Scripture Readings 11th April 2021, Easter Sunday, Year B
Acts 4: 32-35; Psalm: 117(118); 1 John 5: 1-6; John 20: 19-31
During the six weeks of Easter the first readings are from the Book of Acts, in which Luke describes Jesus continuing his ministry through the Church after his earthly life ended. Not intimidated by his arrest, Peter continued to attract many Jews to follow Jesus. Today we hear how this growing community held their assets in common. The next verses give two examples: Barnabas who gave the proceeds from selling a field; and Ananias and his wife, who held back some of the proceeds and were struck dead by Peter in his Apostolic role as a Judge of Israel.
The dramatic Passover Psalm from Easter Sunday is repeated today more fully, thanking God for repeatedly coming to our rescue and saving us.
The second readings in Eastertide are from the first letter of John, whose gospel said little about Jesus’ humanity and his moral teachings. Some members of John’s community needed to be reminded that our faith is in a man, Jesus, who is Son of God, God’s Christ. Loving God means keeping his commandments.
The gospel reading is the beautiful first ending of John’s gospel, after Thomas, in the highest expression of faith in any of the gospels, acclaims Jesus as “My Lord and my God”.
Psalm Response: Give thanks to the Lord for He is good, for His love has no end.
(Acts 4: 32-35; Psalm: 117(118); 1 John 5: 1-6; John 20: 19-31)