
I knew that Alfred had something against me. He stopped talking to me and greeting me. And the irony of our culture is that when we most need to talk to clarify misunderstandings what happens is that some people stop talking with one another.

This friend of mine was still very sad when he told me that his father and his uncle (his father’s brother) didn’t talk with one another for twenty-three years until his uncle died. And then he added: «What a waste!… How many birthdays, Christmas parties and many many other parties and events happened during those twenty-three years from which they had excluded themselves, along with their children and grandchildren!… «Do you know that Helen doesn’t talk with her mother-in-law»? When I hear this, I know that there is something wrong between them. Something that needed to be clarified with a simple conversation but pride deprives them from such a joyful experience. There is a Portuguese Association to help the homeless with the name of «Conversa Amiga» that means «Friendly Talk». The slogan is «Quando conversamos somos mais humanos» that means «When we talk we are more human».

I knew that Alfred had something against me. When I told him: «Alfred I sense that there is something wrong between us but I don’t know what. Can we talk?». I felt very sad when he just told me: «Leave me in peace». And I left him in «peace». But was he really in «peace»? I wasn’t. I was, and I am, hurting.

During the many apparitions of Jesus after His Resurrection when He appeared to his friends, even when the doors were closed, instead of our «good morning, or good afternoon or hello» He always greeted them with the word «Peace». But did the word «Peace» in the mouth of Jesus have the same meaning of the word «Peace» in the mouth of my friend Alfred when he said «Leave me in peace»? Of course not.

The word Peace translated to Aramaic in the language of Jesus is «Shallom». And this word Shalom leaves no room for confusions. Shalom means «I desire for you prosperity in your life, good health, harmony, good relationships with your family, friends and neighbours. I want for you all success, including financial success. I want for you everything that is good. I desire for you the best you can have and need».

That’s the reason why during this pandemic, when during Mass I invite people to greet one another with the sign of Shalom (because nobody should touch each another) I can see them with joined hands like in a contemplative prayer, bowing their heads, in the direction of one another and always with a smile and telling one another «SHALOM».

What a wonderful moment. What a profound preparation to receive or make the Sacred Communion. I have to confess that this moment always touches me deeply and makes me a better person.

For all my friends and all my enemies here is my SHALOM!

Fr. Bernardino Andrade

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