Scripture Readings 6th May 2018, 6th Sunday of Easter, Year B

Acts 10: 25-26,34-35,44,48 ; Psalm 97(98):1-4 ; 1 John 4: 7-10 ; John 15: 9-17

The readings from Easter to Pentecost from Luke’s Book of Acts show Jesus continuing his ministry through the Church. The Pentecost reading will describe the visual effects of the coming of the Holy Spirit on the Apostles. After Saul had left for Tarsus, Peter brought Tabitha back to life, and a vision showed him that nothing made by God is unclean. Immediately he is invited into the “unclean” house of Cornelius. While Peter hesitates, the Holy Spirit comes down on Cornelius and his household. The visual effects of this bring Peter to realise that the gospel must go to “the (Gentile) nations”.

The psalm urges all creation to praise the Lord for His victorious salvation.

The Easter season readings from John’s first letter conclude with this passionate demand that we “love one another”. God’s love for us was revealed when He sent his Son “to be the sacrifice that takes our sins away”.

Jesus’ long last supper teaching is drawing towards its climax on Pentecost Sunday, his promise to send the Advocate. Today’s reading continues from last weeks’ description of Jesus as the vine: we are to show that we abide in Jesus by keeping the commandments, just as Jesus has kept the Father’s commandments. Jesus’ commandment is that we should love one another.

Psalm Response: The Lord has shown his salvation to the nations.

(Acts 10: 25-26,34-35,44,48 ; Psalm 97(98):1-4 ; 1 John 4: 7-10 ; John 15: 9-17)

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