TWO LOVE STORIES – Marriage advice from one special couple to another

Two special couples attended the English Mass here at the Chapel last Sunday. At the end of Mass both approached Fr. Bernardino for a special blessing.

The older couple, Arthur & Margaret, informed that they had been married for 57 years. The younger couple, Jacinta & Declan, for only one week! They had been married a week earlier in Ireland.

Declan, the younger husband said «We need to talk with them». And they did. The piece of advice that Arthur, the older husband, gave to the younger was very simple and according to him was the “secret” of their very successful marriage. It is very inspiring advice, and it also applies for every relationship and it is very simple. Here it is: «Forget everything you learned until now about Marriage. Just keep this piece:

“BE GOOD TO EACH OTHER”. »wedding_image


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