Newsletter, 12th October, 28th Sunday of Ordinary Time, Year A

Scripture Readings

Isa 25:6-10 Ps 22 Phil 4:12-14, 19-20 Matt 22:1-14

After the desolation of the earth and the final judgement, Isaiah describes in mouth-watering detail the great banquet the Lord will provide. It will be on Mount Zion and all peoples are invited. Not only will all sorrows be wiped away, but also the ultimate worry – death – will be destroyed. The familiar Psalm 22 repeats these assurances.

Our readings from Paul’s letter to the Philippians conclude with Paul again thanking them for their continued support and the money they had sent him. God’s help enables him to be content whatever his problems, but their thoughtfulness is especially welcome now that he is in prison. He ends his letter with a fond farewell: “The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit”.

The first reading helps us to understand Matthew’s parable of the wedding feast. The kingdom of heaven is to be compared to a feast – the heavenly banquet to which all are invited. But if we accept the invitation we must prepare adequately and be willing to participate fully. Otherwise we may still be thrown out. Our membership must be visible to others. We must do more than just belong. Like the Philippians we must share what we have with the community we have joined, and with those in need.

Psalm Response: In the Lord’s own house shall I dwell for ever and ever.

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