Scripture Readings 21st July 2019, 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year C

(Gen 18:1-10; Ps 14(15):2-5; Col 1:24-28; Lk 10:38-42)

Abraham, settled by the oaks of Mamre, near Hebron, south of Jerusalem, gives proper hospitality to his three special visitors. He addresses only one of them as Lord, who promises a son to the couple in their old age. God’s covenant promise to Abraham of countless descendants can now begin to come true.

The psalm lists the social virtues necessary to be at one with the Lord, especially justice and charity.

Paul had explained to the Colossians that with Christ’s death God’s covenant plan is now back on track. Paul sees his afflictions as helping spread the knowledge of redemption and contributing towards the debt Christ has already paid on our behalf.

The Jews believed that God would reveal his secret plans for creation: Paul says these have now been revealed – the mystery is Jesus the Christ, the man who is the revelation of God, now raised to the new life also promised to us.

In Luke’s description of Jesus’ visit to Martha and Mary, their brother Lazarus is not mentioned. Like Sarah, Martha is busy preparing the meal. With so much to do she is naturally – but not obsessively – distracted, and asks for Mary’s help. But Jesus reminds her that listening to the words of their prophetic guest is more important than domestic perfection.

Psalm Response: The just will live in the presence of the Lord.

(Gen 18:1-10; Ps 14(15):2-5; Col 1:24-28; Lk 10:38-42)

FROM MY HEART TO YOUR HEART – Brought to you by Fr. Bernardino Andrade


I don’t believe that my cat has learned anything from me even if I have tried. However, I must confess that I have learned a lot from him…

It was one Friday afternoon. A child knocks on my door to tell me that my cat had an ugly wound in his head. When I saw it I was shocked. The wound was big, infected and horrible.

I called the veterinarian. A nice doctor was ready to see my cat right away. The gentle vet cleaned my cat’s head but left an open and even uglier wound. Then, she gave me some medicine to give him orally and told me to clean his wound daily and never let any dry skin cover it.

It seemed that the kind doctor was ready to let me go but I refused to believe that she was going to send me away without any ointment or even a bandage to cover that horrible wound. That’s when I interrupted her, “Doctor… are you not going to give me some medicine to put on that wound or at least a medicated bandage? That looks horrible.” She said, “No. You will not put anything on that wound not even a band-aid. Keep it uncovered, clean and give the cat the medicine I gave you. Healing comes from inside.”

In a few days the wound was completely healed. The doctor was right. Healing came from inside. No ointments. No band-aids.

One of the most beautiful and touching experiences of my life as Pastor in the USA was to baptize and welcome adults into the Catholic Church. The preparation would take two years. Scrutinies during Lent used to be one of the highest moments of their journey. The key words for the Scrutinies ceremony were: “to uncover” and “to heal”. The candidates are invited to uncover what is bad and sinful in them in order to get the healing they needed.

All of us are wounded and hurt. You and I deserve to be healed. The temptation is to cover with band-aids but my cat’s vet was right. Healing comes from inside.

God loves you and so do I,
Fr. Bernardino Andrade

Scripture Readings 14th July 2019, 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year C

Deut 30:10-14; Ps 68(69):14-37; Col 1:15-20; Lk 10:25-37

The book of Deuteronomy, the “second law”, evolved over many centuries. It restates the Jewish Law and the covenant God made with Abraham. Our reading starts with an imperative, but this follows “if”: “you will prosper if” you choose to follow God’s law. And God’s Law is not difficult to find: it is written “in their hearts”. Put the covenant into practice, and so choose life, not death.

The psalm implores God to save him from unmerited suffering. The reference in an omitted verse to “vinegar to drink” and the expectation that “God will save Zion” led Christians to think of Messiah – Christ.

In this beautiful hymn from Colossians Paul spells out the awesome reality of Christ: “Christ Jesus is the image of the unseen God”. We know God through Jesus. Jesus is fully human in the way God intended all humanity to be, and so He shows us the way to God. But reconciliation comes with a proviso: “that you continue in the faith”.

Jesus has rejoiced and given thanks with the 70 disciples for their successful mission. He then responds to a sincere questioner by updating the Jewish Law to what was originally intended. Everyone is our neighbour. The priest and the Levite were more concerned with ritual purity than with love.

Psalm Response: Seek the Lord, you who are poor, and your hearts will revive.

(Deut 30:10-14; Ps 68(69):14-37; Col 1:15-20; Lk 10:25-37)

FROM MY HEART TO YOUR HEART – Brought to you by Fr. Bernardino Andrade


Every day of the year is very special. Every day is a special gift from God to be lived and to be enjoyed. But there are days that are more special than others. One of those days, for me, is the 4th of July. It was on the 4th of July 1965 that I said my First Mass in my home Parish, in Ponta do Sol, Madeira Island. I had been ordained in the Diocese of Quelimane, Mozambique, on the 12th of June and then travelled to Madeira Island to celebrate my first Mass in my home Parish where I had been baptized, made my First Communion and where my family and I have our deepest roots.

It was a celebration that mobilized the entire Parish. It is a day full of memories. I don’t know how good or bad my memory is, but I believe that if I wanted to recount every minute… from my arrival to my home in Ponta do Sol until my first Mass, and then until saying goodbye again, I would be able to remember every event of those glorious moments. Some of them were expected, and some were surprises.

However, there was a moment that, under no circumstances, I could expect or could even imagine. I still don’t know if it was seen or observed by anyone else. It was very private even if I didn’t try to hide it from anybody else. It was so natural like if it was something that was done every day. Nobody said «close the door» or be quiet because something very private is happening. But I have to confess that I was not prepared for it. And I was a little nervous.

We were almost ready to leave to Church when my mother called me to her bedroom and in a very natural way said: «Bernardino, please hear my Confession». She said that as if it was something that she had been doing regularly. It was like a normal parishioner asking her pastor to hear her confession before Mass, like it has happened to me maybe thousands of times since then. But she was the first one.

And here we are. I was seated on her bed and she was kneeling before me. Mother and Son. Two sinners celebrating the merciful forgiveness of a merciful God.

«Bless me Father for I have sinned»! I don’t know if she said: «Bless me Father» or bless me «My Son for I have sinned». What I know is that the Sacrament of Confession, or better Reconciliation, started making more sense to me. Since then she did that very often when I came on vacation and my father followed in her footsteps even after she had died.

I was the youngest of eleven brothers and sisters. Also some of them did the same. What a mystery to be a priest. What a privilege to have a father and a mother like them. They never went to school. They didn’t know how to write their names. They never read the Bible because they didn’t know how to read but without any doubt they are the greatest saints of my life. They didn’t leave me properties or money but they left me their faith in God and their human, their family and their spiritual values.

Love and Peace,

Scripture Readings 7th July 2019, 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year C

Is 66:10-14; Ps 65(66):1-20; Gal 6:14-18; Lk 10:1-12,17-20

Third Isaiah wrote this beautiful imagery of a compassionate God to encourage the Jews returning from exile in Babylon to rebuild the Temple. The Lord sends his peace to Jerusalem through which he will give peace and nourishment to those who recognise the new creation coming with Jesus’ resurrection.

The psalm praises God’s power as revealed throughout history but especially during the Exodus.

This fond farewell concludes our readings from Paul’s letter to the Galatians. Human distinctions and marks on our flesh like circumcision no longer signify. We have become a new Spirit-filled creation, the “Israel of God” – God’s chosen family to carry God’s message to the world. The new Mass translation, “and with your spirit”, picks up Paul’s final phrase. God’s grace is to be deep and personal, affecting our whole lives.

In the reading from Luke’s gospel last week, Jesus “set himself to travel to Jerusalem”. For the rest of Ordinary Time, the “ordinally numbered weeks”, all our gospel readings are from his journey, as Jesus consciously focussed on his coming suffering in Jerusalem. Today we hear of Jesus sending 70 disciples on mission ahead of him, like the 70 elders chosen by Moses to lead the Exodus. But Jesus’ disciples are offering Israel a last chance to change her mind about Jesus.

Psalm response: Cry out with joy to God, all the earth.


FFROM MY HEART TO YOUR HEART – Brought to you by Fr. Bernardino Andrade


‘I have indeed seen the misery of my people in Egypt. I have heard them crying for help on account of their taskmasters. Yes, I am well aware of their sufferings’. (Ex. 3: 7).

If the Book of Exodus is the heart of the 46 books of the Old Testament, we can say that verse 7 of Chapter 3 is the heart of the book of Exodus. It was the starter. It was the hurricane for all that movement of liberation of the Hebrew People from the slavery of Egypt. It all departed from a God who heard the pain and cries of His People. And one day, that God who saw the suffering, chose Moses to lead the whole journey of deliverance that took 40 years through scorching and troubled deserts until they reached the promised land.

The “People Helping People” Association was born of a group of people who heard these cries; who saw this suffering. No one can imagine that on this island of Madeira, so beautiful and so attractive, there is so much suffering and so much misery. There are people who go days without food. We know where they are. One mother confided in me that the only thing she had been giving her children for the past three days was boiled guava leaves. The insensitive and cruel bureaucracies of some institutions leave people on the floor of misery.

One mother, single and unemployed, went to an institution that was supplying her with milk and nappies for her baby. One day, she arrived there, for the usual routine. She was just going to pick up her usual supply of nappies and milk. She was met with a disagreeable “No more. This is over.” Her adorable baby was no longer entitled to nappies or milk because she had turned one year old a few days earlier. I thought it was a misunderstanding. I went there in person and asked if this was true. The answer was a cold and indifferent “Yes, it’s true”. I asked if there was no other alternative. The answer was an even colder and indifferent “No”.

There are people dying of curable diseases because after they go to the doctor they do not have the money to buy the medicines they need. Other people who are very sick cannot get a doctor’s consultation through the state hospital until years later. As they cannot wait that long, they decide they need to see a private doctor. But who will pay?

One day I was waiting for an appointment at the “External Consultations” of the Hospital. After a long wait, the receptionist came in and said, “The Doctor is not coming in to do any consultations today.” A lady who had been waiting for the same doctor as me, said: “I’ve been waiting for this consultation for three years.” The look of defeat on her face was shocking.

Free dental medicine is only available after you’re 60 years of age. I think most people, even after 60, are unaware of this privilege. I only came to know about this at the age of 81. There are unemployed people who are able to find employment, but when they arrive to start working, they are sent away because their missing or damaged teeth “project a bad image of the company”. And image in today’s society is not the “most important thing.” Image in today’s society is the “only important thing.”

The People Helping People Association was born from this. It was born of a group of people who heard the cries of other people, and saw their suffering. This happened after the floods that destroyed part of Madeira Island on February 20th, 2010. The main objective of “People Helping People” is to “mobilize a lot of people to help a lot of people”. It is not to change people, but to alleviate their suffering, whatever the cause. It is not taming people, but helping them to free themselves from poverty.

We have always felt that helping people should be a way of life, with preference for the most vulnerable, the excluded, the discarded… and not an institution. Then, for various reasons, we decided to make People Helping People an official institution. Today, People Helping People is a non-profit association with the same objective of mobilizing many people to help many people. We would like it to always be an open door when all the others close.

However, even though we have a working group, mainly because of the limitations of committed people and financial possibilities, and due to the lack of a venue for meetings that have to be moved from one place to another and from one day to the next (which destabilizes the group), the coordination of family support is being provisionally handled by a wonderful lady called Dalila Oliveira. She has no headquarters (office), nor set working hours. Most of the contacts are made by phone and from there, Dalila schedules a meeting time and a place (usually in a cafe or restaurant) to listen to the pains and needs of each person, and with sometimes only a few possibilities, she is doing her “miracles” to alleviate their sufferings.

All this is done around a cup of coffee, a plate of soup or a meal, and according to the circumstances and our limited possibilities. There are hundreds of phone calls that Dalila regularly receives. But in addition, she also receives many SMS text messages. Some of these messages, we thought would be a good idea to publish in English in the newsletter of the Chapel of Penha de França. These messages, sometimes quite dramatic and desperate, we have given the name of “Cries of the Poor”, which we will start publishing on a regular basis from now on (on the last page of this newsletter). In the messages of the Cries of the Poor, all stories are true but the names of the people who are helped, out of respect for their dignity, will be fictitious.
Love and Peace
Fr. Bernardino Andrade


A few weeks ago I was walking with my two nieces towards a coffee shop where they can find their favourite chocolate bars and I can find my friends from a poor section of the area, and also a small cup of coffee. Inês is 4 years old and her sister, Maria, is 7 years old. It was such a wonderful feeling to hold those tiny childish hands inside my stronger and older hands. I don’t know who was enjoying the most. It was not mainly for safety but for the feelings of tenderness those two little angels were transmitting to me.

All of a sudden, without any previous warning, Maria tells me that her father, Énio, had told her: «When you give something to other people always give them the best of what you have». And I thought «What a father…». And I thought «How lucky Maria is to have a Christian father like that and a Christian mother who shares the same values!». «Always give to others the best of what you have». That means that her father is trying to break the shell of selfishness that covers all the children’s hearts and is trying to enlarge her heart to be able to hold God and all the world inside of it.

I was fascinated with this kind of message a father is trying to instill in a 7-year-old daughter. I think that the message Énio is trying to transmit to his daughter is that helping people is not an association or an activity, but a way of life. Maria’s mother, Alina, was still a young student of podiatry when she would spend long periods of time assisting the pilgrims to Our Lady of Fatima, taking care of their feet because all of them were walking and of course hurting their feet badly. Some were walking with their bare feet.

But… no more than three minutes later, Maria surprised me again with a poignant statement saying: «My Catechist said that we should never give money to the poor because they will spend it to buy alcohol and drugs». I thought that Catechists were supposed to teach about the project of Jesus that is: «to bring good news to the poor» (Luke 4: 18).

I could see that inside of that little head, with apparently small brains, there was a struggle between the «Give the best» from her father and «Don’t give money to the poor».

I tried to explain to Maria that the poor need money to buy food, medicine, transportation, clothes, doctor’s appointments, glasses to help with their sight, to take care of their teeth and so many things that are needed to live like human beings and children of God.

Then… I felt like crying! In this battle between Maria’s Catholic parents and a Catholic Catechist who is going to win? Who is going to lose? Then I remembered the words in a wonderful book written by a couple who spent two years living among the homeless, not to change them or help them but only to live the experience of being homeless. The name of the book is «When the excluded are the chosen ones». And their strong words that affected me deeply were: «The poor are always ACCUSED, JUDGED and CONDEMNED without being HEARD.»

Love and Peace
Fr. Bernardino Andrade

Scripture Readings 30th June 2019, SS Peter & Paul, Year C

This is the last chapter in Acts about the Jerusalem church before Paul’s missionary journeys. Peter’s third arrest is this time by Herod who is the grandson of the Herod when Jesus was born. The story of Peter being freed from prison is so lovingly told that the parallels with Jesus’ arrest may be missed. Like Jesus, Peter was arrested during the Passover, and was also taken for a ghost, here by the maid, Rhoda, who shuts the door in his face. The angel who proclaimed Jesus to be risen, and who frees Peter, goes on to strike Herod dead.

The psalm thanks the Lord for help in difficult times, urging us to glorify the Lord, who is always ready to give comfort.

A rather lonely Paul, abandoned in prison, writes these encouraging words to Timothy, whom Paul has commissioned to take over his ministry. Paul urges him to keep on preaching the true Christian message in its entirety. But Timothy will therefore suffer and need always to rely on the Lord’s strength.

Today’s gospel is Matthew’s version of Jesus asking who people say he is. It is similar to Luke’s version. But Matthew inserts the well-known commissioning of Peter to be the rock of the Church, the only reference in all the gospels to the whole Church.

Psalm Response: From all my terrors the Lord set me free.


– Brought to you by Fr. Bernardino Andrade


I am the youngest of eleven brothers and sisters. My father was a farmer of little pieces of land. Thirteen people lived in the same small house. No electricity, no running water, no radio, no TV. I had one pair of shoes to go to Mass on Sunday and the rest of the week I was supposed to save the shoes for the following Sunday. Because I was the youngest I was one of those who had the privilege of going to school and learn how to read and to write. But I have to confess that, very often, I questioned myself the reason why I had to go to school.

I was sure that my life was already destined. I didn’t think that I needed to go to school in order to water the plants, to dig the earth, to feed the two cows my father owned, to feed the only pig and a few chickens my family used to raise, and so many little things that were part of all those families that lived in the same neighbourhood. It never crossed my mind to go to a secondary school and continue my studies. My life, like the life of my friends, was already destined. Oh… by the way, it never crossed our minds (me and my friends) that we were poor. We were all equal. Poor were those older men and women who would walk from house to house begging for something to take home and prepare meals for their families.

One Christmas day I got a Christmas gift. It was an orange. It was so yellow and so beautiful that I didn’t have the courage to eat it. When I was in California I told the story of the only Christmas gift of my childhood. A few days later I got a bag of oranges from a family. Since then I always found a yellow orange on the top of the altar on the First Sunday of Advent and a box of oranges was delivered to my Parish residence on Christmas Eve. When I left California, 12 years ago, the same family gave me a plastic orange that I still treasure in my room. It is still yellow and beautiful and full of memories.

A gift of an orange

A gift of an orange

Well…I thought that my future was already destined. Studying and taking a course was only for the rich. Even today, the poor are not allowed to dream. And I had no dreams for my future besides continuing the life of a poor farmer like my father, my brothers, sisters and my neighbours, or to emigrate.

But God has a great sense of humour. One day I was in the kitchen with my mother and my sister Agostinha when, all of a sudden, my sister threw me this unexpected and very strange question: «Bernardino! Wouldn’t you like to be a priest?». My answer was: «Yes». I was twelve years old.

My mother started getting information on how to go to the Seminary and on October 15, 1950 I entered the Seminary. I didn’t enter the Seminary to study my vocation. I entered the Seminary to be a priest.

On June 12, 1965, in a football field of the Diocese of Quelimane (Mozambique, Africa) I received from the hands of my Bishop the Sacrament of priesthood. It was 54 years ago last Wednesday.

Father Bernadino's Ordination

Father Bernadino’s Ordination

When I tell my story it is frequent and normal to ask always the same question I was asked when I was 69 years old. And the question was: «But when you were 12 years old what did you understand about priesthood»? My answer was: «I am 69 years old and I still do not understand».

Mass at the church in Moçambique

Mass at the church in Moçambique


Priesthood is a mystery that has been slowly revealed to me every day, especially when I deal with the poorest of the poor, when I celebrate the Eucharist and all other sacraments and especially when I alleviate the suffering of the world. I don’t know if I have been a good priest. But one thing I know – I have been a very happy priest.
And I will never understand my priesthood and Christianity if it is not PEOPLE HELPING PEOPLE.

Love and Peace
Fr. Bernardino Andrade

Scripture Readings 16th June 2019, Trinity, Year C

Proverbs 8:22-31, Psalm 8:4-9, Romans 5:1-5, John 16:12-15

Written after the return from the exile in Babylon, the Wisdom books contain the practical knowledge of both the Israelites and the peoples around them, accumulated over two thousand years. Wisdom is the art of living a life at peace with God and with other people. It was developed by reflecting on the great questions: life, death, suffering, love, evil, relationships. It was seen to be a universal guide for living, and so given by God. So Wisdom came to be seen as a person – the caring, feminine side of God, existing from all eternity. In today’s reading from Proverbs Wisdom speaks of sharing God’s delight in His work at the beginning of creation.

The Psalm expresses our amazement at the dignity the infinite God has given to mankind’s finite nature in his wonderful creation.

In his letter to the Romans Paul insists that being justified, or made “at peace” with God, means that our previous alienation from God is overcome. God’s love “poured into our hearts by the Holy Spirit” has brought us into an intimate relationship with God, but we confidently hope in a more glorious intimacy in the future.

No wonder Jesus says in John’s Gospel “I have yet many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now”. The Spirit gives us understanding.

Psalm Response: How great is your name, O Lord our God, through all the earth.