– Brought to you by Fr. Bernardino Andrade
It is common for any priest to be approached by people asking if he can say a Mass for a special intention, like the health recovery of a family member, somebody who died, in thanksgiving for a special favour from God and so on. The intentions vary and we, the priests who are closer to the people, try to meet them wherever they are, especially if there is any suffering involved.
I was in one of the corridors of the hospital in the city of Funchal when this young lady approached me asking if I could say a special Mass in thanksgiving for her six-year-old daughter’s first smile. This was the first time that, in my almost 50 years as a priest, someone had asked me for a special intention like that: Thanking God for the first smile.
The story behind this request is very simple, and very tragic:
Sara, a six-year-old girl, was crossing a road with her family when she was badly hit by a car. She flew over the car and in seconds she was laying on the pavement, full of blood, all broken and unconscious. Just in seconds. But in those few seconds, Sara and her family’s lives were changed forever. But Sara’s mother, a very strong and positive woman, supported by her husband Manuel, a very strong and positive man, in the middle of such a tragedy found something very very good. Sara was alive! One of the first things she did was to approach a priest and ask him to say a special Mass in thanksgiving for her daughter’s life. Sara was alive! Thanks God! Sara was alive. No time or energy to complain. Only to thank God because Sara was alive.
Her agonizing recovery was very slow. Sara was surrounded by good doctors and nurses but also by lots of love. Her parents, Sandra and Manuel, never gave up. Every time Sara moved, or opened her eyes, every time she breathed was a moment to rejoice and celebrate.
Her godfather always acted as a clown doing his little tricks to attract her attention and make her smile. But something was missing. In spite of all the love and all the tricks nobody had seen a smile on Sara’s angelic face since the accident.
Finally, one day, I don’t know how many people were in the hospital room when there was an excitement and clapping and tears around Sara’s bed. Finally Sara had shared with her family her first smile! There was no doubt that smile was one of the biggest events in the life of that family. That’s when Sandra approached me and asked me to say a special Mass in thanksgiving for the first smile of her precious angel.
Meanwhile Sara moved to a different hospital and for six years I lost track of her and her family. About two weeks ago I entered a restaurant and guess whom I saw? Sara! She was having lunch with her family. She did not recognize me. She is still very special. Sara, twelve years old now, doesn’t talk and was not able to learn how to read or to write, but now she smiles a lot. And there is some kind of food that Sara can eat by herself with a spoon in her left hand. And she does it by herself. But what I found interesting is that every time Sara smiles is a moment of celebration for her family. That’s why I am not surprised that I never heard a complaint from her parents. When you have an attitude of thanksgiving you have no time to complain.
Love and Peace,
Fr. Bernardino Andrade