Newsletter, 3rd May 2015, 5th Sunday Easter, Year B

Scripture Readings

Much has happened in Acts since last Sunday’s reading: Peter and some apostles have been imprisoned and beaten before being set free again. Some “Hellenists” – apparently Greek-speaking Christians – complained about their treatment by the Hebrew-speaking Christians, and seven Greeks were appointed to look after the Hellenists. Stephen was arrested and his speech to the Jewish leaders suggests that the Hellenists were persecuted by the Jews because they did not join in the Jewish Temple worship.
Today we hear how Paul returns from his conversion near Damascus and is accepted by the Hebrew Christians. But not by the Hellenists, so has to be hustled out of town. The Hellenists were also driven out by the Jews, and so the Gospel spreads – to Phoenicia, Antioch and Cyprus.
John’s First Letter continues with John insisting that we must show our faith by our actions: keeping God’s commandments and living the kind of life God wants. Providing we obey our conscience we can be sure we are doing right. But our conscience must be guided by God’s Spirit dwelling in us.
In John’s gospel Jesus gives his disciples detailed teaching at the last supper, just before his arrest. We must be bound closely to Christ: He is the vine, we are the branches, gaining sustenance and support from him.

Psalm Response: You, Lord, are my praise in the great assembly.

(Acts 9: 26-31 ; Ps 21(22) ; 1 John 3: 18-24 ; John 15: 1-8)

Newsletter, 26th April 2015, 4th Sunday Easter, Year B

Scripture Readings

After healing the cripple in Jesus’ name and calling on the people to repent, Peter and John were put in prison overnight. Peter then repeats his preaching to the Jewish leaders. The leaders accept that “a notable miracle has been worked through them”, and cannot decide what to do. They simply order the Apostles not to speak in Jesus’ name again. The apostles reject this warning, but are released without being punished – at least this time.
John’s first letter insists that the love the Father has given us makes us his children now, anticipating already in some way what we shall be “when he appears”. John then contrasts the righteous who do not sin with those who commit sin and are “of the devil”. You are either for God or against him – there is nothing between.
In John’s gospel, after healing the man born blind, Jesus describes himself both as the door through which we can enter and be saved, and also as the good shepherd, whom the sheep know and follow. In contrast to the false shepherds criticised by Exekiel, the good shepherd cares for his sheep, even at the cost of his life. Jesus emphasises that he is in control of his life, causing division among the Jews.

Psalm Response: The stone which the builders rejected has become the cornerstone.

(Acts 4: 8-12 ; 117(118); 1 John 3: 1-2 ; John 10: 11-18)

Newsletter, 19th April 2015, 3rd Sunday of Easter, Year B

Scripture Readings

After Peter healed the man lame from birth, who had been begging at the Beautiful gate, the man joyfully walked with the Apostles in the Temple. At the portico of Solomon Peter addresses the crowds, emphasising that the man had been cured by the power of the God the Jews believed in, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. God’s kingdom is already becoming visible.
Perhaps reflecting later antagonism between Jews and Christians, Peter goes on to say that it was “you”, “men of Israel” who insisted on killing Jesus, declared innocent by Pilate. But, Peter adds, they “acted in ignorance” so that God’s plan would be fulfilled. (Vatican II insisted that this was only some Jews, and it condemned antisemitism (NE4)).
Paul appointed presbyters to lead his young churches. Thirty years later, John’s community appears to have little structure. But there are problems: “many antichrists have come”, and some members have left the community, perhaps misled by the small amount of moral teaching in John’s Gospel. Paul’s hierarchical model survived, but tension between structure and charism continues.
How strange the resurrected Jesus appears! The two disciples had recognised Jesus after he had left them in the inn on the way to Emmaus, but now they are frightened, thinking him a ghost.

Psalm Response: Lift up the light of your face on us, O Lord.

Newsletter, 12th April, 2nd Sunday of Easter, Year B

Scripture Readings

During the six weeks of Easter the first readings are from the Book of Acts, in which Luke describes Jesus continuing his ministry through the Church after his earthly life ended. The weekday readings told how Pentecost transformed Peter into boldly proclaiming belief in the resurrection of Jesus. Not intimidated by his arrest, he continued to attract many Jews to follow Jesus. Today we hear how this growing community held their assets in common. The next verses give two examples: Barnabas who gave the proceeds from selling a field; and Ananias and his wife, who held back some of the proceeds and were struck dead by Peter in his Apostolic role as a Judge of Israel.
The second readings in Eastertide are from the first letter of John, whose gospel said little about Jesus’ humanity and his moral teachings. Some members of John’s community needed to be reminded that our faith is in a man, Jesus, who is Son of God, God’s Christ. Loving God is not about emotion: it means keeping his commandments.
The gospel reading is the beautiful first ending of John’s gospel, after Thomas, in the highest expression of faith in any of the gospels, acclaims Jesus as “My Lord and my God”.

Psalm Response: Give thanks to the Lord for he is good, for his love has no end.

Newsletter, 29th March 2015, Palm Sunday, Year B

Scripture Readings 29th March 2015, Palm Sunday, Year B

Second Isaiah was writing during the exile of the Israelites in Babylon after Jerusalem was destroyed. The people are discouraged, in despair, and tempted to give up their faith in God. In today’s ‘servant-song’ Isaiah offers consolation, recommending non-resistance and trust in the Lord.Today Isaiah’s words express both our horror at the way Our Lord was treated, and our admiration for his example of patient non-retaliation. Trusting confidently in his Father, he “sets his face like flint”, even though it is covered with spittle. The Psalm starts in this mood, but ends praising God.

The hymn in Philippians rejoices that – unlike Adam – Jesus did not seek to be equal to God. But God raised him high, so that all creation should “acclaim Jesus as Lord, to the glory of God the Father”.

Jesus died just before Passover, when Jews celebrated their freedom from slavery. The soldiers, the Jewish leaders, the inscription on the Cross, all ironically give Jesus his true title of ‘King of the Jews’, the Messiah, who frees us from death. When Jesus dies, the first human being in Mark’s gospel to recognise Jesus as “Son of God” is a Gentile, the centurion. All the disciples had run away when Jesus was arrested. Only some women watched, and they saw where he was buried.

Psalm Response: My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?

(Is 50:4-7; Ps 21; Phil 2:6-11; Mark 14:1 – 15:47)

Newsletter, 22nd March 2015, 5th Sunday of Lent, Year B

Scripture Readings

Jeremiah warned Israel against their idolatry and failure to respond to God’s love, breaking God’s covenant. At the time of the exile to Babylon Jeremiah proclaimed this great oracle of the “New Covenant”. This promised that God’s Law will be written on men’s hearts, giving them the power – or “grace” – to respond with love to God’s love. This new covenant will not be broken: it will last for ever.

The Letter to the Hebrews emphasises that Jesus is truly human, and lived his life showing this new covenant in practice. Jesus shared our humanity and our weaknesses and afflictions. So he sympathises patiently with us in our sinfulness and is well able, as a high priest, to intercede with God for us, and to offer sacrifice on our behalf. He prayed with such love and respect that God heard his prayer.

In the gospel of John some pagan Greeks ask their fellow Greek, Philip, to help them meet Jesus. The gospel message is now reaching out to Gentiles and this is taken by Jesus as the signal that his work is nearing its inevitable climax. Jesus’ life has shown the way to salvation, but the human Jesus is very troubled by anticipation of his coming suffering, also described by the other Gospels in the Garden of Gethsemene.

Psalm Response: A pure heart create for me, O God.

(Jer 31: 31-34; Psalm 50(51); Hebrews 5: 7-9; John 12: 20-33)

Newsletter, 15th March 2015, 4th Sunday of Lent, Year B

Scripture Readings

Today’s reading from Chronicles echoes the cleansing of the Temple by Jesus in last week’s gospel. The Temple was central to the Jewish religion, but under King Zedekiah it had been defiled, leading to the destruction of the Temple and Israel’s seventy year exile in Babylon. Then the Persian King Cyrus called for the people to return to Jerusalem and to rebuild the Temple on Mount Moriah, where Abraham almost sacrificed Isaac. After their return in 540 BC Ezra re-discovered the Jewish Law and the people renewed their covenant with God.

Paul’s letter to the Ephesians emphasises the unity of the world-wide Church, based firmly on God’s saving love, shown in Jesus Christ. We have been saved by grace, a gift from God. The phrase “in Christ Jesus” occurs frequently, reminding us of the ending of every Eucharistic Prayer. Christ will bring all things to perfection “in him” – and that includes us! “We are God’s work of art”.

In John’s gospel, after telling Nicodemus that he must be “born again” Jesus tells him that “God sent his Son into the world” so that “the world might be saved” through him. Jesus’ coming provokes judgement, both now and in the future. If our deeds are true we come into the light.

Psalm Response: O let my tongue cleave to my mouth if I remember you not!

Newsletter, 8th March 2015, 3rd Sunday of Lent, Year B

Scripture Readings

In last week’s reading from Genesis God promised to shower blessings on Abraham and his descendants. Today’s reading from Exodus spells out the people’s part of the covenant. The Law given to Moses on Sinai starts with the ten commandments, and is followed by 10 chapters of detailed laws about behaviour and ritual. Meanwhile, back at the foot of the mountain, the people became bored, and built a golden calf to worship! The psalm underlines the irony: God’s decrees “are more to be desired than gold”.

Paul began his letter to the Corinthians by telling them to stop squabbling among themselves. They should not divide into opposing groups, saying “I belong to Paul” or “I belong to Apollos”, and so on. They must follow the crucified Christ only. Christ has brought the Law of Moses to completion by his command to love one another. He demonstrated this love by dying on the Cross – “a stumbling block to Jews and foolishness to Gentiles”.

In John’s gospel Jesus cleanses the Temple at the beginning of his ministry, instead of towards the end, as in the other gospels. Jesus claims he will rebuild the Temple in three days, replacing it with himself and antagonising the Jewish leaders. From the start of John’s gospel Jesus’ death and resurrection are foreshadowed.

Psalm Response: You, Lord, have the message of eternal life.

(Exodus 20: 1-17; Psalm 18(19); 1 Cor 1: 22-25; John 2: 13-25)

Newsletter, 1st March 2015, 2nd Sunday of Lent, Year B

Scripture Readings

In Genesis God sets a greater test of Abraham’s faith than might appear: Isaac seems now to be Abraham’s only son. His wife, Sarah, had persuaded Abraham to drive out into the desert his other son, Ishmael, with her mother, Hagar, the slave woman. God had promised Abraham would be father of a host of nations, with as many descendants as stars in the sky. How could this now come about? On the way Isaac had asked “Where is the lamb for a burnt offering?” Abraham answered: “God will provide himself”. Abraham’s faith is rewarded and God renews his covenant.

Paul urges the Romans to have similar trust in God. That God gave up his only Son to death shows how completely God loves us and gives anything he can to lead us to salvation. Paul goes on to insist that nothing can separate us from the love of God.

In our last reading from Mark’s gospel until the Ascension, the disciples appear confused by Jesus’ transfiguration. Although God has again confirmed Jesus as his Son, they do not understand how Jesus relates to Moses and Elijah, representing the Law and the Prophets. After Jesus’ resurrection they would realise Jesus had come to fulfil the whole of Israel’s scriptures.

Psalm Response: I will walk in the presence of the Lord in the land of the living.

(Gen 22:1-2,9-18; Psalm 115(116):10.15-19; Rom 8:31-34; Mark 9: 2-10)

Newsletter, 22nd February 2015 1st Sunday of Lent, Year B

Scripture Readings

Genesis describes how, after the Great Flood, God established the first covenant with humanity, promising not to destroy all living creatures again.
Peter applies the Genesis story to Jesus. We should not “repay evil for evil or abuse for abuse” but repay with a blessing. If God wills that we suffer, then it is better to suffer for doing good than for doing evil. God’s promise to Noah is fulfilled in Christ, who “in the body was put to death, in the spirit was raised to life”. Just as Noah was saved by water, so in baptism we suffer a fleshly death and rise into a new life in Christ, cleansing our consciences from sin.
In Mark’s gospel Jesus’ baptism is followed immediately by this very brief description of his temptation in the desert. Angels guided the Israelites during the Exodus. Now angels look after Jesus as he rejects Satan and remains obedient to God, ready to begin his human ministry.

Psalm Response: Your ways, Lord, are faithfulness and love for those who keep your covenant.

(Gen 9: 8-15; Psalm 24(25):4-9; 1 Peter 3: 18-22; Mark 1: 12-15)