Christmas of God’s Meddling


Sign and mystery.


Mystery does not intrude; it is distant and invisible. The title of the Pope’s letter on the Christmas Crib is very meaningful. «The admirable sign», Jesus’ Crib speaks, bothers, implies, insists. The Boy, the incarnate Son of God is God with us (Emmanuel). We may not be aware of Him but God’s flesh is there in us, in our home and heart. He lives beside us, occupies space and time in our lives. With the mysteries one tries to arrange and solve things alone.

The sign of God visible in time and space intrudes into our plans. A distant and mysterious God can still be ignored and rhymed with agnosticism, indifference. A visible little God who lives in my tent, cries and starts talking, no longer can be ignored; it can disturb and mess things up. Ask St. Joseph, Mary, the shepherds, the wise men, king Herod: all of them were surprised and had to change their plans. At home and in the village, Emmanuel demands time, space and attention. A God-boy is there, you see. When he grows up he requires even more space, time and attention. He speaks and asks people to listen; he gives his opinion and gets involved in our plans. He intrudes, by surprise, to propose his plans. Already in O.T. a prophet was sent to Ahaz; in the N.T. Mary and Joseph were intruded by God with us (Emmanuel), God with them, God with you and me. Zechariah, «your wife will have a child in her barren old age». «Fear not, Joseph», leave your plan and accept mine.

Now Jesus always intrudes on your things. In the past the invisible God sent messengers, announcements, words, meaning, stars, some signs but He was not seen. In Jesus He appeared as a sign of flesh and blood and began to speak. He dwells on earth; Diciples have written what he said in the gospels, and now He leaves no one.

One moment, one second and there He is, intruding in each other’s lives. «We saw his star and we came to worship him». Herod wants to kill him. Joseph receives orders: «get up, take the boy and his mother and run away». At the age of twelve he questions and answers doctors. He asks Peter, Andrew, and Matthew to leave their plans and to follow him. He insist with Zacchaeus: «come down, quickly, I want to stay in your house». With Saulus, he is surprising: «why are you persecuting me»?

The Sign, Emmanuel, will never be erased; it will continue to dwell with everyone and meddle with everyone’s life.

The Boy-God – Christmas takes away from man the illusion of being the center of the world. It makes him face change in himself by accepting to be a son, and a servant to be disturbed by his Lord and Father. And to be blessed and loved in the plans of God, the Boy! In this year of 2020 pray Jesus to disturb you when you are distant from Him. It would be a blessing! A Happy New Year.

Funchal, Epiphany, 05.01.2020
Fr. Aires Gameiro
(Brother of Saint John of God)


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