FROM MY HEART TO YOUR HEART – We Have A Mother… Rejoice… Do Not Be Afraid

– Brought to you by Fr. Bernardino Andrade (

There are many symbols that remind us about Christmas. There are carols, lots of lights, decorations and many many more beautiful things that unite believers and non-believers around the same event that is the Birth of Jesus. For me, nothing else reminds me more about Christmas than the presence or the thought of a pregnant woman. Every time I see a pregnant woman, the first thought that comes to my mind is the thought of a tabernacle carrying a living Jesus.

It is also the thought of Advent. This time of Advent is not the time of «waiting» for the Birth of Jesus but it is especially a time of «expectation». «Waiting» is more a passive action like when we are waiting for the bus or in the airport waiting to embark when the airplane is arriving two or three hours late. «Expecting» is being in action 24 hours a day. That’s why Advent is supposed to be a very active time inside each one of us, like the growing process of the Baby Jesus inside the womb of His mother or the growing process of any baby growing inside the womb of its mother. Advent is a time of change. It is, like Lent, a time of renewal and cleaning. What am I planning to happen inside me during this time of Advent? Would you like to make a short list and try? Christmas will be a better Christmas if we have a better and more spiritual Advent.

Every year, around the second Sunday of Advent (December 8th), the Church celebrates the Feast of the Immaculate Conception. It is like a «Baby Shower» for Jesus’ Mother.

In this «Baby Shower» of Jesus’ Mother, there are two key words that can be of great inspiration for us.
One is «Rejoice». «Rejoice, the Lord is with you». This was the way the Angel Gabriel greeted Mary when he announced to her that she was going to be the Mother of Jesus.

I know people who, instead of greeting each other with the traditional «Good morning» or «Good evening», use the words the Angel Gabriel used to greet Mary in such an important moment of her life and the life of the world. It can be: «Rejoice, Thelma, the Lord is with you». «Rejoice Francis, the Lord is with you». «Rejoice Rita, the Lord is with you». I learned a long time ago that every word carries energy. I suspect that greeting each other with these words from the Gospel (Luke 1) will have an impact in each other with a very positive energy that can change the day of a friend or of an enemy. REJOICE. THE LORD IS WITH YOU!

The other word is «Mary, do not be afraid… for nothing is impossible to God» (luke 1). Why not, instead of saying «Good bye», «I will see you tomorrow», just say «John, do not be afraid, for nothing is impossible to God», « Lutchi, do not be afraid. For nothing is impossible to God». «Ana, do not be afraid, for nothing is impossible to God».

Please have a very happy Advent… Please rejoice, the Lord is with you… Please do not be afraid for nothing is impossible to God.

Love and Peace,
Fr. Bernardino Andrade
PEOPLE HELPING PEOPLE – Mobilizing Many People

For the first time, People Helping People has been collecting vegetables from some farmers who live far away in the country side. It has been a very exciting time. It has been the best Christmas preparation provided by People Helping People for the poor families we have ever had. Because People Helping People does not recognise boundaries, lots of time and gas has been spent in the streets of Madeira Island with the purpose of alleviating the suffering of so many hurting families. Most of them don’t have access to other institutions or don’t qualify for help. No papers and no documents are asked. Our point of reference is always the suffering of the people and our love for them.

The best gift we can give to the poor for Christmas is our love. When I visited an old museum on my visit to England I saw many signs with these words “TO PRESERVE ME, DON’T TOUCH ME”. And I thought: with People Helping People it works in the opposite way. I felt like walking around the city of Funchal and putting signs on every poor and homeless person I found, with these words: “TO PRESERVE ME, TOUCH ME”. We are proposing to you a new experience for this Christmas that is: “ADOPT A FAMILY FOR CHRISTMAS”. Please ADOPT A FAMILY. We have a long list of needy families. One of the ways of adopting a family is to give your name to a member of our project PHP, and this person will make the bridge between you and Dalila Oliveira, who is the Coordinator of the distribution. You can mention your preference: If you want to know the family and donate personally, or if you would like to help a family with children, or if you just want to donate to any family. You are welcome to buy food or a special present or just some special financial gift. No rules. No strings attached.
The couple to contact is Koen & Manuela Van Doninck.
Phone: 96-29-28-026 or 93-34-28-813. EMAIL:

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