– Brought to you by Fr. Bernardino Andrade



I fell deeper in love with the Bible when I discovered that the Bible was a parable of our lives. It is a parable of my life. It is like a mirror where I can see me, my Church and the world. I can see me in some good moments, like when I try to behave like Jesus. But also it is a mirror where I can see my stupidities and my embarrassing moments. I felt very good when someone one day told me: «You speak with the accent of Jesus». But in that mirror I can see so many dark sides of me and my church.

Today’s Gospel (Mark 10) is one of those embarrassing pages of the Bible. Two brothers – James and John approached Jesus and asked Him «Allow us to sit one at your right hand and the other at your left in your glory». «When the other ten heard this they began to feel indignant with James and John». Hunger for power and jealousy invaded Jesus’ community. They were the chosen ones.

This is a real embarrassing page of the Gospel. But Jesus was so polite to them, so patient, so kind and ended his conversation like this «Anyone who wants to become great among you must be your servant, and anyone who wants to be first among you must be slave to all. For the Son of Man himself did not come to be served but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many».


A boy was consistently coming home late from school. There was no good reason for his tardiness, and no amount of discussion seemed to help. Finally, in desperation, the boy’s father sat him down and said: «The next time you come late from school you are going to be given bread and water for your supper, and nothing else. Is that perfectly clear son?» The boy looked straight into his father’s eyes and nodded. He understood perfectly.

A few days later the boy came home even later than usual. That night however, when they sat down together at the table there was only one slice of bread in his plate and a glass of water. His father’s and mother’s plate were full of food. The father waited for the full impact to sink in, then quietly took the boy’s plate and placed it in front of himself. He took his own plate and put it in front of the boy. The boy understood what his father was doing. His father was taking upon himself the punishment that he, the boy, had brought upon himself by his delinquent behaviour.

Years later the boy recalled the incident and said: «All my life I’ve known what God is like by what my father did that night.» «The Son of Man came to give his life to redeem many people».

Peace and Love,
Fr. Bernardino Andrade

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