Scripture Readings 19th June 2016, 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year C
Scripture Readings
Writing in the 4th century BC, Zechariah promises that the Lord will enable the house of David to lead Judah to defeat its enemies. Jerusalem will mourn “the one whom they have pierced”, as they mourned the good king Josiah, slain at Megiddo. From Jerusalem will come a “fountain to wash away all guilt and uncleanness”, later seen as Christ pouring out God’s grace. Zechariah then promises that “the Lord will become king over all the earth”.
In his letter to the Galatians Paul has explained his claim we heard last week that “if justification were through the Law, then Christ died to no purpose”: Abraham was justified through his belief in God. In this week’s reading Paul concludes: through our faith in Christ we are all adopted as the heirs Abraham was promised long before the Law was given to Moses. The Law was a temporary “tutor” to guide God’s people until Christ brings us to maturity.
In Luke’s gospel, after the Apostles had returned from a preaching mission, Jesus had bolstered their confidence by feeding 5,000 people. In this week’s reading Jesus for the first time confirms who he is, but foretells his own death and the sufferings of his followers, before further revealing himself in the Transfiguration.
Psalm Response: For you my soul is thirsting, O God, my God.
(Zech 12:10-11, 13: 1; Psalm 62(63); Gal 3: 26-29; Luke 9: 18-24)