FROM MY HEART TO YOUR HEART – Natalia’s First Communion

At the English service on the 9th April, we were happy to celebrate the first communion of a little girl called Natália. This is Father Bernadino’s letter to her as contained in the weekly newsletter.

– Brought to you by Fr. Bernardino Andrade

Dear Natália

Welcome to the banquet of Jesus. Congratulations! Today you are making your First Holy Communion. We all feel very privileged that you have chosen us, the members of the Community of Penha de França Chapel, to be part of this very Sacred Meal. I feel very privileged to have been walking with you on your exciting faith journey.

I baptized you on March 15, 2009. I baptized your two brothers, Manolito and Pedrito. Your parents Manolo and Carolina took very seriously their commitment with the person of Jesus and His project that is «to bring good news to the poor» (Lk. 4: 18).

For the last few years, through the project «People Helping People», it is your family that has been paying the house rent of an extremely poor and large family. Your father is in the list of volunteers who give car lifts to the needy. Your grandmother Arlinda, very often, has surprised us with her generous donations to the poor. This is Gospel. This is Good News. This is the Gospel of Jesus Christ according to the Borrero’s and Catanho’s Family. With St. Paul you can say: «It is no longer I who live but Christ who lives in me» (Gal. 2: 20). And because Jesus lives in you, the Fruits of the Holy Spirit (Galatians 5: 22-23), will always be your way of life.

Let me remind you the nine Fruits of the Holy Spirit in a very special way.
Natalia is LOVE; Natalia is JOY; Natalia is PEACE; Natalia is PATIENCE; Natalia is KINDNESS; Natalia is GENEROSITY; Natalia is FAITHFULNESS; Natalia is GENTLENESS; Natalia is SELF-CONTROL.
There is no law against such things (Gal. 5: 22-23).

Congratulations, Natalia! Jesus loves you and so do we.

Fr. Bernardino Andrade

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