Scripture Readings 22nd July 2018, 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year B

Jeremiah 23: 1-6; Psalm 22(23); Eph 2: 13-18; Mark 6: 30-34

Jeremiah was preaching around 600 BC. For forty years before the exile he reminded Judah’s rulers how they had broken the covenant, worshipping other gods and taking advantage of the poor. His warnings were ignored, Jerusalem was destroyed, and the people taken into exile in Babylon.

But the Lord promises to rescue his people. He will make a new covenant and send a descendant of David to rule with truth, integrity and honesty.

The psalm celebrates God’s loving care for his people, like a shepherd guarding and guiding his flock, and looking forward to his generous end-time feast.

Paul tells the Ephesians that Gentiles and Jews, previously separated by the Law, have now become one “by the blood of Christ”. The Law’s barriers have been broken down, and God’s covenant now extends to Gentiles. Early proposals for Christians to ignore the Jewish Scriptures were rejected, and the Old Testament readings now included at Mass can help our faith.

Mark’s Gospel has described the death of John the Baptist while the apostles were away on their mission. On their return Jesus takes them away ‘on retreat’. But the crowds follow, setting the scene for the feeding miracles. For the next five weeks we switch to John’s Gospel for a fuller account of Eucharistic feeding.

Psalm Response: The Lord is my shepherd: there is nothing I shall want.

Scripture Readings 15th July 2018, 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year B

Amos 7:12-15; Psalm 84(85): 9-1 4; Eph 1: 3-14; Mark 6: 7-13

The first six chapters of the Book of Amos show in detail why the Jews will suffer judgement. Amaziah denounces Amos to the northern king for his unwelcome prophecies. Speaking around 760 BC, Amos bravely ignores him, and continues to warn the people. 200 years later his warnings were written down – because he was right: the northern kingdom had rejected God, and was destroyed.

The Psalm describes the coming happiness revealed by the Lord: virtues are imagined as courtiers of the returned king.

Over the next seven weeks we hear extracts from Paul’s breathtaking letter “to the Ephesians”. Its ideas can flow past us so quickly that we can easily miss their significance. If we stop after each phrase and ponder its meaning, we see a God very different from common belief. A God who lovingly “chose us in Christ” “before the world was made”. A God whose “hidden plan he so kindly made in Christ from the beginning”, so that we might “live through love in his presence”. This was no ‘plan B’, suddenly concocted to correct a mistake!

In Mark’s gospel, after his rejection in his home town we heard last week, Jesus now sends the disciples out on mission Next week we hear about their experiences.

Psalm Response: Let us see, O Lord, your mercy, and give us your saving help.


– Brought to you by Fr. Bernardino Andrade: (

In a mother’s womb were two babies; one asked the other: «Do you believe in life after delivery? ». The other replied «Why, of course. There has to be something after delivery. Maybe we are here to prepare ourselves for what we will be later. » …
« Nonsense », said the first, « There is no life after delivery. What kind of life would that be? ».
The second said «I don’t know, but there will be more light than here. Maybe we will walk with our legs and eat from our mouth. Maybe we will have other senses that we can’t understand now».
The first replied – «That is absurd. Walking is impossible. And eating with our mouths? Ridiculous! The umbilical cord supplies nutrition and everything we need. But the umbilical cord is so short. Life after delivery is to be logically excluded. ».
The second insisted – «Well I think there is something, and maybe it’s different from life here. Maybe we won’t need this physical cord anymore. ».
The first replied: « Nonsense. And moreover, if there is life, then why has no one ever come back from there? Delivery is the end of life, and in the after-delivery there is nothing but darkness and silence and oblivion. It takes nowhere. ».
«Well, I don’t know, » said the second, «but certainly we will meet Mother and she will take care of us. ».
The first replied «Mother? You actually believe in Mother? That’s laughable. If Mother exists then where is She now? ».
The second said: «She is all around us. We are surrounded by her. We are of Her. It is in Her that we live. Without Her this world would not and could not exist. ».
«Well I don’t see her, so it is only logical that she doesn’t exist», said the first, to which the second replied: «Sometimes, when you’re in silence and you focus and listen, you can hear Her loving voice, calling down from above. ».
Sometimes we are like the two babies in the story, and we ask: “Is there life after death?”… “Does God exist?”
I have heard that even though birds are surrounded by air, they don’t see the air. Fish are surrounded by water, but the last thing they see is the water. We are so immersed in God. We are completely soaked in God like a sponge with water. We are completely surrounded by God like babies by their mother’s wombs, like birds by air and fish by water but we are so distracted by the «life» and the «needs» created by us that we take the risk of even saying and feeling that God doesn’t exist unless like the second baby says «Sometimes, when you are in silence and focus and listen we can hear HIS loving voice, calling down from above».

Love and Peace,
Fr. Bernardino Andrade


One of my first small cultural shocks, when I went to live and work in California, happened in one of my first Baptisms. I baptized a beautiful little girl with the name of Victoria. I spent the Mass and the entire ceremony calling her Victoria. When I dropped the sacred waters of her Baptism on her head I knew that I had said: «Victoria, I baptize you in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit». I thought, and everybody was saying, that it had been a beautiful and meaningful celebration. However, as soon as the ceremony was over I heard all the people talking to the baby and calling her Vicky. « Hi, Vicky!»…«You are so beautiful Vicky!»… «You are an angel Vicky!» That’s when I got into some kind of panic. «Oh my God. I baptized the wrong Baby». Then it was when I realized that Vicky was a nickname for Victoria.

That’s when I started discovering that, in other countries, it was OK and cute to use nicknames even with adult people. That’s when I learned that Bill is William, Manny is Manuel, Jack is John, Tony is António, and so on. That’s when I learned that it’s part of the Anglo culture to shorten people’s names. That’s when I started understanding people when they would ask me: «Fr.Bernardino, can I call you Bernie»? And my answer was: «Of course you can, but it is not my name». «Fr. Bernardino, can I call you Dino»? «Yes, of course, but it is not my name»

You see, when I was a child, changing the name was one of the ways that people, especially children, had to insult one another, and very often that would cause physical fights. But finally I discovered that changing the name was neither right nor wrong. It was cultural. And cultures can only be understood by our hearts. Cultures are a sacred ground.


Later in my life, just to make things easier and faster, I started signing my emails and my letters to my family just like this: « Tio B. »…That means « Uncle B. » short for « Uncle Bernardino ». My two nieces, living in different countries, (Ana in the USA and Noraima in Aruba), without talking with one another, decided to see in this «B.» a short for «bee», the simple name of a simple insect. What they never knew was that, one day, in a workshop conducted by a priest from Brazil, he asked all present to introduce themselves and say the name of an animal that would most identify us. And guess what. I chose the simple insect bee. And the three of us, without talking with one another, saw the same meaning of the insect bee.

It was like an inspiration to program my life and I wish this would become a way of life. The program for my life and for the life of each one of us, would be that when I contacted people it would be like the bees contacting the flowers of the fruit trees. The bees contact the flowers, gently touch them, are nourished by them, take the best of each one of them without hurting them, and then visit other flowers, sharing with them the best of each one of them. And from that hard work, they become powerful sources of life.

From that work, the trees produce beautiful, healthy and nourishing fruits. According to my nieces, that should be part of my job description: to touch people, and try to find and take the best of their stories and share with other people to inspire them and give them meaning for their lives; helping them to live their lives in full. This could mean bringing people together to help each other, healing their wounds, alleviating their suffering. This could be called «building common-union». This could be called «building Communion». This could be called «living a permanent Sacrament of the Eucharist». This could be called «Celebrating Mass, 24 hours a day».

Love and Peace, Fr. Bernardino Andrade

Scripture Readings 8th July 2018, 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year B

Ezekiel 2: 2-5; Psalm 122(123); 2 Cor 12: 7-10; Mark 6: 1-6

Ezekiel was a priest in the Jewish exile to Babylon in 597 BC. Like all prophets, including Christ and Paul, Ezekiel suffered for speaking truth to those who did not want to hear it. Here he is commissioned to speak the Lord’s words to Israel – “whether they listen or not”.

The psalm begs the Lord to have mercy on the people, who are suffering humiliating contempt by others.

The last three chapters of Paul’s second letter to the Corinthians, perhaps a separate letter, contains an impassioned defence against allegations that he was weak, and less committed because he earned his own living. Paul compares his suffering to Christ’s, whose sufferings bring believers to accept suffering as the way to the Kingdom.

We can only speculate about Paul’s “stake in the flesh”. But it clearly caused bodily pain, sometimes, as in Galatia, keeping him from his work of spreading the gospel. And it brought humility instead of the pride he might have had from his successful work. But this very weakness was a continual reminder of his apostolic task.

In Mark’s Gospel Jesus, too, finds his words are not listened to, even “among his own relations” and family. Although the later Gospels soften this rejection, it is clear Jesus found it painful.

Psalm Response: Our eyes are on the Lord till he shows us his mercy.

(Ezekiel 2: 2-5; Psalm 122(123); 2 Cor 12: 7-10; Mark 6: 1-6)

Scripture Readings 1st July 2018, 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year B

Wisdom 1: 13-15, 2:23-24; Psalm 29(30); 2 Cor 89: 7-15; Mark: 5: 21-43

The Book of Wisdom, written in the century before Christ, starts by exhorting us to “love righteousness … and seek the Lord with sincerity of heart”. God made man in his own image: not immortal, for only God is immortal, but God made righteous man “imperishable”. Death is not the end.

The Psalm gives thanks for deliverance from death: prayers during sickness were answered by God, triumphing over death.

The reading from Paul’s second letter to the Corinthians might have been written today: we should share the earth’s resources with other peoples currently in need. We may need help some time! Paul was collecting financial aid for the Church in Jerusalem, since many towns in the rest of the empire had greater resources. Paul’s approach is supremely practical: he praises the Corinthians and then challenges them to give generously. But they should always keep a balance, not beggar themselves.

We resume our Sunday readings from Mark’s gospel. During his journey to heal Jairus’ daughter, Jesus is interrupted by a woman seeking a cure for her continuous haemorrhage. Jesus tells her her faith has restored her to health. As with the child raised from the dead, God’s kingdom breaks through, to help us understand what God has planned for us in his new creation.

Psalm Response: I will praise you, Lord, you have rescued me.

FROM MY HEART TO YOUR HEART – An Exciting and Passionate 53 Year Journey – Part 2

Being born poor, very early in life I felt the call to dedicate my life to the poor and the call to alleviate the suffering of the world. Very early in life I fell in love with Jesus and His project. I felt inspired by the «Mission Statement» of Jesus that is: «The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to bring good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim release to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to let the oppressed go free, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favour». Luke 4: 18.

I finished my Seminary course on 1963. I was surprised, confused and hurt because my two colleagues had been invited to be ordained and I was not. My superiors were just ignoring me, my confusion and my pain. Nobody was talking with me about this strange situation. Until one day, on July 23rd, 1963, my superior called me and said: «You have to put away your priestly career because you are disorganized in doing charity to the poor». Just that. No suggestions and nothing in concrete. Not even an example of my disorganization in helping the poor. Actually he was right. After 53 years of serving the poor I still haven’t learnt how to be organized in my service to the poor. They are my Masters and every day they teach me new things.

I was 25 years old. It seemed that the world had ended for me. It’s because when I entered the Seminary my purpose was not to study my vocation. My only purpose was to be a priest. I felt lost. But I never forgot what my aunt Matilde told me after us crying together. «Don’t worry Bernardino. When men close a door, God opens a gate». It was true. God opened for me a very large gate.

Quitting is not part of my vocabulary. I asked a Bishop in Africa if he could take the risk of accepting me. After waiting for some time he said yes. On March 1st, 1964, I said good-bye to my family and I became a Missionary. Being a Missionary in Africa had always been one of my dreams when I was a young seminarian. Everything started working together. After spending five months in a very poor Mission, the Bishop called me to the city to teach religion in the secondary school and to be in charge of the youth ministry. It was a fascinating experience. Many youth retreats and the creation of the Juvenile Centre mobilized all the youth of the city, Catholics, Protestants, Hindus and Muslims working together and praying together and together helping the poor. Following my Master, the poor have been always the centre of my ministry.

Then a big jump. From one of the poorest countries of the world to one of the wealthiest countries of the world. In 1973 I left Mozambique for a period of vacation in Portugal. Then I visited the USA with a round trip ticket of two weeks. Things changed. Instead of two weeks, I spent 32 years. My Parish was always a point of reference to the poor. Even undocumented immigrants, arriving from Central America, knew about our Parish. They knew that in California there was a Parish that would welcome them. Many of them slept in my garage, in the class rooms, and in the rooms of my residence. They wore my clothes, ate my food in my dining room and took their showers in my bathrooms. It was a fascinating life. It was in my St. Anthony’s Church in California that we started the project “People Helping People”.

In 2006 I came back to Madeira where I was assigned to be the Pastor of a country Parish. After two years I became the chaplain of the Hospital. In 2010 we started in Madeira the project “People Helping People” whose main goal is to mobilize many people to help many people. (Especially those families and people who don’t qualify for help from official institutions, and especially to be an open door when all the other doors close).

Now I am 80 years old and I am celebrating my 53rd Anniversary of priesthood. I don’t know if I have been a good priest. But one thing I know: I have been a very happy priest. If I could go back in life and if I could choose, I would choose the roads I have travelled until now.

«Men closed one door but God opened a gate».

Love and Peace,
Fr. Bernardino Andrade

FROM MY HEART TO YOUR HEART – An Exciting and Passionate 53 Year Journey

Part 1

Yes! It happened on June 12, 1965. It was 53 years ago this week! In a sports field, in the city of Quelimane, Diocese of Quelimane, Mozambique (Africa), the Bishop D. Francisco Nunes Teixeira, who always maintained with me a father and son relationship, imposed his hands on me and on two other young African men (Vasco and Benjamim), anointed our hands and told us that we were ordained priests forever.

Since then I have embarked on a fascinating and passionate journey. I felt like when God called Abraham, telling him: «Go… to the land I will show you» (Gen. 12:1). No maps, no GPS, no travel checks, no hotel reservations, no Insurance plans. He just said «Go». And Abraham went.

He just said «Go». And I went without knowing the roads and not knowing where I was going to. Abraham just knew one thing: Abraham knew Whom he was walking with. I knew just one thing: I knew Whom I was walking with. I was walking with God, Who is my Father and my Mother and my Abba, and Who was guiding me and had a special plan for me.

The youngest of eleven children, I was born in Madeira Island, in Ponta do Sol, on November 29th, 1937. I came from a place where very few children attended school. Most of the adults were illiterate, including my parents and my oldest brothers. It was a poor farming community. Most of the children had no shoes to go to school or to walk around. But we didn’t know that we were poor because all of us had the same way of life. Some rules and traditions like family meals, daily Rosary and Sunday Mass were not negotiable. The children had no toys but we knew games and how to play together.

The only Christmas gift I had in my childhood was an orange. I don’t remember where it came from. Also I don’t remember if I ate that orange. It looked so yellow, so beautiful, so attractive that I spent my Christmas day showing it to my friends who were surprised to see such a beautiful Christmas Gift. I never had a dream of continuing my studies after my four years of primary school. I didn’t even know why I had to go to school when I «knew» that I would have no choice in my life but digging the land, watering the plants and everything my parents and my brothers and sisters were doing.

Then all of sudden something happened. One day, without any plans, I was in my kitchen in the company of my mother and my sister, Agostinha. I don’t remember what I was doing. I was 12 years old and had finished my four years of my primary school and I was very happy that I didn’t have to go to school again.

My philosophy was that I didn’t need studies to milk a cow (my father had just one cow to milk, and one cow to work), to plant potatoes, beans, corn, sugar cane and so on. But that day my sister asked me a very unexpected question.

She just asked: – «Bernardino, wouldn’t you like to be a priest»? Without thinking, my answer was «Yes». I don’t know why she asked me that strange question and I still don’t know why I gave her that quick and strange answer. I was just 12 years old.

[One day, in America, a news reporter asked me: «But when you were 12 years old, what did you understand about priesthood? » My answer was: «Now I am almost 70 years old and I still do not understand. Priesthood is a mystery that is being revealed to me daily, through prayer, through my ministry to the world and especially to my service to the poorest of the poor. »]

My mother started inquiring about the requirements to enter the Seminary and on October 15, 1950 my father and my mother took me to the Seminary of Funchal. It was an agonizing transition. I was just a child and Ponta do Sol, because of lack of communications, was so far away from Funchal.

——- (to be continued in next week’s issue)

Love and Peace,
Fr. Bernardino Andrade

Scripture Readings 17th June 2018, 11th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year B

Ezekiel 17: 22-24; Psalm 91(92); 2 Cor 5: 6-10; Mark 4: 26-34

Ezekiel has many chapters about Israel’s failure to keep faith in God, culminating in the Babylonian exile. But God keeps his promises: He will restore his people to Israel. A remnant will survive and return to Zion, to build a renewed and perfect creation.
The Psalm extolls the Lord’s just deeds: “the just” are so steadfast they appear rooted, flourishing “in the courts of our God”, while “evildoers shall be scattered”.
Paul has described some of his difficulties, accepting that “while we live we are always being given up to death for Jesus’ sake”. He encourages the Corinthians to have confidence in the Lord: whatever problems we face in our earthly lives, we look forward to making “our home with the Lord”. Then our reward will be affected by our behaviour in this world.
In Mark’s gospel Jesus describes the kingdom of God in parables. All around us are examples of transformation, seeds becoming unimaginable plants. We have got used to thinking of the kingdom of God as “somewhere else” – in “heaven” rather than on earth. But Jesus’ parables do not suggest this, and in the Lord’s prayer we ask every day that God’s kingdom come “on earth, as it is in heaven”. Do we mean it? What are we doing about it?

Psalm Response: It is good to give you thanks, O Lord.

(Ezekiel 17: 22-24; Psalm 91(92); 2 Cor 5: 6-10; Mark 4: 26-34)

CORPUS CHRISTI – Celebrated in Madeira on Thursday, May 31st

constructing the flower carpets

The Feast of Corpus Christi (also known as the “Feast of the Body and Blood of Christ), was celebrated here in Madeira last Thursday, May 31st. A special mass was held at the Sé Cathedral in the centre of Funchal, followed by a procession through the streets.

Flower carpets (arrangements of flowers laid out on the street to resemble colourful carpets) lined the streets around the Cathedral. During the procession, the Blessed Sacrament was displayed in a monstrance which was held by our bishop, D. António Carrilho. Here are some of the highlights of the day….

constructing the flower carpets1
