Newsletter 8/06/2014 – Pentecost
Thoughts on the Scripture Readings
Acts 2:1-11 Ps 103 1 Cor 12:3-7,12-13 Jn 20:19-23
Until recently Pentecost was less understood by Christians than the other two Jewish pilgrimage feasts of Passover and Tabernacles. Then the Dead Sea Scrolls showed that Pentecost was associated with God giving the Covenant on Sinai, and it was at Pentecost that new community members were enrolled. So the coming of the Holy Spirit on the Apostles at Pentecost fits neatly with this Covenant feast.
Acts tells us that they “had all met”, including Mary the mother of Jesus, and his brothers. God often made himself known with wind and fire. The list of peoples who hear and understand the Apostles extends from the east to west of the empire: effectively this is the programme for the mission now starting.
After rebuking the Corinthians for their factions and giving us the earliest description of the Eucharist, Paul shows how Christians together make up the one body of Christ on earth. It is the one Spirit who gives the gifts each individual needs for the particular task God has given him or her.
In the first ending of John’s Gospel, Jesus appears to Mary Magdalen after his resurrection, and then to the disciples huddled together in a closed room “for fear of the Jews”. Jesus breathes the Holy Spirit on them, giving them power to forgive sins.
Psalm Response: Send forth your Spirit, O Lord and renew the face of the earth
by Fr. Bernardino Andrade
Deerek Redmond ran in a semi-final of the 1992 Barcelona Olympics. Half way round the track this British athlete collapsed with a torn hamstring. For some strange reason, he wanted to finish the race, and he struggled to his feet. Derek’s Dad got up out of the stand, and he broke his way through security. His Dad picked up his crying son, and together they finished the race.
That man did what the Holy Spirit does for us. It’s when we are spiritually exhausted, when we find ourselves giving into the spirit of slavery again and again, when we can’t pray, when we don’t want to pray, when our faith is not strong enough – when there is no way we can finish the race. That’s when the Spirit picks us up, and drags us to the finish line. (Rev. Gerhard)
Today is Pentecost Sunday. It is the Holy Spirit Sunday. Most of the times, tourists can not function without maps where they find directions to use each day properly.
Christians have a map that gives them directions to live a very happy and productive live. That’s what we call the FRUITS OF THE HOLY SPIRIT. Against these there is no law. LOVE… JOY… PEACE… PATIENCE… KINDNESS… GOODNESS… GENTLENESS… FAITHFULNESS… AND SELF CONTROL… (Gal. 5: 22-23).