Scripture Readings 28th March 2021, Palm Sunday, Year B

Is 50:4-7; Ps 21(22); Phil 2:6-11; Mark 14:1 – 15:47

Second Isaiah was writing during the exile of the Israelites in Babylon after Jerusalem was destroyed. The people are discouraged, in despair, and tempted to give up their faith in God. In today’s ‘servant-song’ Isaiah offers consolation, recommending non-resistance and trust in the Lord.

Isaiah’s words express our horror at the way Our Lord was treated. But, trusting confidently in his Father, Jesus “sets his face like flint”, even though it is covered with spittle.

The Psalm moves from this mood to express unshaken faith, praising God for our redemption and the promised conversion of all peoples.

The hymn in Philippians rejoices that – unlike Adam – Jesus did not seek to be equal to God. But God raised him high, so that all creation should “acclaim Jesus as Lord, to the glory of God the Father”.

Jesus died at Passover, when Jews celebrated their freedom from slavery. The soldiers, the Jewish leaders, the inscription on the Cross, all ironically give Jesus his true title of “King of the Jews”, the Messiah, who frees us from death. When Jesus dies, the first human being in Mark’s gospel to recognise Jesus as “Son of God” is a Gentile, the centurion. All the disciples had run away when Jesus was arrested. Only some women watched, and they saw where he was buried.

Psalm Response: My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?

(Is 50:4-7; Ps 21(22); Phil 2:6-11; Mark 14:1 – 15:47)


Scripture Readings 21st March 2021, 5th Sunday of Lent, Year B

Jeremiah warned Israel against their idolatry and failure to respond to God’s love, breaking God’s covenant. At the time of the exile to Babylon Jeremiah proclaimed this great oracle of the “New Covenant”, promising that God’s Law will be written on men’s hearts, giving them for ever the power – or “grace” – to respond with love to God’s love.

This most famous penitential Psalm echoes David’s humble admission of his sin with Bathsheba: every sin is an offence against God.

The Letter to the Hebrews emphasises that Jesus is truly human: He shared our humanity and our weaknesses and afflictions. So he sympathises patiently with us in our sinfulness and is well able, as a high priest, to intercede with God for us, and to offer sacrifice on our behalf. He prayed with such love and respect that God heard his prayer.

In the gospel of John some pagan Greeks ask their fellow Greek, Philip, to help them meet Jesus. The gospel message is now reaching out to Gentiles and this is taken by Jesus as the signal that his work is nearing its inevitable climax. Jesus’ life has shown the way to salvation, but the human Jesus is very troubled by anticipation of his coming suffering, also described by the other Gospels in the Garden of Gethsemene.

Psalm Response: A pure heart create for me, O God
(Jer 31: 31-34; Psalm 50(51); Hebrews 5: 7-9; John 12: 20-33)

From My Heart to Your Heart – A Woman Arrested on Palm Sunday


The light turns green, but the man doesn’t notice that the light has changed. The woman behind him begins pounding on her steering wheel and yelling at the man to move! The man doesn’t move! The woman is going ballistic, ranting and raving at the man, pounding on her steering wheel. When the light turns yellow, the woman begins blowing her car’s horn and screaming curses at the man. Finally, the man looks up, sees the yellow light, and accelerates through the intersection just as the light turns red. While she is still ranting, she hears a tap on her window and looks up into the barrel of a gun held by a very serious policeman.

The policeman tells her to pull her car to the side, shut off the engine, come out and stand facing the car, while keeping both hands on the car roof. She is quickly cuffed, and hustled into the patrol car. The woman was too bewildered to ask any questions, and she is driven to the police station, where she is fingerprinted, photographed, searched, booked, and locked up in a cell. After a couple of hours, a policeman approaches the cell, and opens the door.

The policeman hands her the bag containing her things, and says: «I’m sorry for this mistake, but you see, I pulled up behind your car while you were blowing your horn, and cursing at the car in front of you. I noticed the «Choose Christ» license plate holder, and «Follow me to Sunday school», bumper sticker, and Palm Sunday palm leaves inside the back windshield. So naturally I assumed you had stolen the car because such a nice Christian, who courageously displays Christian symbols in her car, would never act as you did».

(Father Tony Kadavil)

The Bible is a parable of our lives. When we read the Bible and if we don’t see ourselves in it, we are missing a lot. It is another book or a library of 73 books. When we read the Bible we need to see ourselves in that Book. During the readings of our Sunday Mass we need to see ourselves in those readings. It is a love story between God and us. The readings during Mass are a mirror where we must see ourselves and confront our lives.

During the reading of the Passion I am going to try to see me with a different name, but it is me:

1) I am PETER who denied Jesus
2) I am JUDAS who betrayed Jesus
3) I am HEROD who ridiculed Jesus
4) I am PILATE who acted against my conscience as I condemned Jesus to death on the cross.
5) I am a member of the LEADERS of the people who preserved my position by getting rid of Jesus.
6) I am JESUS who is faithful to His project of showing to the world how good, merciful and forgiving the Father is, who always has a lap for each one of His children. I am Jesus who breaks the law to touch the untouchable, to love the unlovable and to be a «feet washer». But… am I?

Love & Peace

Fr. Bernardino Andrade

Scripture Readings 14th March 2021, 4th Sunday of Lent, Year B

2 Chron 36: 14-23; Psalm 136 (137); Eph 2: 4-10; John 3: 14-21

Today’s reading from Chronicles recalls Israel’s exile. The Temple, central to the Jewish religion, had been defiled, followed by Israel’s seventy year exile in Babylon. Then the Persian King Cyrus called for the people to return to Jerusalem and to rebuild the Temple on Mount Moriah, where Abraham almost sacrificed Isaac. After their return in 540 BC Ezra re-discovered the Jewish Law and the people renewed their covenant with God.

The Psalm then recalls how the Israelites refused to sing for their captors while in mourning for Mount Zion.

Paul’s letter to the Ephesians emphasises the unity of the world-wide Church, based firmly on God’s saving love, shown in Jesus Christ. We have been saved by grace, a gift from God. The phrase “in Christ Jesus” occurs frequently, reminding us of the ending of every Eucharistic Prayer. Christ will bring all things to perfection “in him” – and that includes us! “We are God’s work of art”.

In John’s gospel, after telling Nicodemus that he must be “born again”, Jesus tells him “God sent his Son into the world” so that “the world might be saved” through him. Jesus’ coming provokes judgement, both now and in the future. If our deeds are true we come into the light.

Psalm Response: O let my tongue cleave to my mouth if I remember you not!
(2 Chron 36: 14-23; Psalm 136 (137); Eph 2: 4-10; John 3: 14-21)

From My Heart to Your Heart – Mountain top Experience


One of the best definitions that I have ever heard about what the Bible is, came from Sandy (not her true name). Sandy is a woman without any academic studies who told me one day: «The Bible is a parable of our lives». Then she explained that when she opens the Bible it is like seeing herself in a mirror. She sees what is happening, or should happen in her life.

Today, the second Sunday of Lent, the Church offers us the reading of the Gospel of Mark (Mk: 9, 2-10) about the Transfiguration. «Jesus took, with him Peter, James and John and led them up a high mountain where they could be alone by themselves. «There in their presence He was transfigured». Mark explains, but even after his explanation, I don’t think that any of us can grasp even a little bit of what that mountain top experience was.

It is not difficult to express ideas but it is very difficult to explain experiences. Very often when couples bring their babies for Baptism, holding them in their arms, and «squeezing» them against their chest or their cheeks I ask them: «What do you feel when you are holding your baby like that?» the answer is: «hum… hum… hum… Father I can’t explain» and… that’s the end, and usually ends with a gentle kiss. What we know is that Peter, James and John were so intimately absorbed in that profound and touching experience that made Peter say: «Rabi, it is wonderful for us to be here; so let us make three tents, one for you, one for Moses and one for Elijah». And then Mark adds: «he did not know what to say… and there came a voice from the cloud: «This is my Son, the Beloved, listen to Him». But, later, Mark adds the hard part. «They came down from the mountain». The experience had ended.

But one thing we know. We know that Jesus came down with them.

I really wanted to see their faces when they were contemplating the transfiguration of Jesus and also when they were coming down from the mountain to the valley. Were they happy? Were they talking with one another and with Jesus? Were they somber and depressed? I don’t know. What I know is that they wanted that experience to last forever. But there is also a very important thing that I know: Jesus was coming down with them. And I know that the Jesus of the mountain was the same Jesus of the valley.

Yes! I agree with Sandy. The Bible is a parable of our lives. We all have mountain-top experiences, but on the other hand we all have valley experiences. We have all had moments that we didn’t want to end. What we wanted was to build tents and stay there forever. But life doesn’t work like that. Life works with mountains and valleys. However, we must remember that the Jesus of the mountain is the Jesus of the valley.

Especially during this Lenten season, I would like to invite couples, families and groups to sit down and make a list of those moments we have had in our lives that we didn’t want to end. We also can do that at the personal level. Maybe we can write a list of the main ones. And then, when life goes wrong and we are facing troubles and dark moments in our relationships, we can talk about that with one another and thank God for those moments. I don’t have any doubts that if we try to focus on our mountain top experiences, also at a personal level, we are going to improve our mental health, especially depressions, and our relationships will be greatly improved.

Love & Peace
Fr. Bernardino Andrade

From My Heart to Your Heart – Don’t forget to give your garbage ….



I grew up before the Council Vatican II, in a very clericalist Christian Society. The only non-priest person I met teaching about Jesus was my Catechist when she prepared me for my First Communion and my Confirmation. Otherwise, only priests talked about God.

I was already a Seminarian when I heard, for the first time, this married young lay man talking to the Seminarians about God and about Spirituality. I was fascinated. His words and his intimacy with God had a great impact on me. He didn’t tell us how good he was, but how good God was. He talked about his prayer life and his daily walking with God. I remember him telling us about his moments of joy and also about his «dark nights» in his relationship with Jesus. But what I never forgot was when he said:

«How many times my days have been so bad that my evening prayer was simply: – «Here I am Jesus, at the end of this day, in which everything went wrong and the only thing I have that I can offer to you is a basket of garbage. I have nothing else to offer you».

I wouldn’t be surprised if most of us have felt like that. I have.


St. Jerome lived for twenty-five years in the cave where the Child Jesus was born. One time he addressed to Jesus this prayer:

«Dear Child, you have suffered much to save me; How can I make emends?»
«What can you give me Jerome?», a voice was heard.
«I will spend my entire life in prayer, and I will offer all my talents into your hands», Jerome replied.
«You do that to glorify me, but what more can you give Me»? The Voice asked again.
«I will give all my money to the poor». Jerome exclaimed.
The Voice said: «Give your money to the poor; that it would be just as if you were giving it to Me. But what else can you give to Me?».

St. Jerome became distraught and said: «I have given You everything! What is there left to give?»

– «Jerome, you have not given me your sins,» the Lord replied. «Give your sins to Me, so I can erase them ». With these words Jerome burst into tears and spoke: «Dear Jesus, take all that is mine and give me all that is Yours.»


Lent is a time to be more aware of our weaknesses and our sins. It is a special time to offer to God our sins. It is a time of renewal. God has many ways to forgive our sins. God never gets tired of forgiving. God, knowing our weaknesses, has even a special Sacrament to reconnect us. To heal us. To embrace us. The Sacrament of Reconciliation with Confession to a priest is not the encounter of a sinner with a judge. The Sacrament of Reconciliation confessing our sins to a priest and receiving the absolution is the meeting of two sinners who get together to celebrate the forgiveness and mercy of God who has no limits.


Every Sunday of Lent, after Mass, I will be available in the privacy of the UPPER ROOM of the Moynihans Restaurant (up the road from the Chapel) to celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation with Confessions. Those who are not planning to go to Confession (including non-Catholics and children) are welcomed to approach the priest for a special blessing in the UPPER ROOM.

Fr. Bernardino Andrade


Lent began this week on Ash Wednesday (February 17th). Under normal circumstances, Catholics would walk out of Ash Wednesday services with a cross-shaped smudge on their foreheads.

This year, with the coronavirus pandemic, things are a little different. There was no Ash Wednesday Mass at the Chapel, but today you will be receiving a small packet of blessed Ashes to take home.

Father Bernardino has an idea which he would like to suggest this year. His idea is for people to prepare in their homes a “Little Corner of Lent” to keep the ashes, that would be like replacing the “Christmas Tree” for Christmas. It would remind them to pray together, even if it is a very short prayer. That would be a daily reminder of this special season of Lent.


Scripture Readings 21st February 2021, 1st Sunday of Lent, Year B

Gen 9: 8-15; Psalm 24(25):4-9; 1 Peter 3: 18-22; Mark 1: 12-15

Genesis describes how, after the Great Flood, God established the first covenant with humanity, promising not to destroy all living creatures again. Every rainbow reminds us of God’s care for all creation.

The Psalm asks for God’s guidance and pardon, before meditating on God’s goodness towards the just.

Peter applies the Genesis story to Jesus. We should not “repay evil for evil or abuse for abuse” but repay hurt with a blessing. If God wills that we suffer, then it is better to suffer for doing good than for doing evil. God’s promise to Noah is fulfilled in Christ, who “in the body was put to death, in the spirit was raised to life”. Just as Noah was saved by water, so we are washed in the water of baptism and make “a promise to God from a good conscience” rising into a new life in Christ.

In Mark’s gospel Jesus’ baptism is followed immediately by this very brief description of his temptation in the desert. Angels guided the Israelites during the Exodus. Now angels look after Jesus as he rejects Satan and remains obedient to God, announcing the Good News to begin his human ministry.

Psalm Response: Your ways, Lord, are faithfulness and love for those who keep your covenant.

(Gen 9: 8-15; Psalm 24(25):4-9; 1 Peter 3: 18-22; Mark 1: 12-15)

From My Heart to Your Heart – The Untouchables



The lepers in the time of Jesus were untouchable. They had to live apart from their communities, and even from their families. Being sick with leprosy was considered a punishment from God because of their sins. Lepers were considered unclean. Those who were touched by them, or who touched them, would become unclean.
If I had to make a list of my most favourite passages of the Gospels, there is no doubt that Mark 1: 40-45 would be almost at the beginning of the list.

A leper came to Jesus and pleaded on his knees: «If you want to, you can cure me». First of all, he should not have approached anyone. He broke the law. And for the Jewish people the law was everything. But, feeling sorry for him, Jesus stretched out his hand and touched him. Jesus knew that by touching an unclean person he would become unclean. What shakes me inside is that Jesus could have cured him at a distance. But he voluntarily broke the law and touched the leper. And the leper was cured with a touch. With a simple touch, and lots of compassion and unconditional love.

Today there are around us many untouchable people. A few days ago I heard a Muslim engineer saying that 80% of what is said on TV about Muslims is negative. The Gypsies are another community seen with suspicion. Blacks and other colours are supposed to live apart. They don’t belong. And other minority groups like gays, the homeless, the poor. This creates a profound sense of loneliness. Nobody can function well in loneliness. Life is about relationships.

Fr. Tony Kadavil tells the following story.

Michael Kirwan, a longtime member of the Catholic Community Worker Movement in Washington DC, who was highly respected for his work of feeding and caring for the homeless in that city, once told the story of how he began his work:

«One night I brought down a large gallon plastic jug of split pea soup and set it down on the cement block near the heating vent where the poor and the homeless people gathered. A rather rough looking fellow picked up the jar of soup by surprise and in one motion broke the jar over my head».

Instead of running away, I asked the man why he had done that. These were probably the first words I had ever spoken to any of them.

He told me that I was doing nothing more than bringing food to the dogs. I was bringing food, setting it down like out of a pet dish and then just walking away.

He said: «Talk to us. Visit us. We don’t bite».

From what happened that night, Michael said, I realized that these men and women on the street only wanted to be loved and respected and listened to. They cared that someone cared about them, but just giving food and a blanket was not enough.

Fr. Bernardino Andrade

DID YOU KNOW? – Lent begins this week!

Lent begins this coming week on Ash Wednesday (February 17th)! Lent is the period of 40 days which comes before Easter in the Christian calendar. Beginning on Ash Wednesday, Lent is a season of reflection and preparation before the celebrations of Easter.

Good Friday falls on April 2nd, and Easter Sunday falls on April 4th this year.

Did you know that Lent is not only observed by Catholics? It is also observed by other religions such as: Anglicans, Easter Orthodox, Lutherans, Methodists, Moravians, and Presbyterians.

Scripture Readings 14th February 2021, 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year B

Lev 13: 1-2, 44-46; Psalm 31(32): 1-2,5,11; 1 Cor 10:31-11:1; Mark 1: 40-45

Leviticus, the third book of the Pentateuch, describes rituals used by the priests. Laws and rituals kept Israelites in the state of legal purity to which they were called, as a sign of their union with the Lord. A leper had to live apart in a dishevelled state, warning people to keep away. A cleansing ritual was specified for anyone cured.

This penitential Psalm celebrates the joy of confessing sins and knowing forgiveness. An omitted verse describes the misery of deferring confession.

Paul continues his theme of not placing obstacles which might hinder the spreading of the gospel. The Corinthians should eat whatever is put before them. They should not risk giving offence to their host, even if they suspect some food is ritually unclean by being offered to heathen gods before being sold in the market. But they should not eat food that they are told has been offered to idols – because that would offend their informant’s conscience.

Mark’s gospel continues with another healing, this time Jesus shows enormous tenderness in insisting that – of course – he wants to heal the leper. And he does so by touching the unclean leper – so becoming unclean himself. Jesus makes very visible how much God wants to heal us.

Psalm Response: You are my refuge, O Lord; you fill me with the joy of salvation.

From My Heart to Your Heart – Welcome Father Andrew

Welcome Father Andrew

The last time I visited Father Michael who is the Chaplain of the Anglican Holy Trinity Church, in Funchal, I had the privilege of meeting Fr. Andrew who had arrived from Canada to visit the Anglican Community. I am not sure but I think that before I said “Hello! How are you” I immediately invited him to visit our Catholic Community at Penha de França and give the homily. He kindly said yes but it would have to take place on his next visit to Madeira. Well it happened that last Sunday I saw this man at Mass and he looked like Fr. Andrew. It was when I finished Mass and went to the sacristy that this man greeted me and said: “Yes! Next Sunday I will be here and ready to preach”.

Besides, two weeks ago, the Christian world celebrated the “Week of Prayer for Christian Unity”. And here we are with Fr. Andrew celebrating our Search for Unity and in this process rejoicing that in spite of our differences we all can live and pray together and also try to find other instruments to unite us in Body of Christ. I also asked him to write something about himself and send pictures.

And here is Fr. Andrew…. Welcome to your house.

Fr. Bernardino Andrade

Dear friends,

In the spirit of our recent Week for Christian Unity, I am very glad and honoured to receive an invitation from Fr. Bernardino to preach this week at Sunday Eucharist.

My name is Fr. Andrew Twiddy, and I serve as a diocesan priest of the Anglican Church of Canada, also licensed for the Diocese in Europe, and assisting Fr. Michael at the English Church, Igreja Inglesa, here in Funchal. I have a Franciscan charism as a Companion to the Society of Saint Francis, and my long-term mentor and inspiration in ministry is RC priest and friar, Fr. Richard Rohr, OFM, of the Center for Action and Contemplation.

Perhaps you know of Europe’s rarest seabird, the Freira da Madeira, or “Madeiran Nun”. It nests around Pico Ruivo in the winter and spring, and flies to Canada for the summer. Except it is not really a nun, because it has a nest, a family, and brings chicks into the world! Well, I like to think of myself as a “Freire da Madeira”. I have visited Madeira six times since 2014, usually in winter, and then I live and work most of the year in my parish of Parksville, in Central Vancouver Island, Canada. Except that I am not really a friar either, since I am a husband, and have 5 children and 4 grandchildren! I travel here with my wife Sandy, and my canine liturgical assistant Keelie, who helps me with a Franciscan Eucharist I celebrate monthly at home.

One more thing to tell you, and one of the reasons I rejoice in the convergence of our liturgies and practice since Vatican II, that makes it easier for us all to collaborate and for me to be here this Sunday as a guest preacher. I am glad to call as my friend and colleague, Bishop Remi de Roo, now aged 96, and the last active Roman Catholic bishop to have participated in all 4 sessions of the 2nd Vatican Council (1962-66).

He lives a short distance from my home, and we collaborate and teach together on a project called Spirituality Beyond Borders, that helps me live out my Franciscan vocation in spirituality and teaching. Last summer we ran a retreat together with another friend, Pearl Gervais, and I played the role of Francis of Assisi, Pearl assumed the character of Hildegard of Bingen, and Remi was Thomas of Aquinas!

Thank you, Father Bernardino, and the good people of Penha de Franca, for your welcome!

Fr. Andrew Twiddy (


In December last year, the United Nations declared February 4th as International Day of Human Fraternity. This Thursday, February 4th, it was the First time it was celebrated. The idea started 2 years ago, with a document signed by Pope Francis and the Grand Imam of Al-Azhar, Sheikh Ahmad Al-Tayyeb, the Leader of the Islamic Community.
“Fraternity is the new frontier for humanity. It is the challenge of our century, the challenge of our times. There is no time for indifference. Either we are brothers and sisters or we will destroy each other…. A world without fraternity is a world of enemies.” That was the essence of what Pope Francis said as he joined the Grand Imam of Al-Azhar, Ahmad Al-Tayyeb, on Feb. 4, in an inspiring virtual conference to celebrate the first-ever International Day of Human Fraternity.
The head of the Catholic Church and the head of Al-Azhar gave the world yet another powerful witness of their friendship and commitment to work together for peace among the nations. Speaking at the event, from Rome and Cairo respectively, the religious leaders reaffirmed, as they had done in Abu Dhabi two years ago, the fundamental teaching of their respective religious traditions: that all human beings are created by the one God and are called to live together as brothers and sisters. The event was hosted in Abu Dhabi by Judge Mohamed Abdel-Salam and transmitted worldwide by Vatican Media.

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