27th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B

Gen 2:18-24; Ps 127(128); Heb 2:9-11; Mk 10:2-16)

In this second version of creation, since God has created man as social being like himself, he now creates woman, to support and join with him.

The Psalm celebrates the blessings of children and family life.

Readings from the Letter to the Hebrews will take us up to the end of Ordinary Time. The most Jewish of the New Testament books, it has a rich theology of Christ’s priesthood. Jesus is greater than the angels as God, but lower than the angels as man. Christ’s priestly sacrifice, as man and as God’s Son, renews once and for ever the covenant God has made with man.

As intermediaries, priests offer prayers and sacrifices to God on our behalf. Not seeking to change God’s mind. Relationships are confirmed with celebratory meals and things of value sacrificed by making them unusable. A wedding feast confirms our witness and support for the vows made by the married couple.

In Mark’s Gospel Jesus continues teaching during his journey to Jerusalem. He insists on the full meaning of the Law, which Mark updates, applying it also to a Gentile woman divorcing her husband. The union of a man and a woman in a marriage made by God cannot be unmade. Children help us to recognise our utter dependence on God.

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