Newsletter 1st June, 2014 – Ascension Sunday

An Introduction to the Readings

Acts 1:1-11    Ps 46     Eph 1:17-23     Mt 28:16-20

Luke’s Gospel opens in the Temple in Jerusalem with the angel appearing to Zechariah, and ends, after the ascension, with the disciples joyfully praising God in the Temple, still in Jerusalem. Acts starts with Jesus’ appearances over 40 days and his ascension, but finishes in Rome. This “double ascension” links Jesus’ ministry “to the lost sheep of Israel” with the apostles’ witness “to the ends of the earth”. Jesus’ restored kingdom will be his continued presence on earth in and through the witness of his people, the Church.The reading ends with the promise that Jesus will return to the Mount of Olives, where the Jews expect all the nations to stream for the Lord’s return at the end of time.

Paul opened his letter to the Ephesians by reminding them that God has made known to us the mystery of his plan “to unite all things in Jesus”. He then prays that they may know the hope – ie confidence – that this revelation gives us, ending with his understanding of the Church as Christ’s body.

Matthew’s Gospel ends with Jesus commissioning the Apostles to “make disciples of all the nations”. Both Luke and Matthew, writing about 40 years after the Ascension, emphasise that Christians are to show their commitment by being baptised.

Psalm Response:    God goes up with shouts of joy, the Lord goes up with trumpet blast.


by Fr. Bernardino Andrade

No Other Plans

A beautiful old story tells us tells us of how Jesus, after His Ascension into Heaven, was surrounded by the Holy Angels who began to enquire about His work on earth. Jesus told them about His birth , life, preaching , death and resurrection, and how He had accomplished the salvation of the world.

The angel Gabriel asked, “Well, now that you are back in Heaven, who will continue your work on earth?”
Jesus said, “While I was on earth, I gathered a group of people around me who believed in me and loved me. They will continue to spread the Gospel and carry on the work of the Church.”
Gabriel was perplexed. “You mean Peter, who denied you thrice and all the rest who ran away when you were crucified? You mean to tell us that you left them to carry on your work? And what will you do if this plan doesn’t work?”.
Jesus said:”I have no other plan – it must work”.

Jesus has no other plan than to depend on the efforts of his followers. Jesus has no other plans than to depend on you and me. The tragedy is that you and I have power to sabotage the plans of Jesus.