Scripture Readings 12th May 2019, 4th Sunday of Easter, Year C

Acts 13: 14, 43-52; Psalm 99(100); Rev 7: 9, 14-17; John 10: 27-30

The Antioch church sent Barnabas and Paul on mission. After visiting Cyprus, Barnabas’ birthplace, they arrived at Perga on the south coast of what is now Turkey, and travelled north to Antioch in Pisidia. Everywhere they went they spoke first to the Jews about Jesus as the climax of the whole Jewish history. Jesus who was killed by the Jewish leaders, but raised from the dead by God. At first many Jews listened attentively.

The processional psalm sings joyfully of God: “he made us, we belong to him”.

In the Book of Revelation John sees events in heaven which mirror events on earth. Witnesses persecuted for their beliefs do not suffer in vain: they will be vindicated and evildoers punished. Not vengeance, but God’s justice. And a message of hope: the faithful of every nation will be rewarded with perfect life in God’s renewed creation.

In John’s Gospel, after Jesus had healed the man born blind, the Jewish leaders argued about Jesus, and asked him to say plainly if he was the Messiah. Jesus says the healing he does in the Father’s name testifies to him. He ends with a clear statement: “I and the Father are one” The Jews picked up rocks to stone Jesus: they understood Jesus was claiming to be God.

Psalm Response: We are his people, the sheep of his flock.

Scripture Readings 5th May 2019, 3rd Sunday of Easter, Year C

Acts 5:27-32, 40-41; Psalm 29(30); Rev 5:11-14; John 21:1-19

After the healings we heard in last week’s reading from the Book of Acts, the Apostles were again arrested, but miraculously freed. They immediately continued teaching in the Temple, and were again brought before the Sanhedrin, where they defended themselves strongly. Omitted from today’s reading is Gamaliel’s urging that they be released because if their activity “comes from God, you will not be able to destroy them”.

The psalm thanks God for rescue from a sudden illness.

In the Book of Revelation John sees God seated on a throne, with praises rippling out through widening circles of heavenly creatures. The one on the throne holds a scroll written on both sides and sealed with seven seals. An angel proclaims “Who is worthy to open the scroll?” But everyone is in despair because there seems to be no one worthy to break the seals and open the scroll. But then someone says “The lion of the tribe of Judah, the root of David has triumphed”. Instead of a lion, a slain lamb steps forward to receive the scroll.

After the reading last week of the first ending to John’s Gospel, we hear today most of the second ending. With his three repeated questions, Jesus forgives Peter’s three denials, and insists that the essential pre-condition for authority is love.

Psalm Response: I will praise you, Lord, you have rescued me.

(Acts 5:27-32, 40-41; Psalm 29(30); Rev 5:11-14; John 21:1-19)

FROM MY HEART TO YOUR HEART – Memories of Notre Dame Cathedral

Brought to you by Fr. Bernardino Andrade
The world is grieving for the Notre Dame Cathedral. What happened was not just a building being burnt. What happened was a huge library full of history and full of little and significant stories. This could be one of them.

The Bishop of Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris during the early part of the last century was a great evangelizer who tried to reach out to unbelievers, scoffers, and cynics. He liked to tell the story of a young man who would stand outside the Cathedral and shout derogatory slogans at the people entering to worship. He would call them fools and other insulting names.

The people tried to ignore him, but it was difficult. One day the parish priest went outside to confront the young man, much to the distress of the parishioners. The young man ranted and raved against everything the priest told him. Finally the priest addressed the young scoffer saying: «Look, let’s get this over with once and for all. I am going to dare you to do something and I bet you can’t do it». And of course, the young man shot back: «I can do anything you propose, you white robe wimp!». «Fine» said the priest. «All I ask you to do is come to the sanctuary with me. I want you to stare at that figure of Christ on his cross, and I want you to scream at the very top of your lungs, as loudly as you can. «Christ died on the cross for me, and I don’t care one bit». So the young man went into the sanctuary, and looking at the figure, screamed as loudly as he could: «Christ died on the cross for me and I don’t care one bit.»

The priest said: «Very good. Now do it again». And again, the young man screamed, with a little more hesitancy:

«Christ died on the cross for me, and I don’t care one bit». «You’re almost done» said the priest. «One more time». The young man raised his fist, kept looking at the crucifix, but the words wouldn’t come. He could not look at the face of Christ and say those words any more.

The real punch line came when after he told the story, the Bishop said:
«I was that young man! That young man, that defiant young man was I. I thought I didn’t need God but I found out that I did.

Happy Easter.

Love and Peace,
Fr. Bernardino Andrade

Scripture Readings 28th April 2019, 2nd Sunday of Easter, Year C

Acts 5:12-16; Ps 117(118); Rev 1:9-19; John 20:19-31

All the first readings of Eastertide are from the Acts of the Apostles describing the early years of the Church. The second readings are from the Book of Revelation, John’s vision of the new life in heaven promised to all believers. The readings from John’s Gospel describe Jesus’ resurrection appearances and claims of his unity with the Father. Today the risen Jesus identifies himself as the one crucified, before this Gospel’s first ending.

In Acts Peter and John were arrested, then released. Then the growing Christian community lived in peace. Peter only once acted as judge of Israel, killing Ananias and Sapphira for lying to the Holy Spirit. In today’s reading the other disciples stand apart from the Apostles, apparently in awe after this display of Peter’s power.

More verses from the psalm used for the Easter Masses, rejoicing at the coming of the king.

John is exiled to the island of Patmos, south-west of Ephesus, for spreading the gospel. In this first chapter of Revelation a figure appears to John in his vision, identifying himself both as the risen “Son of Man”, which Jesus called himself while on earth, and as “the First and the Last” – ie God. John is commanded to write down what is now to be revealed to him.

Psalm Response: Give thanks to the Lord for he is good, for his love has no end.

FROM MY HEART TO YOUR HEART – I am afraid of “Beautiful crosses”

Brought to you by Fr. Bernardino Andrade


easter cross
There was a doctor in Paraguay who was very active in protests against the military. He spoke out repeatedly against its abuses of human rights. Local police took their revenge by arresting his teenage son and torturing him until he was dead. It was a horrible crime. Townsfolk wanted to turn the funeral into a huge protest march. But the doctor chose another means of protest. The father displayed his son’s body in the local church. However, he was not dressed in a fine suit. And the funeral director applied no make-up. The father displayed his son’s body as he had found him in the jail: the son was naked, his body marked with scars from the electric shocks and cigarette burns and beatings. It did not lie in a coffin but on the blood-soaked mattress from the jail. It was the strongest protest imaginable.

See Christ hanging on the cross, showing all marks of cruel torture.

I am afraid of «beautiful» crosses. I am afraid of «beautiful» Easter plays. They look so cute but they say nothing about real torture. The death on the cross was an ugly scene and beautiful crosses say nothing about the reasons why Jesus was tortured and killed. The death of Jesus on the cross was horrible. Jesus was condemned to the ugliest and most horrible kind of death. Beautiful crosses and beautiful Easter Plays say nothing about the reasons why Jesus was killed.

People in power always put the law above the suffering of the people. Power has no heart. For Jesus, human dignity and the suffering of the people were always more important than any law. Jesus was killed because He was a law breaker. He always broke any law that was against human dignity.

Trying to help a family in poverty and suffering, I confronted a social worker. She said that the laws were made to be obeyed. My answer was that the soldiers of Hitler in Germany, the soldiers of Maduro in Venezuela, the soldiers of Herodes in Bethlehem and finally the soldiers who arrested Jesus in Jerusalem and killed him also said the same thing. But that didn’t excuse them of committing the atrocities that they committed.

Jesus didn’t come to the world to die. Jesus came to the world to live and bring life to the children of God. And all those who try to do what He did take the same risks like Saint Oscar Romero from El Salvador, Martin Luther King from America and Gandhi from India and it can be any one of us.

Love and Peace,
Fr. Bernardino Andrade

Scripture Readings 21st April 2019, Easter Sunday Year C

Acts 10:34,37-43;Ps 117(118); Rom 6:3-11/Col 3:1-4/1Cor 5:6-9;Luke 24:1-12/Jn 20:1-9

Luke’s Book of Acts describes how after his death Jesus continues his work on earth through his Holy Spirit, who interrupts Peter’s speech to Cornelius. Peter then realises that forgiveness of sins is offered to “everyone who believes” in Jesus’ name.

The dramatic psalm thanks and praises the Lord for rescuing us from the dangers threatening us. It includes the shouts that welcomed Jesus into the Temple on Palm Sunday, now the second verse of the “Holy, Holy, Holy”.

Our second readings are all from Paul’s letters. The vigil reading from Romans compares baptism to death: our sinful life has died: we have risen to a new life in Christ. The Sunday reading from Colossians draws attention away from earthly marks of religion: our focus should be on our new life in Christ. The alternative reading is an early Easter homily. In the Jewish calendar Passover was followed by the feast of Unleavened Bread.

In the three synoptic gospels three women discover the tomb empty and run to tell the apostles, who disbelieve. But in John’s gospel Mary of Magdala, alone, finds the stone removed from the tomb. Without going inside she runs to tell Peter. Peter goes in first and sees the empty burial cloths. When the other disciple goes in, he believes.

Psalm Response (Sunday): This day was made by the Lord: we rejoice and are glad.

(Acts 10:34,37-43;Ps 117(118); Rom 6:3-11/Col 3:1-4/1Cor 5:6-9;Luke 24:1-12/Jn 20:1-9)

Scripture Readings 14th April 2019, Palm Sunday Year C

Isaiah 50:4-7; Psalm 21(22) ;Phil  2:6-11; Luke 22:14-23:56

In this suffering servant song Isaiah expresses the despondency of an exiled people apparently deserted by their God. But it is they who have fallen away. God has not gone back on his promise to them, and he will come to their help. But first they must turn back to him and put all their trust in him, in spite of their sufferings.

On the Cross Jesus uttered the first words of Psalm 22, which goes on to reflect his suffering. But rather than a cry of despair, the psalm expresses Jesus’ complete confidence in his Father and praises the redemption bought by his Cross.

Paul pleaded for unity among the Philippians, divided by rivalry and personal vanity. He urged them to “do nothing out of selfishness or out of vainglory; rather humbly regard others as more important than yourselves”. Unlike Adam, Jesus did not try to be equal to God. Instead his crucifixion gives us the supreme example of unselfish love. Therefore he was raised to new life, as also will be those who follow his example.

Luke says that at the Last Supper Jesus declares he will “not drink wine until the kingdom of God comes”. Mark and John say that immediately before he died Jesus was given wine to drink from a sponge, then saying “It is finished”.

Psalm Response:        My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?

(Isaiah 50:4-7; Psalm 21(22) ;Phil  2:6-11; Luke 22:14-23:56)

Scripture Readings 7th April 2019, 5th Sunday in Lent, Year C

Second Isaiah describes the new Exodus, the return from exile in Babylon. God shows who he is by his preparations and care for their return. These are so wonderful that his servant Israel, his chosen witnesses, will no longer need to remember their Exodus from Egypt. Exodus is a repeatable pattern. The Lord even forgives Israel’s many sins, which led to their exile, and will continue to do so, because “I have redeemed you; I have called you by name: you are mine”.
The Psalm celebrates the Israelites’ joy after their return from exile in Babylon.

Writing from prison, Paul shares his hopes, fears and convictions with the Philippians. The great gift of knowing Jesus Christ as Lord makes his previous righteousness under the Law seem worthless. He is possessed by Christ but not yet arrived, keeping his eye on the final goal of living in God’s new world.

Rembrandt, 1606 - 1669 The Woman taken in Adultery 1644 Oil on oak, 83.8 x 65.4 cm Bought, 1824 NG45

Rembrandt, 1606 – 1669
The Woman taken in Adultery
Oil on oak, 83.8 x 65.4 cm
Bought, 1824

The story of the woman caught in adultery is found in different places in various manuscripts: it fits better with Luke’s gospel, but here in John’s gospel it matches the changing mood. This chapter opens with a woman about to be stoned, then freed from death. But it ends with people seeking to stone Jesus. Jesus has shown them God’s wisdom, different from men’s.

Psalm Response:        What marvels the Lord worked for us! Indeed we were glad.

(Isaiah 43: 16-21; Psalm 125(126); Phil 3: 8-14; John 8: 1-11)

FROM MY HEART TO YOUR HEART – Come as you are.

Brought to you by Fr. Bernardino Andrade


One the highest moments of my first trip to England (when I was invited by my friends Neil and Dena Spence last year) was my visit to Powis Castle in Wales. It is impossible to believe that place has been a family residence unless someone tries hard to convince you. Now, of course, it is a museum with a fascinating garden. Inside the Castle there are many big things and many little things. But all of them are a symbol of grandiosity and wealth.

One of the things that constantly called my attention were signs located in different places close to different objects that said: «To preserve me don’t touch me».

Every time I saw one of those signs I thought «I wish I could go around the world and put a sign on every person, especially on the poor, on the homeless, on every child and on every unborn child, on every elderly person, on every saint and on every criminal, on every nun and on every prostitute, every farmer and on every politician, on every prisoner no matter the cause of his imprisonment, on every race, colour and religion, on every insignificant human being… but with the opposite message: «If you want to preserve me please touch me».

«If you want to preserve me hug me, let me cry on your shoulder, feed me even if I look dirty, smell bad and look like a bum. Please touch me, alleviate my pain, free me from this horrible misery, walk with me until I am free from my addictions, teach me about God. I know that I am insignificant and you feel embarrassed before your friends if they see you talking with me or having a cup of coffee with me. But… please touch me. Please don’t just say that I am like this because I want. That hurts me and doesn’t help me.

My dream is that one day you will find a person who feels he or she is insignificant and you invite him/her to come to church with you and sit at your side.

I am planning to ask our Bishop permission to say a Sunday Mass, weekly or monthly, especially dedicated to the homeless but open to all people, with this slogan:

«Come as you are».

Yes! No matter how insignificant you feel you are. Just come. If you are wearing the same clothes for one year without taking a shower, just come as you are. If you are smelling like urine or anything else, please come as you are. If you have no shoes and long toenails come as you are. If your hair has not seen a comb for one month or more, come as you are. Come and sing even if you don’t know how to sing, come and pray even if you don’t know how to pray. If you come late or leave early don’t worry, but please come as you are. If you are Catholic, Protestant, Muslim or Hindu or no religious affiliation, just please come as you are.

Love and Peace,


Brought to you by Fr. Bernardino Andrade


Portugal celebrates Father’s Day every year on March 19 when the Church celebrates the Feast of St. Joseph, husband of Mary, Mother of Jesus. It can fall on a Sunday, just as it can fall on any day of the week. We thought that it would be a good idea to celebrate Father’s Day on the Sunday after the Feast of St. Joseph. That’s why… Happy Father’s Day.


I had never left my country until I said good bye to my parents, my family and my Island, entered a boat called “Funchal”, and disappeared into the infinite blue of the Atlantic Ocean. The boat started navigating and I could see my parents standing on the harbour. At a certain point they looked so small and finally they disappeared, and I disappeared. I felt so lonely even if there were many people onboard. It was March 1st, 1964, when I went to Africa (Mozambique) for the first time.

Dressed in my black cossack from neck to toes, I knelt and cried and cried. I knew that I wouldn’t see them for a long time. It was then that I realized that being a missionary had always been a fascinating dream for me, but it was not as romantic as I thought it would be. It was really hard to leave my father and mother, brothers and sisters and go to a land I knew almost nothing about.

One day I came home on holidays. At this time, I already came by airplane. When I disembarked at the airport of Madeira, many members of my family were expecting me but there was one whom I really didn’t expect to be there. It was my father. Because I didn’t expect him to be there I ran to his arms and said: «Oh father… I didn’t expect to see you here waiting for me». His answer was: «I was missing my son so much». He didn’t say «I was missing you». What he said was: «I was missing my son so much…».

Maybe it doesn’t seem that different but for me «you» and «my son» seemed so different. We fell in the arms of each other and started crying, but then we stopped, turned our backs to each other and kept crying. We both were feeling a little embarrassed because «men don’t cry».

From that day on, I decided to break this myth. On that day I decided that it is OK to cry. And the most interesting thing I discovered is that tears can have more power to strengthen relationships than smiles and laughter. Thank you my father for all the times you laughed with me and all the times you cried with me.

Happy Father’s Day!
Fr. Bernardino Andrade