A Dramatic Response to A Dramatic Appeal


Thank You to everyone who has been touched to donate after reading Fr. Bernardino’s appeal in the newsletter two weeks ago. You have all been helping to make a difference in someone’s life right now. Thank you! «People Helping People» has received a dramatic response from many people who have donated. Father Bernardino decided to call this group of people who have been sending in donations to help the poor, the «Community of Feet Washers». He has been making a list with all your names to put on the little altar where he says his daily Mass at home with his niece.
In today’s newsletter you will see the complete list of everyone who has sent in a donation, either by bank transfer or through PayPal. Yes! People Helping People has a PayPal account now! There are also another two options for those who struggle with making bank transfers to Madeira. (More info on these options are explained on the next page).

The «Community of Feet Washers»:

Below is the complete list of people who have donated to People Helping People and made it possible help the needy families with food, medication and also part of rent payments (after job losses). To respect confidentiality of those of you who have donated, we are using only the first names and the initial letter of the surname of the donors. If you sent a donation and don’t see your name on the list below, please let us know by emailing penhafranca.newsletter@gmail.com.

All the names below are of donations received through bank transfer or PayPal, so if you don’t see your donation please do get in touch. This week we managed to track a donation after we were contacted for this reason, and we were able to find the “lost” transfer this way. 

Donations received 3 weeks ago:

30 March – Julie Marie S. 01 April – Lurdes S.
30 March – James Bernard S. 01 April – Francis and Joan C.
30 March – Graham and Mary H. 01 April – Michael and Patricia K.
30 March – Michael Andrew B 01 April – Nationwide Building Society
31 March – Jayne H. 01 April – Patricia and Terence H.
31 March – Froydis G. 02 April – Anthony S.
31 March – Stefanie L. 02 April – Jim and Morag
31 March – Helmut U. and Sieglinde K. 03 April – Manuel Adolfo B.M.
31 March – João Carlos S. 03 April – Alan OB

Donations Received his week and last week

Donations received this week Donations received last week:
14 April – Michael Andrew B 06 April – Sean De B.
14 April – Philip and Brenda F-P 06 April – David and Joanna B
14 April – Ron and Julie G. 06 April – Harry C.
14 April – Dirk and Margaret Van G. 07 April – Neil and Dena S.
15 April – Veronica and Peter B. 07 April – Hugh S. and family
15 April – JH and PM Holden 08 April – Graham B.
15 April – Maurice L. 08 April – Michael Andrew B.
15 April – Antonio Fernandes F. 09 April – David Arthur V
18 April – D. Vierra 09 April – Christine and Tom M.
09 April – Ron and Janet H.

Update: To view an updated list of all those who have donated please see our latest newsletter:

Newsletter 17th May 2020

CORPUS CHRISTI – Celebrated in Madeira on Thursday, May 31st

constructing the flower carpets

The Feast of Corpus Christi (also known as the “Feast of the Body and Blood of Christ), was celebrated here in Madeira last Thursday, May 31st. A special mass was held at the Sé Cathedral in the centre of Funchal, followed by a procession through the streets.

Flower carpets (arrangements of flowers laid out on the street to resemble colourful carpets) lined the streets around the Cathedral. During the procession, the Blessed Sacrament was displayed in a monstrance which was held by our bishop, D. António Carrilho. Here are some of the highlights of the day….

constructing the flower carpets1


Restoration of the Chapel

FUNDRAISER – Help Us Restore The Chapel Of Our Lady Of Penha de França

Father Vitor Sousa (our chaplain) has been raising funds towards repairs which are urgently needed to preserve and help restore our beautiful Chapel. (The Chapel of Our Lady of Penha de França is almost 400 years old!) The chancel ceiling above the altar is especially in need of intervention. Raffle tickets are available for sale at the Chapel at a cost of 1 euro each, with the purpose of helping to pay for the restoration work necessary at the chapel.

The draw was authorized by the Regional Authority for Economic Activities (ARAE) and will take place on Sunday April 15th, at 12h30, in the Social Hall of the Chapel, where Fr. Vitor will hand out the 27 Prize vouchers. Some of the prizes include:

Dinner for 2 at The Vine hotel
Official T-shirt of the soccer team Club Sport Marítimo
Tea for 2 people at Belmonte Reid’s Palace Madeira
Embroidered cloth of a Poinsettia flower from Casa do Turista
A meal for 2 people at Istanbul Turkish Restaurant
Lunch for 2 people at Design Centre Nini Andrade
2 tickets to watch a Club Sport Maritimo soccer game

People Helping People in the World – A NOVEL IDEA!

The Association People Helping People is crossing the boundaries of Madeira and Portugal.

Mrs. Jane Caldwell, from England, wrote a book called «Frozen Stiff». On the bottom of the book’s cover we can read «All profits from the sale of this book, will go to the Madeiran Charity PHP – “People Helping People”».

Thank you Mrs. Caldwell and thanks to your husband Peter Caldwell for his unconditional support.
Fr. Bernardino Andrade

I have invited Mrs. Caldwell to tell you more about her book…

During the past fifteen years we have had many wonderful holidays in this beautiful island. We have been impressed with the friendly and resilient people, but sadly also by the poverty that exists on the island. As a result, we have become staunch admirers of PHP (People Helping People) and I have now written a novel to help the project. It is a light hearted, slightly romantic detective story, set in some places people may recognize; it is a typical holiday read.

“Frozen Stiff” by “Agatha Frisky” is available as a Kindle e-book for £3:50. Every cent will go towards the PHP project.

Happy Reading.
Jane Caldwell (janecaldwell902@gmail.com)caldwell_frozen_stifffrozen_stiff

Ceremony of Sending


On Nov. 11, 2016 “PEOPLE HELPING PEOPLE” became an official Association. Last Sunday, on the Feast of Christ the King, the nine official leaders were anointed by Fr. Bernardino, with the oil of Sending.