ROM MY HEART TO YOUR HEART – What I learned about God from my mechanic


Some people think, and tell me, that I am a good driver. Usually they are kind people who like to make other people feel happy. And, I learned a long time ago, that the most special people in the world are those people who make other people feel special. Also I learned a long time ago that the most miserable people in the world are those people who make other people feel miserable.

Well… many people think, and tell me, that I am a good driver… except for my mechanic. My mechanic doesn’t think so, and he doesn’t tell me that I am a good driver. And the reason is because he is getting tired of replacing the clutch of my car! I get the impression that when he changes the clutch of my car he feels like he is ready to make the next appointment for the same kind of service. He knows that sooner or later I am calling him again.

This is what happened last week. I called him and informed him about the signs that I was getting while I was driving. The latest sign was that strange smell of a burning clutch.

I explained all the details, told him that I had the feeling that the clutch was in its final stage and, I finally asked him: «What should I do now»? His short answer was: «Nothing. Now you can do nothing. Now I am the one who is going to do the job».

I strongly believe that God talks with me through different ways. He talks with me through the Bible, through prayer and also through the events of my daily life. Through the answer of my mechanic I could see that sometimes God is telling me something like my mechanic. «Now you can do nothing. Just leave it up to me».

Sometimes we face problems in our lives that can be easily solved by ourselves. It just requires some more of our time, some more of our patience, some more of our effort or the help of a good friend.

But there are problems in our lives that when we cry to God in prayer saying: «Lord! What can I do now?» The answer from God will be: «Nothing. You can do nothing. Just let me do it for you. Now it is my job to fix what his broken. Just trust me.» “You are my son, the beloved; my favour rests on you”. Lk. 3: 22).

Love and Peace,
Fr. Bernardino Andrade

Scripture Readings 27th January 2019, 3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year C

In 538 BC King Cyrus of Persia helped the Israelites to return to Jerusalem from exile in Babylon. There Ezra and Nehemiah shared the tasks of re-establishing the Jewish state and religion. Nehemiah rebuilt the city’s walls and administration. In today’s reading we hear about Ezra’s formal reading of the Jewish Law, and the people’s joyous celebration of God’s gift of the Law.

The psalm praises God’s moral law – and asks forgiveness for our transgressions.

In Paul’s letter to the Corinthians he compares a community to the human body. Every Christian becomes part of Christ’s body by baptism. So all gifts come from the spirit; all gifts are necessary; all contribute to the good of the whole community. All Christians are equally valuable and wanted by God.

Our reading of Luke’s Gospel over the ordinary Sundays of Year C now resumes, to be interrupted only for Eastertide. First we are reminded of Luke’s reason for writing a gospel: he is carefully putting into an orderly sequence what he has heard from eye-witnesses, so that his hearers may “realise the certainty of the teachings” they have received. Today’s reading then continues from the beginning of Jesus’ ministry in Galilee, including his self-proclamation in his home town. Next week we hear his neighbours’ reactions.

Psalm Response: Your words are spirit, Lord, and they are life.

FROM MY HEART TO YOUR HEART – Brought to you by Fr. Bernardino Andrade


One day, I was taking a walk through one of the streets of the city of San Francisco (California). With me there were two friends from Portugal. One was Fr. Aires Gameiro, at that time professor of Psychology in the Catholic University of Lisbon, and presently living in Funchal, and the other one was Jorge (at the time an immigrant from Portugal, living in San Francisco). We were just enjoying our walk, and talking about people, about ideas and about things.

At a certain moment we saw a group of young people, doing nothing, just talking and laughing together, dressed in a strange way, with strange colours and strange hair styles, also in different and strange colours. I was told that they were a group of «Punk Rockers». I thought that I was, and I think I am, very open to diversity and to surprises, but I confess that I was not open to see what I considered to be such an ugly scene. They were not doing anything wrong. They were just making an «ugly-looking» scene. If one of them hugged me I would feel the need to take a shower.

Then I said «I wish I had a friend punk rocker.» My intention was not to change him or to convert him or her, but to ask what they found attractive about that way of living and that way of dressing. Because to me, that looked so ugly and even repugnant to see those boys and girls like that. They were not doing anything wrong. They were just dressing and acting like a bunch of idiots wasting their time. How could they find that attractive, when to me they looked so repellent? This was the question I would have liked to ask.

That’s when Fr. Gameiro told me: «They are not there because they find it attractive. They are there to fulfil their need of belonging». Then he added that «the basic need of the human being is the need to belong. Most of them don’t belong to a family anymore. They don’t belong to a church anymore. But they still feel this terrible need burning them from inside out. They need to belong. And when they see any young person dressed like that they know that they belong to them.


He was what they call «a dangerous guy». One day, when this car was passing by, surrounded by body guards and in a caravan carrying «Very Important People» he pulled out a gun, killed the Mayor of the city and wounded another man». It was not difficult to catch the killer and arrest him. During one of the interrogatories he was asked: «What church do you belong to?». His answer was: «I don’t belong to anything. I don’t belong to anybody, that’s why I am so miserable».



Today, January 13, 2019, the Catholic Church celebrates the Festivity of the Baptism of the Lord. Celebrating the Baptism of the Lord we are celebrating our own Baptism. Since I had this experience with the punk rockers I started calling BAPTISM, THE SACRAMENT OF BELONGING.

With our Baptism we start belonging to the Body of Christ. We start belonging to the family of God. We start belonging to one another. We are important to one another. We need one another.

Some Bible scholars think that the Church started at the Calvary when Jesus, hanging on the cross, said: «John! Take care of my mother. Mother take care of John». Life is about relationships. Church is about relationships. We are baptized to be part of the family of God and to take care of one another. Life is about belonging. Church is about belonging. Belonging is about taking care of one another.

Fr. Bernardino Andrade

Scripture Readings 20th January 2019, 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year C

Isaiah 62: 1-5; Psalm 95(96): 1-3.7-10; 1 Cor 12: 4-11; John 2: 1-11

Writing after 515 BC, when the Temple had been rebuilt after the exile, third Isaiah heavily criticised idolatry and other excesses in the Temple, and injustices among the people. But he also had this glorious vision of a restored Jerusalem, comparing the Lord’s delight in his people with the bridegroom’s delight in his virgin bride.

The psalm invites all mankind and all creation to praise the Lord, the one true God.

Over these Sundays before Lent we hear from Paul’s letter to his beloved church in Corinth. Paul criticised the Corinthian Christians for misbehaving during the Eucharist: the rich ate and drank too well, while poorer members of the community were left out. The church should have unity in diversity: different gifts are given to different individuals, so that all contribute to the whole.

After the Baptism of Jesus, and before resuming our readings from Luke’s gospel, we hear today John’s description of a marriage feast at Cana. A happy family occasion, to which Jesus and his newly chosen disciples were invited. Both Isaiah and Paul saw that the Lord longs to join himself to his church as intimately as possible. Water intended for use in Jewish purification rites is replaced by the fine wine of the heavenly banquet.

Psalm Response: Proclaim the wonders of the Lord among all the peoples.

Scripture Readings 13th January 2019, Baptism of the Lord, Year C

Isaiah 40:1-5. 9-11; Ps 103(104); Titus 2:11-14; 3:4-7; Luke 3: 15-16. 21-22

Writing in Babylon about 540 BC, second Isaiah majestically consoles Israel in its exile. God tenderly commands his attendants to comfort Israel and to prepare a sacred way for them to return to Jerusalem. He will lead his people to freedom across the desert in a new Exodus. The coming of God’s rule should be announced to the whole world, shouted from the mountain-tops.

The psalm magnificently praises and celebrates God’s creative wisdom and power.

Titus worked with Paul and later administered the church in Crete. In this pastoral letter Paul advises Titus on setting up church structures and choosing suitable presbyters for each local church. All Christians, and especially Church leaders, are urged to lead godly lives. We should reveal God’s love to others in our good behaviour, while not disrupting the lives of others, in confident expectation of our redemption.

Luke saw us as living in a time of waiting, one of three phases he saw in salvation history. Luke’s time of promise, the period of Israel, ended when John was put in prison by Herod, after John the Baptist’s prediction that Jesus would baptise with the Holy Spirit. Jesus’ baptism begins the period when this promise is fulfilled. Luke’s Book of Acts describes his third phase, the beginning of the church.

Psalm Response: Bless the Lord, my soul! Lord God, how great you are.

Scripture Readings 6th January 2019, Epiphany, Year C

Isaiah 60:1-6; Ps 71(72); Ephesians 3:2-3a, 5-6 ; Matthew 2:1–12)

Third Isaiah was writing just after the Israelites had returned from exile in Babylon. After God promises to punish those who fail to keep his covenant, he offers participation in the future messianic salvation to all who believe in the Lord and keep his commandments. Isaiah visualises the new Jerusalem, illuminated by God, to which all peoples will stream, and a time when their offerings will be acceptable.

The psalm prays that the king’s reign will be just, long, prosperous and glorious, with support for the poor.

Paul sees the Church, Christ’s body, as the new Jerusalem, part of God’s plan for the whole of creation. Paul joyfully tells the Ephesians that God’s plan was always to take the gospel message to all: Gentiles as well as Jews are to share equally in the inheritance promised by God.

In Luke’s Gospel an angel announced Jesus’ birth to poor Jewish shepherds, excluded from Temple worship by their occupation. Today Matthew describes Gentile scholars travelling from afar to bring kingly offerings to the new-born child. God’s plan is already becoming known beyond Israel. But the scholars needed the Jewish scriptures to help find Jesus. We too need the Old Testament to help us understand God’s plan and what he has done in Jesus for our salvation.

Psalm Response: All nations shall fall prostrate before you, O Lord.

Scripture Readings 23rd December 2018, 4th Sunday of Advent, Year C

Micah 5: 1-4; Ps 79(80); Hebrews 10: 5-10; Luke 1: 39-44

Micah was prophesying in Judea around 720 BC. The rich were defrauding the poor, and prophets even misleading the people by assuring them that all was well. Which is what people wanted to hear. No, said Micah: “Zion would be plowed like a field” – utterly destroyed, as happened in the exile in 586 BC. But a remnant would survive, and a ruler would come from Bethlehem, David’s birthplace. When “she who is to give birth gives birth”, the mother of the Immanuel, then the remnant will come back to the Lord.

The Psalm pleads that the Lord’s help come soon, as Israel is being hard pressed by its enemies.

Hebrews continues to explain the differences between Christ’s sacrifice and animal and food sacrifices offered in the Temple: these had to be repeated again and again, because they did not bring forgiveness of sin. Only Christ’s sacrifice could remit sins: it is the fulfilment of God’s will, rather than the holocausts he does not want. Jesus is seen as explicitly offering himself, so that not only are our sins forgiven but we may be made holy.

The Gospel begins the Christmas story with Mary’s visit to Elizabeth, soon to give birth to the last of the Old Testament prophets.

Psalm Response: God of hosts, bring us back; let your face shine on us and we shall be saved.

(Micah 5: 1-4; Ps 79(80); Hebrews 10: 5-10; Luke 1: 39-44)

From my heart to your heart – Christmas is God’s way of honouring the insignificant

One of the highest moments of my first trip to England (when I was invited by my friends Neil and Dena Spence last summer) was my visit to Powis Castle in Wales. It is impossible to believe that place has been a family residence unless someone tries hard to convince you. Now, of course, it is a museum with a fascinating garden. Inside the Castle there are many big things and many little things. But all of them are a symbol of grandiosity and wealth.

One of the things that constantly called my attention were signs located in different places close to different objects that said: «To preserve me don’t touch me».

Every time I saw one of those signs I thought “I wish I could go around the world and put a sign in every person, especially in the poor, in the homeless, in every child and in every unborn child, in every elderly person, in every saint and in every criminal, in every nun and in every prostitute, every farmer and in every politician, in every prisoner no matter the cause of his imprisonment, in every race, colour and religion, in every insignificant human being but with the opposite message: «If you want to preserve me please touch me”.

“If you want to preserve me hug me, let me cry on your shoulder, feed me even if I look dirty, smell bad and look like a bum. Please touch me, alleviate my pain, free me from this horrible misery, walk with me until I am free from my addictions, teach me about God. I know that I am insignificant and you feel embarrassed before your friends if they see you talking with me or having a cup of coffee with me. But… please touch me. Please don’t just say that I am like this because I want. That hurts me and doesn’t help me”.

“Christmas is God’s way of honouring the insignificant” (Rev. Dr. Robert Schuller).

God became man with the purpose that every human being would become God. “Please touch me. But please touch me with the same respect and tenderness that a priest touches a consecrated host”.

Christmas is God’s way of honouring the insignificant.

Christmas will be my and your way of honouring the insignificant. My dream is that one day you will find a person who feels he or she is insignificant and you invite him/her to come to church with you and sit at your side.

I am planning to ask our Bishop permission to say a Sunday Mass, weekly or monthly, especially dedicated to the homeless but open to all people, with this slogan: «Come as you are». Yes! No matter how insignificant you feel you are. Just come. If you are wearing the same clothes for one year without taking a shower, just come as you are. If you are smelling like urine or anything else, please come as you are. If you have no shoes and long toenails come as you are. If your hair has not seen a comb for one month or more, come as you are.

Come and sing even if you don’t know how to sing, come and pray even if you don’t know how to pray. If you come late or leave early don’t worry, but please come as you are. If you are Catholic, Protestant, Muslim or Hindu or no religious affiliation, just please come as you are. Whenever you did this for one of the least important of these brothers of mine, you did it for me. (Math. 25: 40)

“Christmas is God’s way of honouring the insignificant”

Love and Peace,
Fr. Bernardino Andrade

Adopt a Family for Christmas

The best gift we can give to the homeless and poor for Christmas is our Love.
The People Helping People charity from the Chapel of our Lady of Penha da França in Madeira has a long list of needy families in Madeira who need food and gifts for their children. Conrad and Manuela are member of the coordination and you can contact them by phone 96-29-28-026 or mail You can mention your preference: You may want to know one of the families and donate personally, or to buy food or a special present.

FROM MY HEART TO YOUR HEART – We Have A Mother… Rejoice… Do Not Be Afraid

– Brought to you by Fr. Bernardino Andrade (

There are many symbols that remind us about Christmas. There are carols, lots of lights, decorations and many many more beautiful things that unite believers and non-believers around the same event that is the Birth of Jesus. For me, nothing else reminds me more about Christmas than the presence or the thought of a pregnant woman. Every time I see a pregnant woman, the first thought that comes to my mind is the thought of a tabernacle carrying a living Jesus.

It is also the thought of Advent. This time of Advent is not the time of «waiting» for the Birth of Jesus but it is especially a time of «expectation». «Waiting» is more a passive action like when we are waiting for the bus or in the airport waiting to embark when the airplane is arriving two or three hours late. «Expecting» is being in action 24 hours a day. That’s why Advent is supposed to be a very active time inside each one of us, like the growing process of the Baby Jesus inside the womb of His mother or the growing process of any baby growing inside the womb of its mother. Advent is a time of change. It is, like Lent, a time of renewal and cleaning. What am I planning to happen inside me during this time of Advent? Would you like to make a short list and try? Christmas will be a better Christmas if we have a better and more spiritual Advent.

Every year, around the second Sunday of Advent (December 8th), the Church celebrates the Feast of the Immaculate Conception. It is like a «Baby Shower» for Jesus’ Mother.

In this «Baby Shower» of Jesus’ Mother, there are two key words that can be of great inspiration for us.
One is «Rejoice». «Rejoice, the Lord is with you». This was the way the Angel Gabriel greeted Mary when he announced to her that she was going to be the Mother of Jesus.

I know people who, instead of greeting each other with the traditional «Good morning» or «Good evening», use the words the Angel Gabriel used to greet Mary in such an important moment of her life and the life of the world. It can be: «Rejoice, Thelma, the Lord is with you». «Rejoice Francis, the Lord is with you». «Rejoice Rita, the Lord is with you». I learned a long time ago that every word carries energy. I suspect that greeting each other with these words from the Gospel (Luke 1) will have an impact in each other with a very positive energy that can change the day of a friend or of an enemy. REJOICE. THE LORD IS WITH YOU!

The other word is «Mary, do not be afraid… for nothing is impossible to God» (luke 1). Why not, instead of saying «Good bye», «I will see you tomorrow», just say «John, do not be afraid, for nothing is impossible to God», « Lutchi, do not be afraid. For nothing is impossible to God». «Ana, do not be afraid, for nothing is impossible to God».

Please have a very happy Advent… Please rejoice, the Lord is with you… Please do not be afraid for nothing is impossible to God.

Love and Peace,
Fr. Bernardino Andrade
PEOPLE HELPING PEOPLE – Mobilizing Many People

For the first time, People Helping People has been collecting vegetables from some farmers who live far away in the country side. It has been a very exciting time. It has been the best Christmas preparation provided by People Helping People for the poor families we have ever had. Because People Helping People does not recognise boundaries, lots of time and gas has been spent in the streets of Madeira Island with the purpose of alleviating the suffering of so many hurting families. Most of them don’t have access to other institutions or don’t qualify for help. No papers and no documents are asked. Our point of reference is always the suffering of the people and our love for them.

The best gift we can give to the poor for Christmas is our love. When I visited an old museum on my visit to England I saw many signs with these words “TO PRESERVE ME, DON’T TOUCH ME”. And I thought: with People Helping People it works in the opposite way. I felt like walking around the city of Funchal and putting signs on every poor and homeless person I found, with these words: “TO PRESERVE ME, TOUCH ME”. We are proposing to you a new experience for this Christmas that is: “ADOPT A FAMILY FOR CHRISTMAS”. Please ADOPT A FAMILY. We have a long list of needy families. One of the ways of adopting a family is to give your name to a member of our project PHP, and this person will make the bridge between you and Dalila Oliveira, who is the Coordinator of the distribution. You can mention your preference: If you want to know the family and donate personally, or if you would like to help a family with children, or if you just want to donate to any family. You are welcome to buy food or a special present or just some special financial gift. No rules. No strings attached.
The couple to contact is Koen & Manuela Van Doninck.
Phone: 96-29-28-026 or 93-34-28-813. EMAIL: