– Brought to you by Fr. Bernardino Andrade

It was some years ago that I had a chance to see the movie Titanic. I read a very interesting interpretation stating that the Titanic was a religious movie. Yes. It was some years ago.
I forgot most of the movie. But there was one scene that impacted me tremendously. Too good to be forgotten. It was when Jack invited Rose to come down and join the poor migrants on their way to New York. He invited her to take part in «a real party». And it was a real party where everybody danced together, laughed together, drank together and got drunk together. It was a «real party» compared with the party of the rich where people pretended that they were having fun but where everything was predicted, rehearsed and planned. Everything needed to look right and be right, following all the rules of protocol. But I was convinced that they just pretended that they were having fun.
«Come and join us in a real party ». I still remember what I felt in that moment. I felt that social equality was the main ingredient of the Kingdom of God. We, all members of the human family, are invited to take part in a «real party». The more I understand the «real party» of the Titanic, the more I will understand the Holy sacrifice of the Mass, which is a real party.
On June 12th this year, we initiated a small program in our Chapel, Penha de França, to feed the homeless once a week. This is just the beginning. We called it «The Back Door Ministry». Our Mission Statement is to mobilize many restaurants to share some of their food with the homeless.
Inspired by the «real party» of the Titanic, we decided to change the name of the program and invite all those who are not homeless to join them for lunch as well. This invitation is especially addressed to all the tourists who attend the Mass in English.
Is it going to be a real party? I don’t know. What I know is that it is going to be «real». You can sit side by side with the homeless and enjoy a nice meal. Maybe you will not be able to speak with them in Portuguese. Anyway, please sit with them. Maybe they will not be able to speak with you in English, but please sit by their side. Eat from the same food and drink from the same juices and the same water. Hygiene is guaranteed. Comfort… well that will depend on your heart. The new name of this program is «Bread With My Brother».
« Mobilize many restaurants to share part of their food with the homeless and their friends». Their friends will be you and I.
MOYNIHAN’S RESTAURANT will be next in line. Saturday, September 10th, at 1:00 PM, Tadhg and Sinead Moynihan will provide the lunch for «Bread With My Brother».
The place is going to be the Social Room of the Chapel Penha de França. Please join us for a «real party».
God loves you and so do I,
Fr. Bernardino Andrade