– Brought to you by Fr. Bernardino Andrade

The phone rang at 1:00 AM in the home of Leo Winters, a brilliant Chicago surgeon. It was the Hospital telling him that a young boy had been tragically mangled in a car accident. Dr. Winters’ hands were probably the only ones in the city skilled enough to save that boy’s life. He put on his clothes, jumped into his car and decided the quickest route to the hospital would be to drive through a dangerous neighbourhood, but since time was critical, he decided to take the risk.

He came to a stop light and when he did, a man in a gray hat and a dirty flannel shirt, opened the door, pulled him out of his seat and screamed, «Give me your car».

The doctor tried to explain that he was on an emergency call, but the thief refused to listen. He threw the doctor out of the car, jumped in and sped off. The doctor wandered for more than 45 minutes looking for a phone so he could call a taxi. When he finally got to the hospital, more than an hour had passed. He ran through the hospital doors, up the stairs, to the nurses’ station. The nurse on duty looked at him and shook her head and said, «I am sorry but you are too late. The boy died 30 minutes ago. His father is in the chapel if you want to see him. He is awfully upset because he couldn’t understand why you couldn’t come to help his son. »

Doctor Winters walked hurriedly down the hallway and entered into the chapel. Weeping at the altar was a man dressed in a dirty flannel shirt and gray hat, whose eyes were blinded by tears. The boy’s father looked up at the doctor in horror, recognizing him from the car he had taken, and realized his tragic mistake. He had foolishly pushed away the only man in that city that could have saved his son!

There is only one person that can save your soul. When you exit this life, at the moment you die, you will enter eternity. If you intend to go to Heaven, you had better make sure you take the one Way, which is the only way and His name is Jesus Christ.

There is one more game around attacking the youth. They call it «blue whale». One of the basic needs of a human being is to find meaning for their lives. If they don’t have it, they will create their own. They will create games that kill. Jesus says «I am the way».
«I came in order that you have life and life in full». «I came in order that your joy may be complete». The tragic mistake is that, very often, the parents are the ones who throw into the streets the «Doctor that can save their children’s lives».

Love and Peace,
Fr. Bernardino Andrade

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