Newsletter 24th August, 21st Sunday of the Year A

Thoughts on Today’s Scripture Readings

Is 22:19-23      Ps 137 Rom 11:33-36            Mt 16:13-20
A good example of the Old Testament helping us to understand the New. In Matthew’s gospel reading today Jesus gives Peter power to “bind and loose”. Isaiah, predicting the expulsion of self-seeking officials, describes what this power means: Eliakim, newly appointed as “master of the palace”, is given complete authority to decide who may enter the House of David – and who may not. And he is to be “a father to the inhabitants of Jerusalem and the House of Judah”. Like Eliakim, Peter, and – in chapter 18 – all the apostles, are given authority to make eternal decisions, which will be upheld by God. In last Sunday’s reading from chapter 11 of Romans, Paul suggested that he was sent as the apostle to the pagans “in order to make my fellow Jews jealous, and thus save some of them”. Israel, even while attacking the gospel, is still God’s “beloved”, since God never takes back his promises. This week Paul brings us to gasp in awe and wonder at the daring brilliance of God’s plan, which we can never fully comprehend.
This chapter of Matthew’s gospel began with Jesus finally breaking off discussions with the Jewish authorities. Now recognised as divine, Jesus, begins to form his disciples into a community to continue his work after his death.
Psalm Response: Your love, O Lord, is eternal: discard not the work of your hands.


Fr. Bernardino Andrade


Bob was a busy sales man. He used to travel a lot but his marriage and his family were always first. Every time he travelled Bob would bring home special gifts for his wife and children. Bob’s little daughter was paralized. One day when he came home Bob brought a big box for his wife and greeted his daughter seated on the floor waiting for him.
    – What’s that daddy? 
    – A special gift for your mother.
    – Daddy, she asked, give it to me and let me take it to mommy.
    – It is too heavy, darling. You can’t carry this weight.
    – Pease, Daddy. Give it to me. I want to take it to mommy. 
    – Sweet heart, you know that you can not walk. Your legs are very week. You have no strength in your arms and legs to carry this box.
    – Please, please give it to me. 
    – OK. I will give it to you and you will immediately see that you will not be able and have no strength to carry this box by yourself and give it to your mother. Then Bob gently put the box on her daughter’s knees.
    Bob’s little girl grabbed the box with her arms and, smiling, looked at her father and said:
      – Now daddy you carry me.
    Somtimes the burdens and the decisions in life look to heavy for us. The solution is to look to God in intimate prayer and say:
    – Abba, Father, now carry me.

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