Brought to you by Fr. Bernardino Andrade

Little Joan grew up with a big dream. Her big dream was to be able to visit Disneyland in California. One day her grandmother decided to give her a special birthday gift – a trip to Disneyland. Joan was on cloud nine. “Finally I am going to go to Disneyland and have a street artist paint Mickey Mouse on my face!”
The day came and there they went. Grandmother and granddaughter (who was flying for the first time) both in love with each other, enjoying every minute together. Hotel accommodations had been reserved in advance and Joan would not believe she was going to sleep in a real hotel with a swimming pool.
That day Joan woke up earlier than usual and, after some prayers, she left the Hotel to spend the day in Disneyland with her grandmother. Everything was going well according to her dream. Until this moment.
Joan saw a street artist approaching her, so she went and asked to please get Mickey Mouse painted on her face, while her grandmother was in the same area doing some shopping. A few moments later, Joan came to her grandmother very sad and crying with abundant tears. 
« What happened, sweetheart? You were so happy and all of a sudden you are so sad. Please tell your grandmother what happened. I never took my eyes off you and I didn’t see anything wrong. Please tell me. » – Grandmother knelt before Joan, hugged her and insisted: « Please tell me what happened. »
« I am ugly. I am very ugly. And I don’t like to be ugly. »
« Why do you say that? »
« When I asked the lady to paint Mickey Mouse on my face she told me that she couldn’t because I have freckles. I am very ugly. But it is not my fault. »
« Honey! That lady is very wrong. Forgive her. You are very, very beautiful. Freckles are very beautiful. Freckles are kisses from angels. I always wanted to have freckles to make me more beautiful but I have not been that lucky, that’s why I am so proud to travel with you because I know that I am travelling with the most beautiful girl in the world. The most beautiful girls in the world have freckles. »
At this point Joan already had her eyes almost dry. But her grandmother kneeling before her to be closer to her face kept insisting with her:  
« Joan, tell me, have you seen anything more beautiful than freckles? » – Now grandmother was emotional and said: « Tell me. What in this world is more beautiful than freckles? »
At this point, Joan looked in the eyes of her grandmother, smiled, raised her hand, gently touched her face and said:
« More beautiful than my freckles are the wrinkles on the face of my grandmother. »
God loves you and so do I,
Fr. Bernardino Andrade

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