Scripture Readings 20th October 2019, 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year C

During the Exodus, after escaping from Egypt across the Red Sea, the Israelites frequently grumbled about God, who responded by giving them water, quail and manna. Then they were challenged by the Amelekites living between Palestine and Sinai. Moses needed a lot of human help to keep his arms up! But his persistence showed complete faith in God. They continued to quarrel and test the Lord, but he showed yet again that he will always look after them.

The Psalmist, full of confidence in the Lord, assures his companion he too may have total confidence in God.

Paul emphasises that Timothy, like Moses, must “be persistent” in proclaiming the word “whether it is convenient or inconvenient”. He describes the uses of scripture: “for teaching, for refuting error, for guidance and for teaching people to be holy”. For Paul, writing before the Gospels were written, “scripture” meant what we now call the Old Testament. So we need to persist in trying to understand the Jewish Scriptures.

Just before Jesus enters Jerusalem Luke gives us two parables about prayer. Today we hear how the persistent widow gets justice. Jesus assures us: God will “see justice done to his chosen who cry out to him day and night even when he delays to help them”.

Psalm Response: Our help is in the name of the Lord, who made heaven and earth.

(Ex 17:8-13 Ps 120(121) 2 Tim 3:14-4:2 Lk 18:1-8)

FROM MY HEART TO YOUR HEART – Two irresitable Virtues

by Fr. Bernardino Andrade

Father Mata was my Spiritual Director during my time in the Seminary. He was a man of short sermons, short sentences, deep spirituality and crucifying love for the poor. He was a living Saint. I always wanted to be like him but I have been far away from my desire. Maybe because I resisted in paying the price that he paid.

«There is no gain without pain».

One of his short sentences that left prints in my heart was

«Gratitude and humility are two irresistible virtues».

I would add that «Ingratitude and pride are two of the most hurting and disturbing shortcomings in any relationship».

Today’s Gospel (28th Sunday of the Year C) tells the story of ten lepers healed by Jesus. Nine of them kept on going. Only one of them came back and told Jesus “thank you”. Jesus felt hurt and had the courage to open his heart and ask

«Were not all of ten made clean? The other nine where are they?»

Ingratitude hurts.


A little boy fell off a pier into deep ocean water. An older sailor, heedless of the great danger to himself, dove into the stormy water, struggled with the boy, and finally, exhausted, brought him to safety. Two days later, the boy’s mother came with him to the same pier, seeking the sailor who had rescued her son. Finding him, she asked: «You dove into the ocean to bring my boy out?» «I did,» he replied. The mother angrily demanded: «Then where’s his hat?».


An old woman was in an extended-care hospital. She had some kind of wasting disease, her different powers fading away over the space of months. A young student happened to meet her on a coincidental visit. The student kept going back, drawn by the strange force of the woman’s joy. Though she could no longer move her arms and legs, she would say: «I’m just so happy and grateful to God that I can move my neck». When she could no longer move her neck, she would say: «I am so glad and thankful I can hear and see». When the young student finally asked the old woman what would happen if she lost her senses of hearing and sight, the gentle lady said:

«I’ll just be so grateful that you come to visit».

Love and Peace, Fr. Bernardino Andrade

From my Heart to Your Heart – My purpose in life is to continue the work of God

Fr B

When I was a seminarian, I remember one day, I started reflecting about my future job as a priest. And my reflection was based on this question: «What kind of job or ministry that other priests do, will I be able to do or not?». Finally I concluded that I would be able to try any job that other priests were doing, except for two: «teacher» and «journalist». Those two jobs were out of the question. I was sure that no Bishop would give me that kind of work. I didn’t like them and I knew that I would never be able to do a good job as a teacher or as a journalist. Well… years later, even before I was ordained as a priest, my first two jobs that I was supposed to do simultaneously, was a professor of religion and a journalist. Now I understand better the saying I heard later in life: «If you want to make God laugh, tell Him your plans».

One day I was in front of a class of little girls «teaching» religion in a public school in Mozambique. The theme was about our purpose in life. The question was «what do you live for». I even told them that if they went to the streets and stopped cars, or entered coffee shops or stopped people in the streets and asked this question, it would be interesting to find out how many people would be confused about that question.

I didn’t suggest that they do it. It was only an example. What happened was that they went to the streets, and to public places, with a pencil and paper in their hands and started questioning people.

«I am sorry for stopping you. We need your help. We are doing a school work. Would you please tell us what do you live for?».

Most of the answers were really funny. Nobody was impolite or rude to them. Many answered:

«I live for nothing». – «Thank you. Can we have your name?» «Wait… wait…»

The majority of the people started reflecting and giving more serious answers. This was in a small city where everybody knew everybody. When, in the following class, they told me about this experience I was glad that they had not asked me. I thought, and I think, that I know my purpose in life but if I was surprised with a question like that I was not sure if I knew how to formulate my answer.

It was Isabel, a 12-year-old girl, who taught me when she gave me her answer:

«My purpose in life is to continue the work of God».

In this field, Isabel was my best teacher in Theology. Since then, I was able to formulate my answer in a second. And learning how to formulate my answer helped me a lot on how to live accordingly.

«I live to continue the work of God».

What I find amazing is to discover that God needs us to build this world at all levels. Our purpose is to continue what He started and is still doing. Unfortunately we have two choices. One is to work with God and daily help Him to build a better world, or we also have the power to sabotage and destroy His dream and His work and slowly kill and destroy His project.

We have a choice. Planting a tree or taking care of a little garden, we are helping God to fulfill His dream and His project. A simple plastic bag thrown into the ocean is sabotaging His project. Freeing the poor from their poverty and alleviating the suffering of the world is an essential part of this project that involves every human being. And this is part of our spirituality

Love and Peace
Fr. Bernardino Andrade

From My Heart to Your Heart – A Scientist who became a Starfish Saver

by Father Bernadino

He was a scientist and was writing a book. Every afternoon he would go to the beach, not to swim, but to take advantage of the sound of the waves, the scenery… of the many kilometers of yellow sand, the presence of children splashing in the water and the gentle flying of elegant seagulls.

There was a small distance between the water and a small forest where there were trees that would protect the scientist from the sun. He would bring a small folding chair and for a while that space was his small office.

None of these apparent distractions were able to distract him from his job that, for him, was also a hobby. None of these activities were able to distract him, except for one. Every afternoon he could see a man «dancing» by himself on the sand. This man would bend down, would stand up, would open his arms and would repeat almost the same movements for a long time.

This «show» was happening every afternoon. It was something that started distracting him and then started intriguing him. He even thought if it could be a kind of religious ritual of some kind of religion.

Finally the scientist decided to unveil the mystery. He left his papers on his chair and full of curiosity approached the «dancing man» and asked for the meaning of that ritual.

The «dancing man» stopped for a while and gladly explained to his visitor:

«It is because in this water there are many starfish. When the tides rise up, the starfish are thrown onto the sand of the beach. The problem is that when the tides go down most of them stay on the dry sand and die. I come every afternoon looking for starfish that have stayed on the sand, and to save them, I pick them up one by one, and throw them back in the water. I know that those starfish are safe and alive».

The scientist, expressing some kind of disbelief told him: «But, my friend, there are hundreds of kilometers of sand on this beach, what difference does that make?».

The «dancing man» bent down, picked up another starfish that was close to his feet and said: «Does it make any difference to this one?»

The following afternoon the scientist stopped writing his book in the afternoons and joined the «dancing man», saving starfish.

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If you can’t feed a hundred people, then feed just one. (Mother Teresa)
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Small things done by small people in small places change the world (Mother Teresa)
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What I do for others is just a small drop of water in the ocean. But without that drop of water
the ocean is smaller. (Mother Teresa)

FROM MY HEART TO YOUR HEART – The Opposite of Love is Indifference

by Fr. Bernardino Andrade

Man Sleeping on Pavement

Man Sleeping on Pavement

My niece, Ana, lived with me for some time in my Parish residence in the suburbs of San Francisco, California. Once in a while, when we had some free time, we enjoyed going to San Francisco, and spend some time in the Fisher Men’s Warf where we could eat a clam chowder from a bowl that was edible. The bowl was made of a round loaf of French bread which had a large portion of the middle cut out. It was really fun to stand or sit outside eating the clam chowder and throwing pieces of bread to the doves that were flying by or walking around us.

Ana was very creative. One day Ana told me that she would like to go to San Francisco, but get lost in San Francisco. No plans, no maps, no schedules. Just walk without any destiny.

But one day it was my turn to suggest something very different. In the same city, and walking through the same streets, I suggested:

«Ana, I would like to bring you to San Francisco to walk through the same streets, but during the night. I would like you to see San Francisco at night. I can tell you Ana, to see San Francisco at night is very depressing. The sidewalks of certain streets are full of human misery. We can see homeless men, women and children. Some are sleeping on pieces of cardboard, some are begging with babies on their laps; some are drunk, and others, slowly getting destroyed by drugs. The lack of hygiene is repugnant. This is what you are going to see in some «beautiful» streets of San Francisco. Ana… it is very depressing.» It was then, when Ana with her angelic voice told me: «Don’t worry uncle. I will put my blinders on and I wouldn’t have any problems».

On one of the Sundays when the Gospel was about the rich man and the poor Lazarus (Lk 16:19-31), I asked Ana’s permission to tell the story of us walking through the streets of San Francisco during the night, and the episode of using the blinders not to see the misery and avoiding feeling depressed. When I thought that she was going to feel embarrassed about her approach, she came to me after Mass and said: «Uncle! Next time you tell that story about the blinders, please be stronger».

In this story, Jesus doesn’t say that the rich man had caused any damage or pain to Lazarus, or that he had stolen anything from him. It simply shows the indifference of a rich man before the suffering of the poor. Some time ago I found this sentence that made me think:

«That man was so poor that the only thing he had was money».

In this story, the rich man has no name. He was only the rich man. The poor man had a name. His name was Lazarus. In the Gospel, for the followers of Jesus, helping the poor is not optional. It will be for each one of us the difference between heaven or hell.

The opposite of love is not hatred. The opposite of love is indifference.

< Love and Peace Fr. Bernardino Andrade

Scripture Readings 6th October 2019, 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year C

Hab 1:2-3,2:2-4 Ps 94(95) 2 Tim 1:6-8,13-14 Lk 17:5-10

Habbakuk appears to have prophesied while Judah was being threatened by Babylon, who destroyed Jerusalem in 586 BC. Habbakuk expresses the ever-present frustration of mankind that evil people always seem to triumph. Since God is good and just, why doesn’t He intervene to help those who worship Him? Instead of punishing his erring people by a nation even more wicked? God’s answer here is that “the upright man will live by his faithfulness”. So Habbakuk agrees to “quietly wait” for the invaders to be punished.

The Psalm invites us to praise and worship the Lord daily, for he is our king and shepherd. We must not lose faith in God, as did the Israelites in their desert journey.

In the first of four readings from Paul’s second letter to Timothy, he is urged to “bear the hardships” relying on God’s power, using and developing his skills to testify to the good news. You should “guard the rich truth that has been entrusted to you” the truth that Jesus, “has abolished death”.

In Luke’s Gospel Jesus continues to teach on his way to Jerusalem. We must have confidence in God’s plan, carrying out the tasks God has given us. We must not expect God to put this world to rights in our lifetime.

Psalm Response: O that today you would listen to his voice! Harden not your hearts.

Scripture Readings 29th September 2019, 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year C

Amos 6:1, 4-7, Ps 145:6-10,1 Tim 6:11-16, Lk 16:19-31

Amos warns both the northern kingdom, Israel, ie Samaria, and the southern kingdom, Judea, with its capital Zion or Jerusalem, that the idle rich in both kingdoms will be the first to go into exile. 40 years later, in 721 BC, Samaria was conquered, and later Judea followed into exile.

The Psalm, echoed by Mary in Luke’s Magnificat, confirms that God’s justice will prevail: the hungry will be fed, the blind given sight, but the wicked will lose out.

Instructing Timothy how to organise the early Christian church, Paul also insists the rich should use their wealth for good deeds. Christians should ideally aspire to show the Christian virtues as examples to all, and so witness to the truth, until our Lord Jesus Christ returns to appear in glory as King of kings. And Paul insists that only God “has immortality”: we do not simply have souls that live on after death – our creed says we believe in “the resurrection of the body”, a gift from God in which our whole person, body and soul, lives for ever.

The Gospel graphically illustrates the dangers of riches: the rich man, who is not named, asks that the poor man – who is named – Lazarus – be sent to relieve his torments in hell. Abraham tells him the rich should listen to the prophets.

Psalm Response: My soul, give praise to the Lord.

(Amos 6:1, 4-7, Ps 145:6-10,1 Tim 6:11-16, Lk 16:19-31)

Scripture Readings 22nd September 2019, 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year C

Amos 8:4-7 Ps 112(113):1-8 1 Tim 2:1-8 Lk 16:1-13

Amos was a shepherd from Judah who around 760 BC prophesied doom to the northern kingdom Israel, largely because of its social injustice. Israel under Jeroboam was very prosperous, but when it was overrun by Assyria 40 years later the prophet’s warnings were remembered. It was not just the ways the rich cheated the poor – inflating the currency and giving short measure. Worse was their belief that sacrifices and fasting would absolve them from God’s blame: sacrifice without justice is meaningless.

The Psalm urges praise for God at all times and in all places for he who is supreme over all stoops down to raise up the poor.

In our modern liturgies we follow all of Paul’s advice to Timothy: we lift up our hands in the traditional manner to offer prayers of petition, intercession and thanks, and we pray for secular authorities – “so that we may live religious and reverent lives in peace and quiet”. We should reject false gods like riches or possessions. There is only one God, and Christ Jesus, our one High Priest, is the only mediator between us and God.

In the Gospel Jesus also warns us not to be seduced into worshipping money. Jesus says though the steward was “dishonest”, his motive was right: to gain friends who would help him later.

Psalm Response: Praise the Lord who raises the poor.

(Amos 8:4-7 Ps 112(113):1-8 1 Tim 2:1-8 Lk 16:1-13)

The Greatest Short Story In The World (Lk. 15)

Painting of the Prodigal Son

Painting of the Prodigal Son by Rembrandt

The lost son: This has been called ”the greatest short story in the world.” It speaks about the deep effects of sin, the self-destruction of hatred and the infinite mercy of God. This is a story of love, of conflict, of deep heartbreak, and of ecstatic joy. The scene opens on a well-to-do Jewish family. With the immaturity of a spoiled brat the younger son demands impudently of his gracious father, “Give me the portion of goods that falls to me.” Demanding inheritance while the father was alive was equivalent to treating the father as dead. Under Jewish law, when a father divided his property between two sons, the elder son had to receive two-thirds and the younger one-third (Dt 21:17).

In Jesus’ parable, the younger son offends his father again by selling out his share of the inheritance and then squandering the money in a faraway city. The land was sacred to the Jewish people because it was the Promised Land given to the Chosen People. Hence, each bit of land was considered holy, and no Israelite could lawfully sell his property (Lev. 25:23, I Kg. 21). Ancient “social security” basically consisted in sons farming their father’s land and taking care of their parents until their death. Thus, in selling his land, the prodigal has sold his parents’ social security.

The conversion, return, and confession: When he becomes bankrupt, the prodigal son ends up feeding pigs, a task that was forbidden to a Jew (Leviticus 11:7; 14:8). Having sunk to the depths of economic, spiritual and moral depravity, the prodigal finally “comes to his senses” (v. 17). So he decides to return to his father, to ask his forgiveness and to beg for the status of a hired servant.

When he sees his son returning, the ever-watchful father runs to him and gives him a cordial welcome along with a new robe, a ring and new shoes. Symbolically, the robe stands for honor; the ring for authority (the signet ring gave a person the power of attorney) and the shoes for the son’s place as a member of the family (slaves did not wear shoes). The father also throws a great feast killing the “fatted calf’ reserved for the Passover feast so that all may rejoice at the wanderer’s return.

The “Prodigal Father” and the self-righteous elder brother: The parable illustrates the wonder of God’s love and unconditional forgiveness. God seeks out the sinner and forgives him unconditionally. Jesus recounts the story of the elder brother as his response to the accusation by the self-righteous Pharisees that he was the friend of sinners. The elder brother represents the self-righteous Pharisees who would rather see a sinner destroyed than saved. He reflects the Pharisees’ attitude that obedience to Mosaic Law is a duty, not a loving service. Like the Pharisees, the elder brother lacks sympathy for his sibling and levels accusations against him. As a self-righteous person, he refuses to forgive. Thus, his grudge becomes a sin in itself, resulting in his self-exclusion from the banquet of his father’s love. That is what we all do when we sin. We exclude ourselves from the banquet of God’s love.

– Source: Father Tony Kadavil

Love and Peace
Fr. Bernardino Andrade

FROM MY HEART TO YOUR HEART – The Agony of Watching a Game

Brought to you by Fr. Bernardino Andrade

I have tried, but I have to confess that I have never been able to watch a football game from the beginning until the end because of the agony I feel and see, not only among the football players, but also around me in the people who are watching it in person or in TV. It is uncommon to see people really «enjoying» the game. It is common to see the watchers agonizing over each movement that is done inside the field. I don’t see too much concern about the players. What I see is a big concern about winning or losing. And what I find strange is that in the same moment and in the same place, I have seen people yelling and screaming of joy and excitement, and at their side there are people crying, feeling defeated, sad and frustrated.

It was during a Marathon at the Special Olympics. A group of ten Special young boys and girls were running, competing with each other to arrive first and to be the first; to be the winner. Some of them were Down syndrome, some Autistic and others with other special challenges. There were thousands of people watching from the balcony.

They were running and running. People were roaring with excitement, with applauses and words of encouragement and support for those they expected to be their heroes. Of course some were faster than others, and consequently some were ahead of others. This was the purpose of the marathon. And of course the winners would be rewarded with special expensive medals. The losers, well… too bad. Nothing could be done about that. This was a competition and rules are rules.

At a certain a point of the race, a fifteen-year-old girl fell on the ground. It was obvious that not even the adversaries enjoyed that moment, but that fall, helping her to lose, would be helping others to win. That’s part of sports. That’s part of competition. Some have to lose in order that others can win. Rules are rules.

But something happened that completely changed the atmosphere. They were ten young people running and doing what they had been taught to do. They had been taught to run faster than others and to be ahead of others, because they were supposed to win. All the techniques had been taught and learned properly. But seeing their colleague in pain, all of them forgot that they were supposed to win. All of them stopped and came to her aid. One of the boys kissed her knee that had been scratched and told her. «This is going to help you feel better». Then all of them joined hands and kept running and arrived all together at the same time.

According to the story there was not one dry eye on the balconies. True human life is not about competition. True human life is about helping one another. True human life is about People Helping People.

Love and Peace
Fr. Bernardino Andrade