FROM MY HEART TO YOUR HEART – Mother Teresa and the Guide

A story is told about Noelene Martin, a Franciscan Monk in Australia assigned to be the guide and the «gofer» for St Teresa of Calcuta (Mother Teresa) when she visited New South Wales.

Thrilled and excited at the prospect of being so close to this great woman, he dreamed of how much he would learn from her and what they would talk about. But during her visit, he became frustrated. Although he was constantly near her, the friar never had the opportunity to say one word to Mother Teresa. There were always other people for her to meet. Finally her tour was over, and she was due to fly to New Guinea.

In desperation, the Franciscan friar spoke to Mother Teresa: «f I pay my own fair to New Guinea, can I sit next to you in the plane so I can talk to you and learn from you?»

Mother Teresa looked at him.
«You have enough money to pay the air fare to New Guinea?» She asked.
«Yes, he replied eagerly».
«Then give that money to the poor;» she said. «You will learn more from that than from anything else I can tell you».

Mother Teresa understood that Jesus’ ministry was to the poor, and she made it hers as well. She knew that they, more than anyone else, needed Good News.

Love and Peace,
Fr. Bernardino Andrade

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