Newsletter 21st December 2014, 4th Sunday of Advent, Year B

Scripture Readings

After seven years as King of Judah, David was anointed King of all the tribes of Israel. He then captured Jerusalem from the Jebusites, making it the capital of Israel. Then he increased his power by bringing into Jerusalem the Ark of the Covenant, in which the Lord dwelt. But in our first reading the Lord tells David not to build a house for the Ark, because the Lord will himself build a house – ie a dynasty – founded on David. This covenant is repeated in today’s Psalm.
Two verses summarise Paul’s letter to the Romans. The Good News is that Jesus Christ is the revelation of God’s plan that all humanity is to be brought into community with God through faith. Observing the rules of the Jewish Law is not enough: we are justified and saved by Jesus’ faith in his Father and by our faith in Jesus Christ.
Luke gives us the supreme example of faith: Mary agrees to God’s invitation to be the mother of God’s Son – the greatest ‘Yes’ in history! Even though she does not know what the future might bring – except possibly death by stoning as an unmarried mother. By her faith and trust in God she becomes the first disciple. And God’s promise to David is fulfilled.

Psalm Response: I will sing for ever of your love, O Lord.

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