FROM MY HEART TO YOUR HEART – I found God by Surprise

catia– Brought to you by Fr. Bernardino Andrade (

Cátia and Helena, our musicians on Sunday morning Mass, often sing a Portuguese Hymn for the Thanksgiving. The Hymn is called “Encontrei Deus de Surpresa” (I found God by Surprise). The words of the song are so beautiful that I wanted to share it with the English community who will be attending Mass today. Translations are always difficult, and hymns and poems are even more difficult. I did my best to translate the Hymn. Here it is, in Portuguese and in English:

Encontrei Deus de surpresa I found God by surprise
no caminho que eu seguia. On the road that I was following
Encontrei, tenho a certeza, I found Him, I am very sure
como do sol que me guia! As the sun that guides me.
1) Tão perto de mim O vi 1. Very close to me I have seen Him
e de mim tão diferente And from me He was so different
que todo me confundi That I was so confused
ao vê-Lo assim tão presente. When I saw Him very present.
2) Quis escusar-me, confesso. 2. I wanted to escape, I confess
Ele Senhor, eu vassalo, He was my Lord and I was his servant
mas o único processo But the only way to escape
de fugir é abraçá-lo. Was to run and hug Him3)
Preferi Jesus antes de mim. 3. I have preferred Jesus over me
Tudo fiquei a lucrar. And I gained everything.
Minha alegria é sem fim! There is no end to my joy!
Só me apetece chorar! I only feel like crying!
4) Preferi Jesus antes de mim 4. I have preferred Jesus over me
Tudo fiquei a lucrar And I gained everything
Minha alegria é sem fim There is no end to my joy!
Só me apetece cantar! I only feel like singing!

“Is he a homeless? Is he a drunkard? Is he a thief? Is he an angel in disguise”, these were some of the questions that crossed my mind before I knelt by his side. Then I remembered Mother Teresa’s words: «When you start by judging you have no time to love».  Then I discovered who he was, and before I blessed him, I started singing: “I FOUND GOD BY SURPRISE”

fatherwith homeless

Love and Peace,
Fr. Bernardino Andrade



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