only preservative that could guarantee a «fresh» piece of meat at any time of the year with no refrigerators or freezers.Jesus calls us «salt of the earth and light of the world». These are the two words that summarize today’s Gospel (Math. 5: 13-16).


Years ago, there was a movement in the Catholic Church called «Catholic Action»: It was a Catholic movement that «shook» the youth of the entire world, especially Europe. Cardinal Cardijn, a Belgian priest,was its founder. One day somebody asked him:

«Cardinal, the Catholic Action is fishing with a hook or with a net? ».

The Cardinal answered:

«Catholic Action is not fishing with a hook or with a net. The Catholic Action is simply to change the water where the fish swim».

This is the role of all baptized. This is being salt of the earth and light of the world. This is getting involved with the world and its problems, its sufferings and being a passionate follower of Jesus to help Him to change the water where the fish swim. «It is no longer I who live, but it is Christ who lives in me»; (Gal. 2: 20).

Love and Peace,
Fr. Bernardino Andrade

5th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A

Isaiah 58:7-10; Psalm 111(112); 1 Corinthians 2:1-5; Matthew 5:13-16

After the exiles returned to rebuild Jerusalem there were many difficulties and they lost heart. Third Isaiah writing after 500BC told them this was because of a lack of social justice: ritual and fasting have value only if they are expressions of a just society. Today’s reading and the verse before it give the essentials of true religion: deal justly with your neighbour, free the oppressed, feed the hungry. Then your good deeds will influence others and give glory to God, without drawing attention to yourselves.
The Psalm praises the virtues of the God-fearing man, who lights the way for others lost in confusion.
Paul says that when he came to the Corinthians, he did not draw attention to himself by relying on the powers of clever oratory to convince people about the ‘mystery’ of God – the salvific events to be revealed in the age to come. No, he believes “Jesus Christ and him crucified”, the message itself, making visible the power of God, is strong enough to convince.
In Matthew’s gospel Jesus began his ministry in Galilee, previously part of the northern kingdom Israel. On a mountain he teaches the beatitudes, before insisting Christians must show the way for all mankind to find the way to God, influencing without seeking to be noticed.
(Isaiah 58:7-10; Psalm 111(112); 1 Corinthians 2:1-5; Matthew 5:13-16)

4th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A

Zeph 2:3,3:12-13; Psalm 145(146): 7-10; 1 Corinthians 1:26-31; Matthew 5:1-12

About 630 BC Zephaniah strongly denounced the idolatry that had developed during the reign of Josiah. He prophesied “A day of wrath, … a day of darkness and gloom” – from which we have our hymn Dies Irae. But God would leave a remnant of humble and lowly people – from whom tradition believes Jesus’ and John the Baptist’s parents came, and also Simeon and Anna.

The Psalm, echoed by Mary in Luke’s Magnificat, confirms that God’s justice will prevail: the hungry will be fed, the blind given sight, but the wicked will lose out.

Continuing his letter to the Corinthians, Paul reminds them “the world did not know God through wisdom”. God has made us members of Christ, who has become our wisdom. God’s plan works in ways that seem foolish and weak to us. We have nothing to boast about except the Lord.

About forty years after Jesus died, Matthew followed Mark in writing a gospel, which he arranged as five collections of sayings by Jesus, alternating with five collections describing what Jesus did. The first collection of sayings, the Sermon on the Mount, starts with the Beatitudes, which we hear today. Over the remaining Sundays before Lent we hear the rest of this Sermon, in which Jesus develops the Commandments given to Moses into positive ways of living. Although much of the promised happiness of the kingdom of God is in the future, it does extend to the present time in anticipation.

(Zeph 2:3,3:12-13; Psalm 145(146): 7-10; 1 Corinthians 1:26-31; Matthew 5:1-12)