Scripture Readings 19th May 2019, 5th Sunday of Easter, Year C

Acts 14:21-27; Psalm144(145):8-13; Rev 21:1-5; John 13:32-35

Last week in Acts the first mission of Paul and Barnabas started. They preached in synagogues, with mixed receptions. Many Jews became Christians. But many did not, stirring up hatred and violence against the Apostles, leaving Paul for dead. Barnabas and Paul then preached to the Gentiles, showing how they could recognise God’s activity in nature. Today we hear how this first mission ends, with religious leaders appointed in each church, and a report of “what God had done”.

The Psalm praises the Lord’s kindness and care for creation.

In Revelation the promise of salvation described last week is now accomplished. The new Jerusalem comes down adorned as a bride for her marriage with the Lamb, the union of the Messiah with the community of the elect. God dwells with men on earth, after the “former heaven and the former earth” are replaced by a “new heaven and a new earth”. God’s ancient covenant is fulfilled.

In the Gospel we hear the first of Jesus’ farewell discourses at the Last Supper. Jesus is sad to leave his followers. After washing the disciples’ feet, Jesus draws out the meaning of this action. He predicts his coming death and gives a new commandment: love one another. The true mark of discipleship is that we “have love for one another”.

Psalm Response: I will bless your name for ever, O God my King.

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