Scripture Readings 29th August 2021, 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year B

Deut 4: 1-2, 6-8; Psalm 14(15): 2-5; James 1: 1-27; Mark 7:1-8, 14-15, 21-23

fter the testamentary speech from Joshua last week, this week we have the beginning of Moses’ last testament, following God’s refusal to allow Moses to cross the Jordan and enter the Promised Land. In Deuteronomy Moses sums up the Law, but with some relaxations from the strict Law given by God on Sinai. As God’s representative, Moses allowed divorce and hating enemies. But God’s justice cannot change, and Jesus will later reverse these changes, made “because of their hardness of heart”. Observing God’s Law “will demonstrate to the peoples” their wisdom and understanding.

The Psalm summarises the moral qualities required to be “at one” with the Lord, especially the social virtues of justice and charity.

James also insists “do what the word tells you”, especially helping the vulnerable and avoiding contamination by the world. We must be “quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger”. More practical advice from James in the coming weeks.

Jesus gives the same message: his disciples should do what the Pharisees say, but not what they do. As Peter is to learn later before preaching to Cornelius, “nothing that goes into a man from outside can make him unclean”. It is what we do that can make us unclean, not lack of washing. This teaching is underlined immediately by the faith of the Syro-Phoenician woman.

Psalm Response: The just will live in the presence of the Lord.

(Deut 4: 1-2, 6-8; Psalm 14(15): 2-5; James 1: 1-27; Mark 7:1-8, 14-15, 21-23)

Scripture Readings 27th June 2021, 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year B

|Wisdom 1: 13-15, 2:23-24; Psalm 29(30); 2 Cor 89: 7-15; Mark: 5: 21-43

The Book of Wisdom, written in the century before Christ, starts by exhorting us to “love righteousness … and seek the Lord with sincerity of heart”. God made man in his own image: not immortal, for only God is immortal, but God made man “imperishable”. Death is not the end.

The Psalm gives thanks for deliverance from death: prayers during sickness were answered by God, triumphing over death.

The reading from Paul’s second letter to the Corinthians might have been written today: we should share the earth’s resources with other peoples currently in need. We may need help some time! Paul was collecting financial aid for the Church in Jerusalem, since many towns in the rest of the empire had greater resources. Paul’s approach is supremely practical: he praises the Corinthians and then challenges them to give generously. But they should always keep a balance, not beggar themselves.

We resume our Sunday readings from Mark’s gospel. During his journey to heal Jairus’ daughter, Jesus is interrupted by a woman seeking a cure for her continuous haemorrhage. Jesus tells her her faith has restored her to health. As with the child raised from the dead, God’s kingdom breaks through, to help us understand what God has planned for us in his new creation.

Psalm Response: I will praise you, Lord, you have rescued me.

(Wisdom 1: 13-15, 2:23-24; Psalm 29(30); 2 Cor 89: 7-15; Mark: 5: 21-43)

Scripture Readings 6th June 2021, Corpus Christi, Year B

Exodus 24:3-8; Ps 115(116); Hebrews 9:11-15; Mark 14:12-16, 22-26

After rescuing the Israelites from Egypt God gave Moses the Law, including the Ten Commandments. The animal’s blood thrown over people and altar symbolises the people’s agreement to this covenant.

The Psalm gives thanks to God for answering prayers in time of need. And renews our promise to keep God’s laws.
The blood which ratified Israel’s covenant with God foreshadowed the people’s suffering before they could build their kingdom in the promised land. So the Letter to the Hebrews sees Jesus Christ’s suffering and bloody sacrifice as marking the new covenant, which enables the new people of God to enter their eternal inheritance. But, as “co-heirs with Christ” we must share in Christ’s suffering “so as to share his glory”. God’s kingdom can be built only through suffering: the Cross is the only way. Like the apostles, we must also drink the cup Christ has drunk, as well as eating the heavenly food we celebrate today.

Mark’s gospel brings us back to the Passover blood of the lamb, with which the exodus began, then forward to the Last Supper, when Jesus’ own blood was drunk to initiate the new covenant. But Jesus postpones drinking the fourth, final cup of the meal until just before dying on the Cross. Jesus commanded us to repeat the Eucharistic meal “until he comes”.

(Exodus 24:3-8; Ps 115(116); Hebrews 9:11-15; Mark 14:12-16, 22-26)

Scripture Readings 30th May 2021, Holy Trinity, Year B

Deut 4: 32-34, 39-40; Psalm 32(33); Romans 8:14-17; Matthew 28: 16-20

Deuteronomy, the second book of the Law, consolidated Israel’s beliefs and rituals. A long introductory teaching by Moses emphasises the requirement for Israel to keep the Law, as its part in their covenant with God. In today’s reading Moses emphasises the uniqueness of God, who has made himself known to Israel, speaking out of a fire, and who has made a covenant with them: He will be their God and they are to be his people. Moses then repeats the ten commandments, given by God.

The Psalm picks up God’s omnipotence, who created even the heavens and the stars. We can rely confidently on His promises.

God’s revelation in Christ fulfilled this covenant relationship: Paul tells the Romans that if we are in the Spirit we are not in the flesh. We are no longer dominated by our human tendency to turn from God. We are now God’s children, sharing in Christ’s inheritance, in his suffering and in his glory.

There only two resurrection appearances in Matthew’s Gospel. Jesus appeared very briefly to two Marys. Then the Gospel ends with Jesus commissioning the eleven disciples to “make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit”. And He promises to be with his people always.

Psalm Response: Happy the people the Lord has chosen as his own.

(Deut 4: 32-34, 39-40; Psalm 32(33); Romans 8:14-17; Matthew 28: 16-20)

Scripture Readings 13th May 2021, Ascension, Year B

Luke begins Acts by repeating Jesus’ ascension, both to emphasise its importance and to link the coming work of the apostles with Jesus’ earthly ministry. Before Pentecost the disciples still do not understand, asking if the time has come for the kingdom of Israel to be restored. But only God knows. Jesus must return to the Father so that the Holy Spirit can come and give them power to be his witnesses “to the ends of the earth”. The two men from the empty tomb appear again, promising Jesus will return. But we are not to know when.

The Psalm calls on all nations to acknowledge the God of Israel as the only true God. He is King and reigns over all the earth.

Paul’s letter to the Ephesians gives a broad, developed understanding of Jesus and the Church. Christians should seek unity in the one Lord, making good use of the various gifts given us by Christ.

In the second ending of Mark’s gospel, Jesus appeared after his resurrection to Mary Magdalen, and then to two disciples walking in the country. All three told the Apostles – who did not believe them. Jesus then rebuked the apostles, before commissioning them as his witnesses. He was then taken up into heaven.

Psalm Response: God goes up with shouts of joy, the Lord goes up with trumpet blast.
(Acts 1:1-11; Psalm 46(47); Eph 4:1-13; Mark 16:15-20)

From My Heart to Your Heart – What Mothers teach me about God


Nelly had a very turbulent and destructive marriage. After this turbulent Marriage, she had to face an even more turbulent divorce. And to make things worse, she had to be a single mother raising a wild and rebellious daughter. There was no rest for Nelly.

Her daughter, Agnes, was seventeen years old when one day Nelly received a telephone call that left her completely frozen: «Hello! This is from the Police Station. Your daughter is here with us in the Police Station. We would like you to come and pick her up. We also want to talk with you». «Thank you! I will be there right now». «Oh my God… what happened, again?»

When Nelly arrived at the Police Station she was told that her daughter had been caught driving under the influence of alcohol. She rested for a while. The Captain talked with her in a severe manner and it seemed that she was ready to go home, and that she understood the consequences waiting for her in case she was caught again.

Nelly brought her daughter home without saying one word to her. The following day both of them spent all day without exchanging a word. The atmosphere was somber and thick. The silence between them was deafening. Finally Nelly called Agnes and told her: «Agnes, please sit down here on this chair. I have a special gift for you».
Agnes took her seat and Nelly offered her a gift wrapped in colourful paper tied by a very beautiful yellow ribbon. With the gift she also offered her a card inside a beautiful envelope. The gift was strangely heavy but Agnes never suspected what kind of gift was inside of that beautifully wrapped paper.
When Agnes opened the gift she became very upset when she saw a simple stone. Just a stone. She could never imagine that someone could give a stone as a gift. In her anger she told her mother: «Is this a gift that you, stupid mother, have to give to your daughter? Couldn’t you find something better to insult me? Why a cold stone? I never thought you could do this to me!».

Nelly just told her: «Please read the card».

Agnes read the card, stopped for a few moments, then started crying and threw herself in her mother’s arms. Both cried for a while.
In the card her mother had written: «My precious, precious daughter, this stone is three hundred million years old. That is the time that it will take for me to quit on you».

Among many essential things in my life I learn from mothers is that God, no matter what, will never quit on me.

May 2, 2021
Fr. Bernardino Andrade

Scripture Readings 1st May 2021, 5th Sunday of Easter, Year B

Acts 9: 26-31 ; Ps 21(22) ; 1 John 3: 18-24 ; John 15: 1-8

Much has happened in Acts since last Sunday’s reading: Peter and some apostles have been imprisoned and beaten before being set free again. Seven Greeks were appointed to look after the Hellenists – apparently Greek-speaking Christians. Stephen was arrested and his speech to the Jewish leaders suggests that the Hellenists were persecuted by the Jews because they did not join in the Temple worship. They were driven out to Judea and Samaria – and so the Gospel began to spread.

Today we hear how Paul returns from his conversion near Damascus. He is accepted by the Hebrew Christians, but not by the Hellenists, so has to be hustled out of town.

The ending of this Messianic Psalm, uttered by Our Lord on the Cross, rejoices in the triumph of God’s justice: God’s promises to Israel are fulfilled in Jesus.

In his first Letter John insists that we must show our faith by our actions: keeping God’s commandments. We can be sure we are doing right if we obey our conscience guided by God’s Spirit dwelling in us.

In John’s gospel Jesus gives his disciples detailed teaching at the last supper, just before his arrest. We must be bound closely to Christ: He is the vine, we are the branches, gaining sustenance and support from him.

Psalm Response: You, Lord, are my praise in the great assembly.

(Acts 9: 26-31 ; Ps 21(22) ; 1 John 3: 18-24 ; John 15: 1-8)


From My Heart to Your Heart – The story of the Good Shepherd in six little stories

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I went to Africa in 1964 without any preparation to deal with cultural differences and different religions. I believe that the same thing happened to many good missionaries who left their lands and the house of their parents and embarked on this fascinating adventure with the purpose of “bringing God to uncivilized pagans”.
When I was ordained as a priest I had the privilege of being ordained with two other Black African colleagues. I still remember a statement of my Bishop when he said: “I am not ordaining European Priests to serve European People, and African Priests to serve African People. I am ordaining Priests of God to serve the Church of God and the People of God”.
One of those two African Priests told me that when he was attending his primary school he used to walk a few kilometers back and forth from his family’s hut to school with three other colleagues. And he saw the three of them being atacked and killed by wild animals. He was the only survivor. One of the things that this story taught me was that walking through those longs paths of Africa was something that had to be done but always with extra precautions.
One day I saw, for the first time, a scene that in my colonialist mind was barbaric. That’s when I concluded that those people were really “uncivilized”. This was the first of many events like this. One family of four people were walking. The husband was walking alone, ahead of his family. His wife was following him. Not side by side like “civilized people” do but behind him. Besides she was carrying their baby on her back, holding the hand of a small child and carrying a bag over her head. Adding to my shocking experience and revolt, I noticed that he was a strong man and was carrying a staff on his right hand “to make his walking easier”. The staff had a spear on the upper extreme as “decoration”.
Fortunately it didn’t take too long to learn the real meaning of all this scene that was labelled by me as wild, cruel and male chauvinist.
When I learned the meaning of this tradition that had been labelled by me as cruel and chauvinist it was transformed into sacrificial love and tenderness.
The reason why this and other men walked in front of their families was to be ready to take all risks, even lay their own lives, to defend their families from any dangerous attack from any wild animal.
Today, the fourth Sunday of Easter, is called the “Good Shepherd Sunday”. Reflecting about that episode of the African tradition I see a page of today’s Gospel talking about Jesus the Good Shepherd. Jesus always walks in front of us not always to make our lives easier but to make our lives safer. In the time of Jesus there were four political and religious parties. And Jesus was the Shepherd of all of them.
“I am the Good Shepherd: the Good Shepherd is one who lays down his life for His Sheep. The hired man, since he is not the Shepherd and the sheep don’t belong to him, abandons the sheep and runs away as soon as he sees a wolf coming, and then the wolf attacks and scatters the sheep… I am the good Shepherd and I lay down my life for my sheep. (John 10: 11-18)

With many stories like this I didn’t civilize Africa. Africa civilized me and many people like me. I believe that one of the biggest surprises for many Missionaries who went to Africa was that when they arrived to Africa, God was already there.

Love & Peace,

Scripture Readings 25th April 2021, 4th Sunday of Easter, Year B

Acts 4: 8-12 ; Ps 117(118); 1 John 3: 1-2 ; John 10: 11-18

After healing the cripple in Jesus’ name and calling on the people to repent, Peter and John were put in prison overnight. Peter then repeats his preaching to the Jewish leaders. The leaders cannot deny “a notable miracle has been worked”. Undecided, they order the Apostles not to speak in Jesus’ name again, and release them without punishing them – at least this time.

The Psalm is from the Passover Psalm heard on Easter Sunday, thanking and praising God for repeatedly saving us.

John’s first letter insists that the love the Father has given us makes us his children now, anticipating already in some way what we shall be “when he appears”. John goes on to contrast the righteous who do not sin with those who commit sin. You are either for God or against him – there is nothing between.

In John’s gospel, after healing the man born blind, Jesus describes himself both as the door through which we can enter and be saved, and also as the good shepherd, whom the sheep know and follow. In contrast to the false shepherds criticised by Ezekiel, the good shepherd cares for his sheep, even at the cost of his life. Jesus emphasises that he is in control of his life, causing division among the Jews.

Psalm Response: The stone which the builders rejected has become the cornerstone.
(Acts 4: 8-12 ; Ps 117(118); 1 John 3: 1-2 ; John 10: 11-18)

Scripture Readings 18th April 2021, 3rd Sunday of Easter, Year B

Acts 3: 13-15, 17-19 ; Psalm 4; 1 John 2: 1-5; Luke 24: 35-48

After Peter healed the man lame from birth, who had been begging at the Beautiful gate, the man joyfully walked with the Apostles in the Temple. At the portico of Solomon Peter addresses the crowds, emphasising that the man had been cured by the power of the God the Jews believed in, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. God’s kingdom is already becoming visible.

Perhaps reflecting later antagonism between some Jews and Christians, Peter adds that it was “you”, “men of Israel” who insisted on killing Jesus, declared innocent by Pilate. But, Peter says, they “acted in ignorance” so that God’s plan would be fulfilled.

The Psalm begs God’s aid and admonishes incredulous observers to put their trust in God.

Paul appointed presbyters to lead his young churches. Thirty years later, John’s community appears to have almost no structure. But there are problems: “many antichrists have come”, and some members have left the community, perhaps misled by the small amount of moral teaching in John’s Gospel. Paul’s hierarchical model survived, but tension between structure and charism continues.

How strange the resurrected Jesus appears! The two disciples had recognised Jesus after he had left them in the inn on the way to Emmaus, but now they are frightened, thinking him a ghost.

Psalm Response: Lift up the light of your face on us, O Lord.