Scripture Readings 1st January 2017, Mary Mother of God, Year A
Numbers 6:22-26; Psalm 66; Galatians 4:4-7; Luke 2:16-21
The Book of Numbers continues the story of the Israelites during their exodus journey from Mount Sinai until they arrive outside the Promised Land before 1200 BC. Among the many laws for behaviour and ritual practices is this beautiful form of blessing given to Moses by the Lord. It is one of the oldest and finest pieces of ancient poetry. To “bless” means to pour out the power of life that produces growth, success, fertility and prosperity.
Paul wrote his letter to the Galatians as an angry and anguished appeal to them not to forsake the gospel he had taught them. Other preachers were trying to persuade them that, to be fully Christian, Gentiles had to become Jews and conform to the Jewish Law. No, says Paul. The Law was a temporary disciplinarian needed until humanity was mature enough to join God’s family. This is now possible through the faith of, and our faith in, God’s Son, who was born of a woman and so fully human.
In Luke’s Gospel the coming birth of Jesus was announced to Mary by the Angel Gabriel. Accepting what God wanted of her, and still a virgin when Jesus was born, she may still have been puzzling over this strange event. So she must have been much helped by the coming of these shepherds, who confirmed that her son was “Messiah and Lord”.
Psalm Response: O God, be gracious and bless us.