– Brought to you by Fr. Bernardino Andrade

Ivory was the only Black person in my parish. I met him for the first time, on a Sunday Mass.
I used to start Mass from the back door. During the entrance procession, all walked and behaved properly, except their Pastor, who happened to be me. I would scoop a baby from his mother’s or father’s arms and take him with me to the altar, I would tell somebody to sing louder, I would ask a lady how her sick husband was doing, I would gently slap somebody on one of their shoulders…
Arriving at the altar, yes, I would start being serious, after giving the baby back to his proud father or mother. Yes, I remember gently slapping this black man on his shoulder. I remember how neatly he was dressed with his neat suit and his neat tie which was not usual in a rural church like mine. He looked like an executive of some wealthy company. Yes! I remember touching him and processing as usual.
During the week, Ivory called to make an appointment. He wanted to talk with me. I welcomed him with my usual hug and invited him to sit down. Wonderful conversation. All of a sudden I was surprised when he told me the reason for his appointment: he wanted to be baptized. I called the lady who was in charge of the Catechumenate (RCIA) and put them in contact with each other. It took two years of preparation.
Like the other Catechumens he came to Mass every Sunday and after the homily all the Catechumens would leave the church and go to another room to share the Word of God and their life experiences related with the readings.
What kept intriguing me was that he kept sharing in his group that the reason why he asked to be baptized was because « Fr. Bernardino touched me ».
One day, casually, I met Ivory and told him: « Ivory, some people from your RCIA group, keep telling me that the reason why you asked to be baptized was because I touched you. Was it any story or any special homily that touched you in a special way? ».
I was speechless with his answer: « When I say that you touched me I mean the first day I went to church, I was new in town, I was feeling lonely, and when you were walking to start Mass you touched me on my shoulder when you didn’t even know me. That made me feel very special. That’s when I decided to ask for my Baptism and belong to a church that touches strangers and makes people feel special. ». On that day I discovered that that HOSPITALITY was the eighth Sacrament of the Church.
One day I told this story to a Brazilian priest visiting my Parish and told him about my discovery of Hospitality being the 8th Sacrament of the Church. His answer was that Hospitality was not the eighth Sacrament. Hospitality was the ONLY Sacrament of the Church. Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist, Penance, Anointing of the Sick, Priesthood and Marriage without Hospitality are good for nothing.
Let us welcome each other with the greeting of peace and being aware of the person who worships at our side. Maybe he or she needs to be touched. Then, when we leave the Church, for sure we will find lots of people who will need our touch.

God loves you and so do I,
Fr. Bernardino Andrade

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