– Brought to you by Fr. Bernardino Andrade (

When Father Luke was appointed the new pastor for the Good Shepherd Parish he asked the Bishop if he could take a two-month vacation before entering his new parish. The Bishop made some arrangements and said yes.

Fr. Luke didn’t rest during those two months. He just spent that time trying to study his new parish: visited people, attended a few Sunday and weekday Masses, asked many questions, visited a few homes and took many notes. He got in touch with a few institutions, visited a few bars and a few large and poor families; spent time with the homeless, the drogatics and some people who were excluded and avoided by the society.

During Sunday Masses he could see some «good choirs» performing beautiful hymns but the people were just listening. People were not involved in singing. The readers and ministers of Communion were the same Sunday after Sunday. Two or three people acted like they owned the Church. Hospitality was not the strength of the Good Shepherd Church. He also saw many beautiful and exciting things he wanted to preserve. He was careful in writing everything down… things that needed to be changed… but he was also surprised by some beautiful things and events that were great contributions towards a living Parish.

Finally the day arrived. People were prepared to welcome their new Pastor. Father Luke said a few Masses but there was one of them that was his inaugural celebration with a beautiful choir, lots of flowers and a very well organized procession. The highlight of the day was his homily. Everybody listened with amazement and admiration to his homily. It was beautiful. From the beginning they realized that their pastor was a great preacher. After Mass, all those who could approach him congratulated Fr. Luke for his beautiful homily. Actually, Fr. Luke’s first homily was the theme of the week.

Then the second Sunday arrived. Everybody was excited to hear Fr. Luke. Even those who were not regular Mass attendees were curious to hear him. As usual, after reading the Gospel, Father Luke gave his inspiring homily. Most of the people enjoyed it but were surprised and disappointed that Fr. Luke repeated word for word the homily he had given on the Sunday before. After Mass the compliments were not so abundant and most of the people were not so happy.

The third Sunday arrived. The Mass was beautiful, the same homeless were begging outside the church, the choir kept singing and people listening. This was the Good Shepherd Church. Then came the time for the homily of the so-called great preacher. Beautiful, but nothing new. Father Luke repeated the same homily again, word for word. Of course, the disappointment was becoming very uncomfortable.

Finally a parish organization (including the owners of the church) decided to talk with their new pastor: « Father! We hope you don’t mind but we want to tell you that many people, including us, are very disappointed with your homilies. Everybody enjoyed your first homily. But have you realized that it is the third time that you are giving exactly the same homily that you gave on your first Sunday at our Parish? ».

«Yes, I have realized that. But I have not seen, yet, anybody doing anything about what I said on my first Sunday ».

Love and Peace
Fr. Bernardino Andrade

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