Scripture Readings 11th June 2017, Trinity, Year A

Ex 34:4-6,8-9; Dan 3:52-56; 2 Cor 13:11-13; Jn 3:16-18

Seeing the Israelites dancing round the golden calf, Moses was angry and had thrown down and broken the tablets on which the Lord had written his covenant. The agreement with God was literally broken!

Now the Lord, revealed as a God of compassion, tells Moses to prepare two more tablets. After “passing before” Moses, the Lord declares that He is “a God merciful, … forgiving iniquity”. Moses asks the Lord to forgive his people, and the Lord re-affirms his covenant and again writes the Commandments on stone tablets.

Today’s psalm comes from the hymn of thanks in the story of Daniel, set in the 6th century BC but probably written about 165 BC. Daniel’s three companions refused to worship King Nebuchadnezzar’s statue and so were thrown into a furnace so hot their guards were killed. But God protected the three men, who walked about inside the furnace with their clothes intact but their rope bindings burned off.

After Paul’s stern instructions to his beloved Corinthians, his second letter ends with this fond farewell, including the Trinitarian grace used widely by Christians.

At the beginning of John’s Gospel, after the wedding at Cana and the cleansing of the Temple, Jesus tells Nicodemus he must be “born again”. Nicodemus cannot understand this, but Jesus insists that those who refuse to believe and trust in Jesus condemn themselves.

Psalm Response: To you glory and praise for evermore.

Ex 34:4-6,8-9; Dan 3:52-56; 2 Cor 13:11-13; Jn 3:16-18

Scripture Readings 4th June 2017, Pentecost, Year A

Acts 2:1-11; Psalm 103; 1 Corinthians 12:3-7,12-13; John 20:19-23

Until recently Pentecost was less understood by Christians than the other two Jewish pilgrimage feasts of Passover and Tabernacles. Then the Dead Sea Scrolls showed that Pentecost was associated with God giving the Covenant on Sinai, and it was at Pentecost that new community members were enrolled. So the coming of the Holy Spirit on the Apostles at Pentecost fits neatly with this Covenant feast.

Acts tells us that they “had all met”, including Mary the mother of Jesus, and his brothers. God often made himself known with wind and fire. The list of peoples who hear and understand the Apostles extends from the east to west of the empire: effectively this is the programme for the mission now starting.

After rebuking the Corinthians for their factions and giving us the earliest description of the Eucharist, Paul shows how Christians together make up the one body of Christ on earth. It is the one Spirit who gives the gifts each individual needs for the particular task God has given him or her.

In the first ending of John’s Gospel, Jesus appears to Mary Magdalen after his resurrection, and then to the disciples huddled together in a closed room “for fear of the Jews”. Jesus breathes the Holy Spirit on them, giving them power to forgive sins.

Psalm Response: Send forth your Spirit, O Lord, and renew the face of the earth.
Acts 2:1-11; Psalm 103; 1 Corinthians 12:3-7,12-13; John 20:19-23


– Brought to you by Fr. Bernardino Andrade

The phone rang at 1:00 AM in the home of Leo Winters, a brilliant Chicago surgeon. It was the Hospital telling him that a young boy had been tragically mangled in a car accident. Dr. Winters’ hands were probably the only ones in the city skilled enough to save that boy’s life. He put on his clothes, jumped into his car and decided the quickest route to the hospital would be to drive through a dangerous neighbourhood, but since time was critical, he decided to take the risk.

He came to a stop light and when he did, a man in a gray hat and a dirty flannel shirt, opened the door, pulled him out of his seat and screamed, «Give me your car».

The doctor tried to explain that he was on an emergency call, but the thief refused to listen. He threw the doctor out of the car, jumped in and sped off. The doctor wandered for more than 45 minutes looking for a phone so he could call a taxi. When he finally got to the hospital, more than an hour had passed. He ran through the hospital doors, up the stairs, to the nurses’ station. The nurse on duty looked at him and shook her head and said, «I am sorry but you are too late. The boy died 30 minutes ago. His father is in the chapel if you want to see him. He is awfully upset because he couldn’t understand why you couldn’t come to help his son. »

Doctor Winters walked hurriedly down the hallway and entered into the chapel. Weeping at the altar was a man dressed in a dirty flannel shirt and gray hat, whose eyes were blinded by tears. The boy’s father looked up at the doctor in horror, recognizing him from the car he had taken, and realized his tragic mistake. He had foolishly pushed away the only man in that city that could have saved his son!

There is only one person that can save your soul. When you exit this life, at the moment you die, you will enter eternity. If you intend to go to Heaven, you had better make sure you take the one Way, which is the only way and His name is Jesus Christ.

There is one more game around attacking the youth. They call it «blue whale». One of the basic needs of a human being is to find meaning for their lives. If they don’t have it, they will create their own. They will create games that kill. Jesus says «I am the way».
«I came in order that you have life and life in full». «I came in order that your joy may be complete». The tragic mistake is that, very often, the parents are the ones who throw into the streets the «Doctor that can save their children’s lives».

Love and Peace,
Fr. Bernardino Andrade

VISITS OF THE HOLY SPIRIT – Traditional Devotion in Madeira

There is a Catholic tradition in Madeira that takes place every year within the parishes of Funchal. It is a very old tradition of devotion to the Holy Spirit and is called “Visitas do Espirito Santo” (loosely translated as Visits of the Holy Spirit).

Every Sunday during the Paschal Time (this year starting on April 23rd) and until Pentecost Sunday (June 4th) a group of people usually composed of three men from the church and two girls called “saloias” (country girls) will visit the houses of the parish community along the streets in the different suburbs of Funchal.

These visits take place during specific times which are decided upon by the Diocese, and the community is informed in advance so that they can prepare for these special visits. The aim of these “Holy Spirit” visits is to bring each family “the joy of the Risen Christ” and also to collect funds that have several purposes such as helping the poor, or restoration work in the church, amongst other things.

The 3 men in the group will usually wear special red cloaks, while the young girls who accompany the group are dressed in red or in the typical regional dress. In some parishes the girls are ornamented with gold, and on arrival at the houses they visit, they will sing traditional songs. The lyrics and music will vary depending on which region they are from. These “Espirito Santo” (Holy Spirit) groups also visit the churches around the island. The girls will carry baskets with flowers which also serve to collect the sweets and other goodies that are offered to them. There are some places where the group is accompanied by people playing musical instruments.

FROM MY HEART TO YOUR HEART – Mass for the First Smile

– Brought to you by Fr. Bernardino Andrade

It is common for any priest to be approached by people asking if he can say a Mass for a special intention, like the health recovery of a family member, somebody who died, in thanksgiving for a special favour from God and so on. The intentions vary and we, the priests who are closer to the people, try to meet them wherever they are, especially if there is any suffering involved.

I was in one of the corridors of the hospital in the city of Funchal when this young lady approached me asking if I could say a special Mass in thanksgiving for her six-year-old daughter’s first smile. This was the first time that, in my almost 50 years as a priest, someone had asked me for a special intention like that: Thanking God for the first smile.

The story behind this request is very simple, and very tragic:

Sara, a six-year-old girl, was crossing a road with her family when she was badly hit by a car. She flew over the car and in seconds she was laying on the pavement, full of blood, all broken and unconscious. Just in seconds. But in those few seconds, Sara and her family’s lives were changed forever. But Sara’s mother, a very strong and positive woman, supported by her husband Manuel, a very strong and positive man, in the middle of such a tragedy found something very very good. Sara was alive! One of the first things she did was to approach a priest and ask him to say a special Mass in thanksgiving for her daughter’s life. Sara was alive! Thanks God! Sara was alive. No time or energy to complain. Only to thank God because Sara was alive.

Her agonizing recovery was very slow. Sara was surrounded by good doctors and nurses but also by lots of love. Her parents, Sandra and Manuel, never gave up. Every time Sara moved, or opened her eyes, every time she breathed was a moment to rejoice and celebrate.

Her godfather always acted as a clown doing his little tricks to attract her attention and make her smile. But something was missing. In spite of all the love and all the tricks nobody had seen a smile on Sara’s angelic face since the accident.

Finally, one day, I don’t know how many people were in the hospital room when there was an excitement and clapping and tears around Sara’s bed. Finally Sara had shared with her family her first smile! There was no doubt that smile was one of the biggest events in the life of that family. That’s when Sandra approached me and asked me to say a special Mass in thanksgiving for the first smile of her precious angel.

Meanwhile Sara moved to a different hospital and for six years I lost track of her and her family. About two weeks ago I entered a restaurant and guess whom I saw? Sara! She was having lunch with her family. She did not recognize me. She is still very special. Sara, twelve years old now, doesn’t talk and was not able to learn how to read or to write, but now she smiles a lot. And there is some kind of food that Sara can eat by herself with a spoon in her left hand. And she does it by herself. But what I found interesting is that every time Sara smiles is a moment of celebration for her family. That’s why I am not surprised that I never heard a complaint from her parents. When you have an attitude of thanksgiving you have no time to complain.

Love and Peace,
Fr. Bernardino Andrade

Scripture Readings 28th May 2017, Ascension, Year A

Acts 1:1-11; Psalm 46; Ephesians 1:17-23; Matthew 28:16-20

Luke’s Gospel opens in the Temple in Jerusalem with the angel appearing to Zechariah, and ends, after the ascension, with the disciples joyfully praising God in the Temple, still in Jerusalem. Acts starts with Jesus’ appearances over 40 days and his ascension, but finishes in Rome. This “double ascension” links Jesus’ ministry “to the lost sheep of Israel” with the apostles’ witness “to the ends of the earth”. The coming of God’s Kingdom was enacted by Jesus. His Kingdom will continue to be present on earth in and through the witness of his people, the Church. When God’s Kingdom is finally established over the whole world. Jesus will return to the Mount of Olives, where the Jews expect all the nations to stream.

Paul opened his letter to the Ephesians by reminding them that God has made known to us the mystery of his plan “to unite all things in Jesus”. He then prays that they may know the hope – ie confidence – that this revelation gives us, ending with his understanding of the Church as Christ’s body.

Matthew’s Gospel ends with Jesus commissioning the Apostles to “make disciples of all the nations”. Both Luke and Matthew, writing about 40 years after the Ascension, emphasise that Christians are to show their commitment by being baptised.

Psalm Response: God goes up with shouts of joy; the Lord goes up with trumpet blast.

Acts 1:1-11; Psalm 46; Ephesians 1:17-23; Matthew 28:16-20

Scripture Readings 28th May 2017, 7th Sunday of Easter, Year A

The “double ascension” links Jesus’ ministry “to the lost sheep of Israel” with the apostles’ witness “to the ends of the earth”. God’s Kingdom, whose coming was enacted by Jesus, includes both forgiveness and judgement. After praying in the upper room, the eleven remaining apostles filled the vacancy in the ‘twelve’ – the twelve judges of Israel. Then the new-born Church was ready for its mission to be inaugurated at Pentecost. When God’s Kingdom is finally established over the whole world. Jesus will return to the Mount of Olives, where the Jews expect all the nations to stream.

Expecting this end to disorder in the world to come soon, Peter continues his letter by encouraging Christians to avoid the sinful behaviour of others. Be glad, even if being a Christian brings suffering – as it will. Our suffering, like that of Jesus, shows the coming of God’s Kingdom.

Jesus ends his long teaching at the last supper with this heartfelt prayer for those who believe in him. He has told his apostles they will be scattered. But He and his Father will take care of them, and Jesus prays that they may always be one, just as Jesus and the Father are one. Then He goes to the Mount of Olives to be arrested.

Psalm Response: I am sure I shall see the Lord’s goodness in the land of the living.

Acts 1:12-14; Ps 26; 1 Peter 4:13-16; John 17:1-11.



When I first arrived in California in 1974 there was a song calling California a «melting pot». This was the American concept. America, that was full of immigrants from all over the world, was considered a «melting pot». Different cultures were supposed to be «melted» and integrated in one culture only. It was like a juice maker. We put oranges, apples, bananas and any kind of fruit together and each one was supposed to lose its identity and become one kind of juice with one kind of color and one kind of taste.

In 1976 the American Bishops wrote a Pastoral letter and stated that America was not a «melting pot» but a «mosaic» with different colors, different cultures, different languages, and so on.

To emphasize this beautiful concept of respect for diversity we built, in my parish, what we called a «Marian Garden». All nationalities were invited to paste on the outside walls of the church in a garden that looked like a cloister, on tile, the image of their patroness with her name, a story of the image and the Hail Mary in their language.

I was surprised to find out that some people, when I asked them the name of their patroness they answered that it was «Our Lady of Fatima». One day, in Madeira, I was with a group of Portuguese people and also asked the name of our Patroness and the answer was the same. It was Our Lady of Fatima when it is the Immaculate Conception.

When I heard that Pope Francis was coming to Fatima to preside to the First Centennial Celebration of the Apparitions I became convinced that he was going to proclaim Our Lady of Fatima the Patroness of the World or the Patroness of all Nations. He is not going to do it but People already did it. FATIMA IS THE ALTAR OF THE WORLD. During these last two days all the world, Catholic and non Catholic, had their eyes on Fatima.


On May 13, 1917 Mary, the Mother of Jesus, appeared to three little Shepherds: Lucia, Francisco and Jacinta. It happened between two world wars. My father was an illiterate and simple military man, who spent 4 years in the military life. He married my mother in March 1917, two months before the Apparitions. I heard him many times talking about the Apparitions saying: «We heard that Our Lady had appeared and had said that the war was going to end and the soldiers were going home».

I still feel my father´s emotions when I was a small child hearing the same story so many times without ever getting tired of his repetition. Especially «the soldiers are going home».

Maybe because of this little story told by this small man in this small place I always associated Fatima with the suffering of the world. «The soldiers are going home» always meant for me the end of the human suffering.


Pope Francis is coming to Fatima as a pilgrim to celebrate with the entire world the first Centennial of the Apparitions. It is not an official visit to Portugal. Just a pilgrim to remind the world the message of Fatima. He is bringing a message of Mercy and Peace and also to canonize the two youngest Shepherds who saw Mary, Mother of God and our Mother.

Love and Peace,
Fr. Bernardino Andrade

Scripture Readings 21st May 2017, 6th Sunday of Easter, Year A

Acts 8:5-8,14-17; Psalm 65; 1 Peter 3:15-18 or 4:13-16; John 14:15-21 or 17:1-11

After Stephen had been killed, Saul led “a great persecution” against the Church in Jerusalem. As a consequence the Hellenists were driven out of Jerusalem and Philip takes the gospel to Samaria. Peter and John came to investigate these first non-Jew converts. The apostles confirmed their membership by laying hands on them and they received the Holy Spirit.

Peter continues his advice to Christians suffering abuse and ridicule from their non-Christian neighbours. Do not be afraid! Gently but firmly stick to your principles, being ready to explain your reasons politely. And rejoice that your sufferings enable you to share in Christ’s sufferings so that you may share in his glory.

In John’s description of the Last Supper in his Gospel, Jesus promises to send the Holy Spirit to continue his work after he returns to his Father. The supper ends with Jesus’ great prayer to his Father for the Church he is leaving behind. All three persons of the Trinity are mentioned in the gospels, but the Church only gradually developed its understanding of the Trinity over many centuries. We believe that the Spirit “proceeds” from the Father and the Son (filioque). The Orthodox Church says that the Spirit comes from the Father through the Son.

Psalm Response: Cry out with joy to God all the earth.

Acts 8:5-8,14-17; Psalm 65; 1 Peter 3:15-18 or 4:13-16; John 14:15-21 or 17:1-11

Scripture Readings 14th May 2017, 5th Sunday of Easter, Year A

Acts 6:1-7; Psalm 32; 1 Peter 2:4-9; John 14:1-12

The dispute with the Hellenists, described in Acts, is highly significant for its resolution. There are several ways of resolving community arguments. A common way is schism: you go your way, we’ll go ours. Miraculously the early Christians managed to maintain fellowship by allowing each group to manage its own affairs.

The Hellenists were Christian Greek-speaking Jews. As Stephen’s speech later shows, the Hellenists bitterly opposed the Jewish Temple authorities, who drove them out of Jerusalem, starting the spread of Christianity. The Apostles were not expelled, and continued their work, with many Jews including priests being converted.

Peter’s letter continues encouraging persecuted Christians by reminding them that we are “a body of priests, … a people set apart to sing the praises of God”. Each preface concludes with the words: “every land, every people exults in” God’s praise. At Mass we – as priests – offer all we have done during the week, our presence together in community, and our material gifts, as a sacrifice to confirm our allegiance to Christ, just as God’s sacrifice of his Son showed his love for us.

In John’s Gospel, after washing the disciples’ feet and foretelling his death, Jesus emphasises his intimate relationship with the Father, saying “to have seen me is to have seen the Father”.

Psalm May your love be upon us, O Lord, as we place all our hope in you.

Acts 6:1-7; Psalm 32; 1 Peter 2:4-9; John 14:1-12

FROM MY HEART TO YOUR HEART – Celebrating Little Accomplishments

– Brought to you by Fr. Bernardino Andrade

Father Bernadino

When I visited Brazil for the first time in1983 there were no emails, no telephones. Letters only. So one day I received a letter from my housekeeper just to give me some special and exciting good news: her four-year-old son didn’t need diapers anymore. Her son was a very special and challenging child – he was autistic. I didn’t think that it was a big deal.

One year later I had my Sabbatical in Notre Dame University (in the USA) and I attended part of a graduation ceremony of the new doctors. One of the mothers there to see her son graduating was from California, and because I am also from California, we started talking. I mentioned what a big accomplishment it must be for a mother to attend her son’s graduation ceremony « However, » – I added – « an accomplishment like this is a sum of many, many little accomplishments in a mother’s life.». Then I mentioned the big accomplishment of my housekeeper when her son had learned how to use the bathroom and didn’t need diapers any more. I was amazed with her answer: « Father, that is one of the biggest accomplishments in a mother’s life. ».

I was surprised that she didn’t even smile. She really meant what she said.

Since then I understood that life is made of many little accomplishments and I am sorry that I have missed so many opportunities to celebrate them. I am sorry that I have seen so many people like me, missing these opportunities…

Love and Peace,
Fr. Bernardino Andrade