Scripture Readings 5th March 2017, 1st Sunday of Lent, Year A

Genesis 2:7-9, 3:1-7; Psalm 50; Romans 5:12-19; Matthew 4:1-11

From Genesis we have the second and probably older description of the creation of humanity. This expresses the truth that God made us as “living beings”, dying without God’s breath. In deciding to eat the forbidden fruit, man does “become like God” in being able to make choices, but without the wisdom needed to choose well. Perhaps a simile of a child’s growing self-awareness. The mischievous serpent later came to be interpreted as Satan.

In his letter to the Romans Paul has been arguing that righteousness comes through faith, not through the Law given to Moses, which identifies sin but cannot save us from death, its consequence. Wisdom comes through the free gift of grace, obtained for us by Jesus Christ, whose obedience to his Father overcame death.

In Matthew’s gospel the devil introduces each temptation with the words: “If you are the Son of God”. The temptations explore what can it mean for Jesus to be “Son of God”? Does it mean he is a miracle-worker, able to satisfy all desires without effort? Is it about showy displays of power in which we try to make God do what we want, in return for our belief in him? Jesus shows his real power by dismissing Satan. Jesus will rule over all creation, but only through the Cross.

Psalm Response: Have mercy on us, O Lord, for we have sinned.

World Day of Prayer – Holy Trinity Church, 3rd March, 2017 at 10.30am

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A special prayer service will be held on Friday, 3rd March at 10.30am as an initiative of the Women’s World Day of Prayer.

According to the organisation Women’s World Day of Prayer is “the largest ecumenical movement in the world, the only one in which Orthodox and Protestant, Catholic and Evangelical come together to worship: covering 170 counties and territories”.
Women’s World Day of Prayer Site

The theme of this year’s service is “Am I being unfair to You?” which the Philippines National committee has put forward.

The service for the event here in Madeira is to be held at the Holy Trinity Church, Funchal. Everyone, is invited to come along and share in this great initiative. See the map below, to locate the church.


FROM MY HEART TO YOUR HEART – I found God by Surprise

– Brought to you by Fr. Bernardino Andrade

We, the members of the People Helping People Association, were ready to start our weekly meeting. Ana, our Coordinator, had a very full and well organized agenda that starts with prayer. Then I usually conduct a short reflection about the spirituality of People Helping People where I try to emphasize that the excluded, the unloved, the unattractive, the marginalized are supposed to be our favorites, having as our model, Jesus the Good Shepherd.

We were already a few minutes late to start the meeting when Dr. José Luís and Abel entered the room accompanied by Adrien (not his real name). This man is known by all the people who walk through the city of Funchal. He is dirty and smelly with long, messy hair and a long, messy beard. He is always seated on the sidewalks, exposing his scars which, according to some witnesses, he scratches in order to make them bleed thereby attracting compassion and money to feed his addictions. He is a typical homeless person.

I have known Adrien for a few years. I have been abused and cheated by him. Now instead of starting the meeting I was furious that Dr. José Luís and Abel had decided to ruin our beautiful agenda to deal with such an unexpected surprise. Of course all the attentions concentrated on Adrien and everybody forgot about the agenda. Everybody was kind and helpful except me. We had an agenda and Adrien was not on the Agenda.

All the attentions concentrated in planning on how to feed Adrien, how to find decent clothes for him, how and where to buy medicine for his epilepsy, how to find a decent place where he could spend the night as a human being. Rita remembered that she had, somewhere, a chocolate bar and immediately took it and gave it to Adrien. He started eating his chocolate bar, and because of his bad teeth, he was involuntarily spitting crumbs all over the table which some of the attendants were trying to keep clean without making him feel uncomfortable.

The meeting was closed with a prayer and the agenda was still on the paper. Carmina and Dr. José Luís took the responsibility of finishing the job on how to help Adrien that night. Carmina and José Luís indicated a place to meet him while they would go around finishing what they considered their job. They invited me to go along with them. Of course I had no choice. I said «yes». However, I thought that this would be the time for me to talk and express my point of view saying:

«I don’t mind bringing the homeless and the poor to some of our meetings but I think that this should be planned in advance and a special agenda should be prepared for that kind of meeting. I don’t agree with what happened tonight».

When I finished expressing my concern, Carmina very kindly, told me: «Father, this is what makes the difference between us (People Helping People) and the other official institutions. We don’t have time tables, hours, days, or nights. What we have is People who are suffering and need help».

That’s when I remembered the first time we met Sir Ronald (Ronnie) at the Reid’s Palace Hotel and he told us: «Your lack of organization is your strength. You don’t close at 5:30 PM».

After Carmina’s kind words I remembered the moving hymn that Professors Cátia and Helena sing once in a while in Portuguese, after Communion at the English Mass, that always brings tears to my eyes: «I Found God by Surprise».

Yes! On that cold Wednesday night «I FOUND GOD BY SURPRISE» and I almost missed Him. I am ashamed of the Pharisee and the hypocrite who live inside of me. But I wish that I would be the only Christian who carries a hypocrite inside him.

I want to ask forgiveness from Adrien, Carmina, Dr. José Luís and all the group present at the meeting who could see my silence and lack of enthusiasm for something that is so crucial in People Helping People. Mother Teresa says: “When you start by judging you have no time to love”. I FOUND GOD BY SURPRISE AND I ALMOST MISSED HIM. GOD IS A DAILY SURPRISE.

Love and Peace,
Fr. Bernardino Andrade

Scripture Readings 26th February 2017, 8th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A

Isaiah 49:14-15; Psalm 61; 1 Corinthians 4:1-5; Matthew 6:24-34

Second Isaiah was writing after the exile of the Jews in Babylon ended in 539 BC. 6 weeks ago Isaiah told us that God wanted his servant, which might be Israel or an individual, to take his salvation to the ends of the earth. Now God promises he will always support his people, using the tender image of a mother’s love for her child. Those who hope in the Lord “shall never be disappointed”. Zion will be restored. The Lord is our “saviour”, our “redeemer”.

Paul’s letter continues with his criticism of the Corinthians for having rival groups. Ministers are accountable as “servants, stewards entrusted with the mysteries of God”. We should not make premature judgements, which will be based on worldly wisdom. Since God is infinitely just there must be a final judgement made by the Lord, putting the whole world to rights. However, Paul does recognise in the next chapter that sometimes the Church has to discipline its members.

In Matthew’s Gospel the sermon on the mount has continued with the Lord’s Prayer. We now hear Jesus’ teaching about worldly possessions. We must choose between God and money. Jesus urges us to have confidence in God, the true meaning of “hope”. Our priority must be righteousness, obeying God’s will. Then our real needs will be met.

Psalm Response: In God alone is my soul at rest.

Isaiah 49:14-15; Psalm 61; 1 Corinthians 4:1-5; Matthew 6:24-34

FROM MY HEART TO YOUR HEART – What’s the secret?

– Brought to you by Fr. Bernardino Andrade

Before the final blessing of the English Mass at the Chapel Penha de França, in Funchal, we always have a special blessing for the people who are celebrating their birthdays, wedding anniversaries or any special event during that month.

One day we had a couple who was celebrating their 57th Anniversary. After blessing two or three more couples I blessed a very young couple. After the blessing I asked them: «How long ago have you been married?» The young man answered: «One week. But we want to talk with that couple who has been married for 57 years. We want to know the secret».

After Mass they talked. The secret was very simple: «Be good to one another».

St. Teresa of Calcutta (Mother Teresa) was speaking to people who had come to meet her from all over the world. Among those to whom she spoke was a group of religious sisters from many North American orders. After her talk she asked if there were any questions.

– «Yes, I have one», a Sister sitting near the front said.
«As you know, most of the orders represented here have been losing members. It seems that more and more women are leaving all the time. And yet your order is attracting thousands upon thousands. What do you do?».

Without hesitating Mother Teresa answered: «I give them Jesus.»

– «Yes I know,» said the woman, «but take habits, for example. Do your women object to wearing habits? And the rules of the order, how do you do it?»
– «I give them Jesus.» Mother Teresa replied.
– «Yes, I know Mother,» said the woman, «but can you be more specific?»
– «I give them Jesus.» Mother Teresa repeated again.
– «Mother,» said the woman, «we are all of us aware of your fine work. I want to know about something else.»
Mother Teresa said quietly: «I give them Jesus. There is nothing else.»

This is the secret. And this secret is available 24 hours a day.
To fall in love with Jesus is to fall in love with his project.

Love and Peace,
Fr. Bernardino Andrade

Scripture Readings 19th February 2017, 7th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A

Leviticus 19:1-2, 17-18; Psalm 102; 1 Corinthians 3:16-23; Matthew 5:38-48

Leviticus means “and he called”. The book is about holiness, the utter separateness of God. We are each called to become whole, like a jigsaw with all the parts fitting together perfectly. Hence the repeated command: “You shall be holy, because I, the Lord, am holy”. These chapters about the sacredness of sex, the marriage laws, forbidding aberrant sexual behaviour, and expanding the basic Commandments, show how the Israelites are to keep themselves in a state of wholeness, as a sign of their intimate union with the Holy Lord. These detailed instructions on behaviour imply both responsibilities and corresponding rights.

Perhaps we can see why Paul is critical of the Corinthians, telling them they were not mature enough to be given the solid food of spiritual instruction, because they were still jealously quarrelling among themselves about who to follow. They must follow only Christ, obeying God’s rules, even though this will be seen as foolishness by the wisdom of this world.

In Matthew’s Gospel Jesus continues drawing out the meaning of the Commandments in the sermon on the mount. Last week the shorter form omitted the difficult teachings forbidding divorce and calling our brother a fool. Today we are urged to love our enemies. Always Jesus pushes us further, urging us towards perfection, in union with our heavenly Father.

Psalm Response: The Lord is compassion and love.

Leviticus 19:1-2, 17-18; Psalm 102; 1 Corinthians 3:16-23; Matthew 5:38-48

Scripture Readings 12th February 2017, 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A

Sirach/ Ecclesiasticus 15:15-20; Psalm 118; 1 Corinthians 2:6-10; Matthew 5:17-37

Writing about 132 BC, Ben Sira was a learned and widely travelled Jerusalem scholar. Today’s reading is one of the clearest statements in the whole Bible on free will. God created human beings and – as an essential part of our nature – gave us the ability to choose between right and wrong, life or death. God does not cause our sins, even though he knows how we will misuse this gift.

In last week’s reading Paul said that he did not come using clever human oratory. He now tells the Corinthians something no human being could work out, namely God’s wisdom – his plan from the beginning for our salvation. Because this knowledge comes to us only by revelation, we must be open and listen to the Spirit who reveals it.<&p>

Continuing the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew’s Gospel, Jesus states clearly that He is not abolishing the Jewish Law. But He then goes on to clarify the Commandments – we must obey them in spirit, not just a literal minimum. Our free will should be exercised with wisdom, so that we help to build the kingdom of God here on earth.

(Background note: The apparent exception for divorce (Matthew 5:32) is usually understood to refer to marrying within forbidden degrees of kindred, although translations vary.)

Psalm Response: They are happy who follow God’s law!

Sirach/ Ecclesiasticus 15:15-20; Psalm 118; 1 Corinthians 2:6-10; Matthew 5:17-37

FROM MY HEART TO YOUR HEART – Replace “Blessed” by “Healthy”

– Brought to you by Fr. Bernardino Andrade

Some years ago a panel of doctors was appointed by the Federal government of the USA to meet together and draw up eight laws of public health that could be printed in pamphlet form and distributed to the public. After twelve days of exhausting meetings, the doctors were unable to come to a consensus. It seems that their areas of concern were too diverse. Among the group were a cancer specialist, a cardiologist, a pulmonologist and a psychiatrist, and each approached the problem from the perspective of his own discipline. The chest expert was concerned about coal dust from the mines and lint produced by textile mills, while the psychiatrist was concerned about the effects off urban stress. Finally, Dr. Harold Sladen of a famous hospital in Detroit came up with an appropriate idea. He said: “Let’s just republish the eight Beatitudes of Jesus and simply replace the word ‘Blessed’ with the word ‘Healthy.’”

For theirs is the Kingdom of God
For they shall be comforted
For they shall inherit the earth
For they shall be satisfied
For they shall obtain mercy
For they shall see God.
For they shall be called sons of God.
For theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

Scripture Readings 5th February 2017, 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A

After the exiles returned to rebuild Jerusalem there were many difficulties and they lost heart. Third Isaiah writing after 500BC told them this was because of a lack of social justice: ritual and fasting have value only if they are expressions of a just society. Today’s reading and the verse before it give the essentials of true religion: deal justly with your neighbour, free the oppressed, feed the hungry, etc. Then, as the Gospel says, your good deeds, like salt or a lamp, will influence others and give glory to God, without drawing attention to yourselves.

Paul, similarly, says that when he came to the Corinthians, he did not draw attention to himself by relying on the powers of clever oratory to convince people about ‘mystery’ of God – the salvific events to be revealed in the age to come. No, he believes that “Jesus Christ and him crucified”, the message itself, making visible the power of God, is strong enough to convince.

Psalm Response: The good man is a light in the darkness for the upright.

Isaiah 58:7-10; Psalm 111; 1 Corinthians 2:1-5; Matthew 5:13-16

People Helping People in the World – A NOVEL IDEA!

The Association People Helping People is crossing the boundaries of Madeira and Portugal.

Mrs. Jane Caldwell, from England, wrote a book called «Frozen Stiff». On the bottom of the book’s cover we can read «All profits from the sale of this book, will go to the Madeiran Charity PHP – “People Helping People”».

Thank you Mrs. Caldwell and thanks to your husband Peter Caldwell for his unconditional support.
Fr. Bernardino Andrade

I have invited Mrs. Caldwell to tell you more about her book…

During the past fifteen years we have had many wonderful holidays in this beautiful island. We have been impressed with the friendly and resilient people, but sadly also by the poverty that exists on the island. As a result, we have become staunch admirers of PHP (People Helping People) and I have now written a novel to help the project. It is a light hearted, slightly romantic detective story, set in some places people may recognize; it is a typical holiday read.

“Frozen Stiff” by “Agatha Frisky” is available as a Kindle e-book for £3:50. Every cent will go towards the PHP project.

Happy Reading.
Jane Caldwell (