Scripture Readings, 21st June 2015, 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year B

Scripture Readings

Satan challenged God that if Job lost all that he valued he would curse God. So God permitted Satan to test Job. After losing everything Job laments his losses, but rather than cursing God, Job asks why God has treated him – a just man – so badly. Eventually God answers at great length – a beautiful hymn of praise to God’s power over, and in, all creation, confirming that God is indeed “greater than any mortal”.

Paul has told the Corinthians he would prefer to be with the Lord, who has rescued him from near despair, but nevertheless he accepts that he is required to do further work on earth. He urges the Corinthians to constantly keep in mind the new creation they have become, now they know the risen Christ. So he does not lose heart nor give up hope, even though people might have thought God is no longer caring for him.

Today’s first reading supports Mark’s description of Jesus stilling the storm. But in Mark’s gospel the disciples do not understand: they cannot make the connection to the lesson learned so painfully by Job. They do not yet have faith in his continued care even when asleep! Understanding can come only after Jesus’ death on the cross.

Psalm Response: O Give thanks to the Lord, for his love endures for ever.

Job 38: 1, 8-11; Ps106(107): 23-26, 28-31; 2 Cor 5: 14-17; Mark 4: 35-41

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