FROM MY HEART TO YOUR HEART – What’s the secret?

– Brought to you by Fr. Bernardino Andrade

Before the final blessing of the English Mass at the Chapel Penha de França, in Funchal, we always have a special blessing for the people who are celebrating their birthdays, wedding anniversaries or any special event during that month.

One day we had a couple who was celebrating their 57th Anniversary. After blessing two or three more couples I blessed a very young couple. After the blessing I asked them: «How long ago have you been married?» The young man answered: «One week. But we want to talk with that couple who has been married for 57 years. We want to know the secret».

After Mass they talked. The secret was very simple: «Be good to one another».

St. Teresa of Calcutta (Mother Teresa) was speaking to people who had come to meet her from all over the world. Among those to whom she spoke was a group of religious sisters from many North American orders. After her talk she asked if there were any questions.

– «Yes, I have one», a Sister sitting near the front said.
«As you know, most of the orders represented here have been losing members. It seems that more and more women are leaving all the time. And yet your order is attracting thousands upon thousands. What do you do?».

Without hesitating Mother Teresa answered: «I give them Jesus.»

– «Yes I know,» said the woman, «but take habits, for example. Do your women object to wearing habits? And the rules of the order, how do you do it?»
– «I give them Jesus.» Mother Teresa replied.
– «Yes, I know Mother,» said the woman, «but can you be more specific?»
– «I give them Jesus.» Mother Teresa repeated again.
– «Mother,» said the woman, «we are all of us aware of your fine work. I want to know about something else.»
Mother Teresa said quietly: «I give them Jesus. There is nothing else.»

This is the secret. And this secret is available 24 hours a day.
To fall in love with Jesus is to fall in love with his project.

Love and Peace,
Fr. Bernardino Andrade

FROM MY HEART TO YOUR HEART – Replace “Blessed” by “Healthy”

– Brought to you by Fr. Bernardino Andrade

Some years ago a panel of doctors was appointed by the Federal government of the USA to meet together and draw up eight laws of public health that could be printed in pamphlet form and distributed to the public. After twelve days of exhausting meetings, the doctors were unable to come to a consensus. It seems that their areas of concern were too diverse. Among the group were a cancer specialist, a cardiologist, a pulmonologist and a psychiatrist, and each approached the problem from the perspective of his own discipline. The chest expert was concerned about coal dust from the mines and lint produced by textile mills, while the psychiatrist was concerned about the effects off urban stress. Finally, Dr. Harold Sladen of a famous hospital in Detroit came up with an appropriate idea. He said: “Let’s just republish the eight Beatitudes of Jesus and simply replace the word ‘Blessed’ with the word ‘Healthy.’”

For theirs is the Kingdom of God
For they shall be comforted
For they shall inherit the earth
For they shall be satisfied
For they shall obtain mercy
For they shall see God.
For they shall be called sons of God.
For theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

FROM MY HEART TO YOUR HEART – People Helping People in the World

The Association People Helping People is crossing the boundaries of Madeira and Portugal.

Mrs. Jane Caldwell, from England, wrote a book called «Frozen Stiff». This book will be put for sale at the Chapel Penha de França where we have our regular Sunday Mass in English. On the bottom of the book’s cover we can read «All profits from the sale of this book, will go to the Madeiran Charity PHP – “People Helping People”».

Thank you Mrs. Caldwell and thanks to your husband Peter Caldwell for his unconditional support.

God loves you and so do I,

Fr. Bernardino Andrade

I invited Mrs. Caldwell to tell you more about her book, below….

FROZEN STIFF – a thriller by Agatha Frisky

During the past fifteen years we have had many wonderful holidays in this beautiful island. We have been impressed with the friendly and resilient people, but sadly also by the poverty that exists on the island. As a result, we have become staunch admirers of PHP (People Helping People) and I have now written a novel to help the project. It is a light hearted, slightly romantic detective story, set in some places people may recognize; it is a typical holiday read.

“Frozen Stiff” by “Agatha Frisky” will be on sale next Sunday after Mass at Capela Penha de França for 10 Euros; absolutely every cent will go directly to PHP.  Alternatively, it is available as a Kindle e-book for £3:50.

Happy Reading.
Jane Caldwell (

FROM MY HEART TO YOUR HEART – Brought to you by Fr. Bernardino


The Paradox of our Time

It was 1:30 AM, many years ago. I was sound asleep. A big boom wakened me up and every neighbour on the block. We got together on the corner of the street close to my house. Yes, something terrible had happened. When I arrived there, still in my pyjamas, a police officer was very hurt lying down on the pavement. In front of him there was a dead young girl inside her Volkswagen. This police officer was driving fast on a police call and an accident happened.

The neighbours started talking with each other. I asked the lady close to me: «Do you live around here?», she replied «Yes! Right there.». There was just one house between my house and her house. So then I said: «Oh I thought that was Manuel Rodrigues house.», she replied: «Yes. Manuel Rodrigues was my father. He died two years ago.»

I was speechless! My neighbour had died two years ago and I had not noticed. So that morning I promised that this was not going to happen in my life again. Then I found this text called The Paradox of Our Time, that I want to share with you today. It applies deeply to me. I wish this applies to me only. Only me.

God loves you and so do I,
Fr. Bernardino Andrade []


The paradox of our time in history is that we have taller buildings but shorter tempers, wider Freeways, but narrower viewpoints. We spend more, but have less, we buy more, but enjoy less. We have bigger houses and smaller families, more conveniences, but less time. We have more degrees but less sense, more knowledge, but less judgment, more experts, yet more problems, more medicine, but less wellness.

We drink too much, smoke too much, spend too recklessly, laugh too little, drive too fast, get too angry, stay up too late, get up too tired, read too little, watch TV too much, and pray too seldom.

We have multiplied our possessions, but reduced our values. We talk too much, love too seldom, and hate too often. We’ve learned how to make a living, but not a life. We’ve added years to life not life to years. We’ve been all the way to the moon and back, but have trouble crossing the street to meet a new neighbour. We conquered outer space but not inner space. We have done larger things, but not better things.

Remember, spend some time with your loved ones because they are not going to be around forever. Remember, say a kind word to someone who looks up to you in awe, because that little person soon will grow up and leave your side. Remember, to give a warm hug to the one next to you, because that is the only treasure you can give with your heart and it doesn’t cost a cent. Remember, to say, «I love you» to your partner and your loved ones, but most of all, mean it. A kiss and an embrace will mend hurt when it comes from deep inside of you.

Remember to hold hands and cherish the moment for someday that person will not be there again. Give time to love, give time to speak! And give time to share the precious thoughts in your mind. AND ALWAYS REMEMBER: Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away. (Anonymous)

FROM MY HEART TO YOUR HEART – Artaban, « The Other Wise Man »

– Brought to you by Fr. Bernardino Andrade

There’s a story called “The Other Wise Man” by Henry van Dyke.
It’s about a fourth person who is supposed to accompany the other three wise men on their journey to search for the newborn King. The name of the person is Artaban.
As Artaban prepares for the journey, he takes with him a bag of precious stones to give to the baby King. On his way to join the other three wise men, Artaban stops to help a poor person. The delay is just enough to make him miss his rendezvous with the others. Artaban never does catch up with them. He constantly runs into people who need help. And he always stops to help them. Eventually, Artaban gives away all his precious stones.
As the story ends, Artaban is old and poor. He has never realized his dream to meet the King of Kings. But the story doesn’t end here. One day Artaban is in Jerusalem. Authorities are about to execute a criminal. When Artaban sees the criminal, his heart skips a beat. Something tells him that this is the King of Kings for whom he has been searching all his life. Artaban is heartbroken when he sees he can do nothing to help the King.

Then something remarkable happens. Artaban hears the King’s voice say to him: “Don’t be broken-hearted, Artaban. You’ve been helping me all your life. When I was hungry, you gave me food. When I was thirsty, you gave me drink. When I was naked, you clothed me. When I was a stranger, you took me in.” (Mark Link in Sunday Homilies).

Sunday Mass is not a religious entertainment. Sunday Mass is a «power house» where Jesus inspires us, directs us and strengthens us to go to the world and transform it into one family, where all the people help all the people. This is the Kingdom of God which is the primary goal of Jesus coming on Christmas Day.

God loves you and so do I.
Fr. Bernardino Andrade

FROM MY HEART TO YOUR HEART – The Two Women I have Loved The Most

Brought to you by Fr. Bernardino Andrade


October 15, 1950. It was the day I entered the Seminary in order to become a priest. I was 12 years old. I came from the country side, one day before, and stayed in Funchal in a friend´s house along with my mother. The following day, carrying, on my shoulders, my suitcase, too heavy for a child, I walked in the direction of the seminary’s building. My mother walked with me. Her presence was such a support for a fragile child who, for the first time, was leaving his family of 13 members.

Before the moment came to say good-bye she glued a simple image of Mary the Mother of God on the inner part of the suitcase cover. It was a simple image she clipped from a newspaper. It was a very simple and inexpensive gift but her words were powerful: «My son, this is a reminder of Mary, the Mother of Jesus and your mother. I am saying goodbye to you but every time you open the suitcase remember that She is here to protect you. Goodbye, my son».

This happened 66 years ago and since then I have always felt their presence. They have been the two women who have loved me the most and they have been the two women I have loved the most.

Today, January first, the Catholic Church celebrates the SOLEMNITY OF MARY, THE HOLY MOTHER OF GOD who has been and will always be present in my life.

FROM MY HEART TO YOUR HEART – A «Ruined» Christmas Sermon

– Brought to you by Fr. Bernardino Andrade
The Pastor of a Church in New York, conscious of his responsibility as a presider of a good Liturgy, spent hours preparing what he considered should be a good sermon for the Midnight Christmas Mass. He read about the birth of Jesus, he took notes and rehearsed the sermon he was supposed to deliver.
A Christmas play, mobilizing a group of children and young people, was very well prepared to act after the reading of the Gospel, right before the sermon. It was a very inclusive church where everyone would have a chance to participate.
To emphasize inclusion, they decided to invite Tom to act as a shepherd. Tom was a very special 17-year-old boy with learning difficulties because of his down syndrome condition. After trying a few rehearsals, there was a little frustration due the difficulty Tom had to learn a very simple role as a shepherd. Then they decided to change roles. Maybe Tom would be a good innkeeper. Tom was open to anything as long as he could be part of the play.
Great. After the first try, it was easy to decide that Tom would be the perfect «actor» to act as an innkeeper. The only thing he had to do was to wait in front of the altar, put his hands on his hips, look tough, and when Joseph and Mary came asking for shelter he would say: «No room for you at the Inn».
It took some time and lots of work but there was no doubt that Tom was ready. Even at the last minute they were whispering: «Don’t forget Tom… put your hands over your hips, look tough and say: – there is no room for you at the Inn. Are you ready?
– Yyyyes. I am… am ready».
The moment came. Joseph and Mary walked slowly towards the altar. Tom was standing there. They approached Tom and asked for a place to spend the night. Besides, Mary was ready to give birth to her baby. Both looked very tired. But Tom did as he had been trained to do: He put his hands over his hips, looked tough and yelled in a loud voice:
«There is no room for you at the Inn! ».
Joseph and Mary did as they have been trained to do too. They looked very sad, turned around and started walking towards the front door. Just a few seconds after they left, Tom started crying, with tears rolling down his face, and ran after them and repeated a few times: «Wait… wait… you can stay at my house… You can stay at my house. Please, don’t go»!
At that moment, the pastor approached the microphone and with tears in his eyes, said:
«I couldn´t make a better sermon than the one that was just done by Tom. «Please Jesus stay at my house». Merry Christmas».
The Priest then went to his chair and spent a few moments in silent meditation, which inspired all the congregation to do the same.
Fr. Bernardino Andrade
Dec. 25-2016

FROM MY HEART TO YOUR HEART – Adopt a family for Christmas

– Brought to you by Fr. Bernardino Andrade
One Hasidic story tells of a pious Jew who asked his rabbi: “For about forty years I have opened the door for Elijah every Seder night, waiting for him to come, but he never does. What is the reason?”
– The rabbi answered: “In your neighbourhood there lives a very poor family with many children. Call on the man and propose to him that you and your family celebrate the next Passover at his house, and for this purpose provide him and his whole family with everything necessary for the eight days of Passover. Then on the Seder night Elijah will certainly come.” The man did as the rabbi told him, but after Passover he came back and claimed that again he had waited in vain to see Elijah. The rabbi answered, – “I know very well that Elijah came on the Seder night to the house of your poor neighbour. But of course you could not see him.” And the rabbi held a mirror before the face of the man and said, -“Look, this was Elijah’s face that night.”
After I returned from California, ten years ago, there is no doubt that the best programs I have been involved with, are programs connected with my ministry at the Chapel Penha de França in Funchal. We started People Helping People Association, Bread with my Brother program and at this Christmas Season I would like to propose another one. It would be called «Adopt a Family For Christmas»
MY FIRST ALTERNATIVE: Since the Catholic Church is about relationships, my first alternative would be that one family or a group of two or more families or individuals, attending our English Mass would contact the «People Helping People» Association and would offer to donate to a poor family a Christmas Hamper. And, of course, the ideal would be to meet that family in person and find out about their main needs, from food to toys. Hopefully the needy family would make the Agenda.
MY SECOND ALTERNATIVE: The same people would go to the supermarket and buy food to donate to a needy family. This would be their Christmas Hamper.
MY THIRD ALTERNATIVE: The same one or two or three people would donate a money gift. With that money, People Helping People would acquire vouchers from a supermarket. We would put those vouchers inside a neat envelope, wrapped in a gift paper with a loving Christmas card inside of it. Since we are already a little late for the ideal I believe that the third option would be the easiest one for now. If you want to be part of this program, there is a coordinating team at our Sunday worship that will be happy to assist you. They are: Alan O’Brien 96-91-43-732,;
Manny de Ponte, 96-91-33-074,;
and Carmina da Mata 96-36-61-835,
Please get in touch with them and «Adopt a Family for Christmas».
For sure you will look into a mirror and see the Elijah’s face who entered a house of Jesus disguised in a needy family.
Merry Christmas! Fr. Bernardino Andrade

Scripture Readings 18th December 2016, 4th Sunday of Advent, Year A

Isaiah 7:10-14; Psalm 23; Romans 1:1-7; Matthew 1:18-24

First Isaiah was prophesying before 700 BC, when Judah was under attack. Isaiah promises that a time of peace will come when Israel returns to living simply, with no riches to make others envious. But only if they keep their faith in God. Without being asked, God gives King Ahaz a sign of his support: a young woman will bear a son, to be named Immanuel, “God with us”. Israel will still suffer. But a remnant of David’s house will survive, like the stump of a fallen tree.

Paul begins his letter to the Jewish Christian community in Rome very carefully. They did not know him, so he assures them that he shares their beliefs, especially that Jesus, a descendant of David, is the Christ, proclaimed Son of God through his resurrection. That God raised up a man hung on a tree, and so “condemned by the Law”, implies that the Jewish Torah is not enough to enable humanity to become right with God.

Before Matthew describes Jesus’ birth, he lists 42 ancestors linking Jesus firmly with Abraham, David and Israel’s kings. The list includes four women, Tamar, Rahab, Ruth, and the wife of Uriah. Through their unconventional behaviour, a remnant of David’s line survived, reminding us of the important roles women have always played in God’s plan.

Psalm Response: Let the Lord enter! He is the king of glory.

FROM MY HEART TO YOUR HEART – Two Drunkards Teaching About Love

Brought to you by Fr. Bernardino Andrade

A Jewish Rabi has shared that he learned what real love is from two drunkards talking in one of his friend’s bar. One day the Rabi entered the bar to visit his friend. While waiting, he overheard a conversation between two men who were drinking whisky at the next table. – «Joel, we are really good friends and I am proud of that». After saying this, the man took the glass to his lips and half of the whisky was gone. – «You are right David. We have been friends all our lives and we will be forever! ». And he did the same: Joel lifted the glass to his lips and half of the whisky was gone. Then there were a few moments of silence. Joel sat staring at the liquid inside the glass. And then he took one more drink. – «I really love you» he said to his friend. – «I love you too. Never doubt of my love for you. We have been friends since our childhood and we will always be».

The whisky kept being poured into the glasses and kept disappearing. Then they put their arms around each other’s shoulders, kept drinking and declaring their love for each other, even though the words were becoming more and more difficult to pronounce, and more and more difficult to be understood. It was obvious that the whisky was goooood.

All of a sudden, Joel took his arm from David’s shoulders and asked him: – «David. Tell me one thing. What is my biggest source of suffering»? – «What a stupid question. Of course I don’t know! How can I know your biggest source of suffering»? – And Joel’s reaction was: «How can you say that you love me if you don’t know my biggest source of suffering? How can you say that you love me if you don’t know my biggest pain? »

The level of a society, a church, a group, a spouse, a neighbor, a friend and so on, must be evaluated by how much we know of, and act towards the suffering of any human being. It doesn’t matter the cause of the suffering. It doesn’t matter if it is, or was, his/her fault. Suffering is suffering, and one of my most important jobs is to alleviate the suffering of the world. «If you knew the pain of your worst enemy, you would become his best friend». Christmas is God touching and healing the wounds of every human being. It was for that purpose that God created me.


Fr. Bernardino Andrade