From My Heart to Your Heart – Living is taking the risk of dying

Brought to you by Fr. Bernardino Andrade
Some years ago I received this message from my dear friend, Fr. José Marins. I just translated it into English before sharing it with you…
1. Laughing is taking the risk… of looking like an idiot.
2. Crying is taking the risk… of looking sentimental.
3. Getting closer to other people is taking the risk… of committing yourself.
4. Showing your emotions is taking the risk… that others will know you.
5. Sharing your ideas and dreaming with others is taking the risk… of risking your ideas
and your emotions.
6. Loving is taking the risk… of not being understood.
7. Living is taking the risk… of dying.
8. In all hope there is the risk… of despair.
9. Every time you try, you take the risk… of failure.
10. However, we have to take risks because the greatest danger in life is… to take NO risks.

Because the one who doesn’t take risks does nothing…. has nothing…. is nothing….
Maybe you can avoid suffering and pain but you can learn nothing, feel nothing, change nothing. You can not grow, you can not love, you can not live. Chained by your rightness you will be a slave and will sacrifice your freedom.

Risking is the only way of conquering freedom.

Fr. Bernardino Andrade

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