Newsletter 3rd August 18th Sunday, Year A

Thoughts on Today’s Scripture Readings

Is 55:1-3    Ps 144     Rom 8:35,37-39     Mt 14:13-21
Second Isaiah encourages the Israelites exiled in Babylon by reminding them that God had not forgotten his everlasting covenant with them. They are still invited to turn to him and to enjoy the heavenly banquet in the end days. But they must “listen, and your soul will live”. The Psalm says: God – of his nature – must be “just in all his ways”, but he is also “kind and full of compassion”.
Paul has now arrived at the tremendous conclusion he has been working towards through these four chapters of his letter to the Romans: “nothing can come between us and the love of Christ”. We have been justified by our faith in the gospel. God is on our side. Jesus himself prays on our behalf. We can be certain that, no matter who we are, nor what we do, God never stops loving us. How difficult it can be to accept this! This is what God’s covenant means: we will never cease to be his people.
The Gospel shows how readily God provides for our needs, just like he provided the manna in the desert. The feedings of the multitudes give us a foretaste of the heavenly banquet to come. And, foreshadowing the Eucharist, the disciples begin to take on some of Christ’s work.
Psalm Response:           You open wide your hand, O Lord; you grant our desires


Fr. Bernardino Andrade


Rabindra Nath Tagore`s cook and house keeper did not come to work one time one morning. Like so many professional men of his mind-set, Tagore was utterly helpless when it came to the routine details of the day, getting his clothes together, making his breakfast, tidying up his place. An hour went by, and Tagore was getting angrier by the minute. He thought about all kinds of punishment. Three hours later, he no longer thought of punishment. He would discharge the man without any further consideration, get rid of him, turn him out. Finally the man showed up it was mid-day. Without a word, the servant proceeded with his duties as though nothing had happened. He picked up Tagore´s clothes and set to making breakfast. Then he started cleaning, Tagore watched all of this with mounting rage. Finally he said, «Drop everything! Get out! I can´t stand the sight of you. You are dismissed… fired!» The man, however, continued sweeping, and after another few minutes, with quiet dignity he said, «My little girl died last night».
«If you knew the pain of your worst enemy you would become his best friend»

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