Filomena, (her true name) was a young widow with three little young girls. With no studies, she has been one of the best lay leaders when I worked with the Portuguese Immigrant Community in California. We had the same vision especially about involving many people to help and mobilize many people. My vision was that I would prefer one thing badly done by ten people than well done by one person only. When we had any big event she would form three groups under the title of «Before», «During» and «After». The group «Before» was in charge of preparing the event. It could take hours, days or even months. The group «During» was in charge of working during the event. The group «After» was in charge of cleaning the mess and organizing everything that had been used, and leaving the place in good condition.

I admired her leadership skills, but what I most admired was her faith and her dependency on God. That was one of the things that most inspired me.

One of many little experiences that touched my faith was when she shared with us the way she dealt with the nightmares of her oldest daughter, Fernanda.

It was not uncommon that Fernanda, all of a sudden, during the night, would start calling her when everybody was asleep. «Mom», she would say, «I can’t sleep. I am afraid. I am seeing things on the wall». Mom would answer: «That is nothing. Try to sleep. I need to work tomorrow and you need to go to school. There is nothing bad in your room. Please sleep». But nothing would convince her daughter to stop disturbing all the family. Until one day Filomena found a trick that would solve any problem with any of her nightmares.

When Fernanda started being nervous because she was «seeing things», Filomena would simply say: «My daughter… please sleep because your mom is awake». It was like magic. Fernanda would start sleeping immediately and it didn’t take any time she was already snoring. She knew her mother was awake. She felt protected. She had nothing to fear.

It reminds me of the Portuguese hymn that we sing once in a while at our English Mass that goes like this: «I found God by surprise». In the Bible, God says for 365 times the words: «Do not be afraid because I am with you». It is like saying: «My son, relax… rejoice… rest… because I am awake. I am with you. I am protecting you. Remember that you are my son».

Love and Peace,
Fr. Bernardino Andrade

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