FROM MY HEART TO YOUR HEART – Two irresitable Virtues

by Fr. Bernardino Andrade

Father Mata was my Spiritual Director during my time in the Seminary. He was a man of short sermons, short sentences, deep spirituality and crucifying love for the poor. He was a living Saint. I always wanted to be like him but I have been far away from my desire. Maybe because I resisted in paying the price that he paid.

«There is no gain without pain».

One of his short sentences that left prints in my heart was

«Gratitude and humility are two irresistible virtues».

I would add that «Ingratitude and pride are two of the most hurting and disturbing shortcomings in any relationship».

Today’s Gospel (28th Sunday of the Year C) tells the story of ten lepers healed by Jesus. Nine of them kept on going. Only one of them came back and told Jesus “thank you”. Jesus felt hurt and had the courage to open his heart and ask

«Were not all of ten made clean? The other nine where are they?»

Ingratitude hurts.


A little boy fell off a pier into deep ocean water. An older sailor, heedless of the great danger to himself, dove into the stormy water, struggled with the boy, and finally, exhausted, brought him to safety. Two days later, the boy’s mother came with him to the same pier, seeking the sailor who had rescued her son. Finding him, she asked: «You dove into the ocean to bring my boy out?» «I did,» he replied. The mother angrily demanded: «Then where’s his hat?».


An old woman was in an extended-care hospital. She had some kind of wasting disease, her different powers fading away over the space of months. A young student happened to meet her on a coincidental visit. The student kept going back, drawn by the strange force of the woman’s joy. Though she could no longer move her arms and legs, she would say: «I’m just so happy and grateful to God that I can move my neck». When she could no longer move her neck, she would say: «I am so glad and thankful I can hear and see». When the young student finally asked the old woman what would happen if she lost her senses of hearing and sight, the gentle lady said:

«I’ll just be so grateful that you come to visit».

Love and Peace, Fr. Bernardino Andrade

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