People Helping People’s Dramatic Appeal


A few days ago I read in a publication that this tragedy of the coronavirus will be a genocide for the poor. Most of the poor don’t get the necessary information and when they get it they don’t understand how serious it is.


«Why do I have to stay home when I am not feeling sick»?

Besides, the information constantly broadcasted, is given to people who are not able to understand and follow all the recommendations. A few days ago, before the emergency situation, I saw this young man, late at night, looking for food in a garbage can. I helped him but I had no courage to give him a «lecture» about the inconvenience or danger of looking for food in those places. My heart was broken. I told him that God loves him and so do I. I said good bye and came home in silence.

Our Association «People Helping People» has a good number of families that for years have depended on our help for food, medication, house rent, transportation and other basic needs. The only regular source of income has been a collection taken at the end of the English Mass that I celebrate every Sunday, at the Chapel of Penha de França, and also a monthly donation from a generous couple who are the parents of three children.

Now, since all the Masses have been suspended, for an undetermined period of time, we have lost this income. The families who depended on us are desperate and we are more desperate than them. I have been thinking that these people probably will not die of the Coronavirus but will die of hunger, lack of medication or suicide. Recently a 15-year-old girl stole all the medicine her mother had in store for her mental problems and took all of them to end her life. Now we had this unexpected expense. Besides the pain and the agony of seeing a beautiful young girl about to die we had to find money to replace the medication she had stolen from her mother. And we had no money.

They are constantly leaving voice mail and SMS messages. We are planning to compile their SMS messages and probably publish a book with the title of «Cries of the Poor». They are the real «Cries of the Poor» expressed by them, in their words.


The lack of the Sunday collection has been the main reason why I am writing this dramatic appeal. The tourists attending the English Mass have always demonstrated a rare sense of generosity. Some have told me: «I want to leave Madeira a little better than when I arrived».

I would like to suggest that you, please, talk with your friends and build a little «People Helping People» group in your neighborhood to help «People Helping People» in Madeira Island. We follow Mother Teresa´s vision when she said: «What I do for others is just a little drop of water in the ocean, but without that drop of water the ocean is smaller». Together we will prevent a genocide among the poor. Together the poor and the rich will all be winners. Together, it will be like it says in the Book of Revelation: «God will wipe away all tears from their eyes. There will be no more death, no more grief or crying or pain. The old things disappeared… And now I will make all things new». (Rev. 21: 4-5)

Love and Peace,
Fr. Bernardino Andrade, March 29, 2020

Here are the banking details of “People Helping People” should you wish to donate. Any donation, no matter how small, can make a huge difference to someone who has nothing! Thank you for caring.
BANK: Banco Santander Totta
Account Name: Associação Gente Ajudando Gente / PHP
Account Number: 0003 4938 1759020
NIB: 0018 0003 49381759020 94
IBAN: PT50 0018 0003 49381759020 94
Bank Address: Caminho de Santa Quitéria 46A, 9020-119, Funchal, Madeira, Portugal

FROM MY HEART TO YOUR HEART – The Floods in Madeira (20th February 2010)

by Fr. Bernardino Andrade
20-02-10 / 20-02-20

The 20th of February of two thousand ten (20-02-10) is a date that opened, in this beautiful Madeira Island, wounds that are still bleeding.

It was a Saturday morning. Heavy rains, and large floods that swallowed and killed lots of people, destroyed buildings, inundated streets with rocks mixed with cars turned upside down, cars mixed with uprooted trees being dragged to the ocean to never been seen again. This is a little image of that day… February 20th, 2010 in Madeira.

A few days ago somebody said in a local newspaper that we were very lucky that this tragedy happened on a Saturday. If it had happened during the week when the schools were full of children, with their parents desperately looking for them, without being able to fight the waters to drive their cars and use their phones, the tragedy would had been much worse.

Everybody suffered, but one of the things that most called the attention and the hearts of the community of the English-speaking people attending the English Mass at Penha de França Chapel at that time was to discover that the poor became poorer, and most of them were left in misery. In the words of Pope Francis, misery is poverty without hope. They have never been able to recover.

This was the moment when, at this chapel, we started the project «People Helping People». The main goal is to alleviate their suffering and our biggest dream is to free them from poverty. Its slogan is «To mobilize many people to help many people». (There is more information about the project on the last page of this newsletter).
My heart rejoices with gratitude for the generosity of so many tourists who leave Madeira Island know that because of them the poor become less poor, and because of them there is less suffering in this piece of land called the Pearl of the Atlantic.

Love and Peace,
Fr. Bernardino Andrade

* Photos of the 2010 tragedy courtesy of “Foto Canhas”


by Father Bernardino Andrade


One of the most powerful and transforming Catholic movements in the USA Catholic Church is the Worldwide Marriage Encounter. It was founded by Fr. Chuck Gallagher and it has been spreading throughout the world. Personally, I have had the privilege of making the Marriage Encounter Weekend for my own benefit and then, along with one other priest and three couples, I had the privilege of conducting a few Marriage Encounter Weekends, especially in Portuguese, that start on a Friday night and end on a Sunday late afternoon. The purpose of this weekend is not to help to save Marriages. For that purpose there is another one called «Retrouvaille Weekend». The Marriage Encounter Weekend’s purpose is to make good couples better couples. The slogan of this so-called «Experience» is: «COUPLE POWER IS GOING TO CHANGE THE WORLD».


This «World Marriage Day», which has been promoted by the American Marriage Encounter Movement, is celebrated every year on the second Sunday of February. If I understand well, it is not to compete with «Valentine’s Day» on February 14th, but to tell people that in Marriage there is lots of room for romance. Romance is not only for single couples on Valentine’s Day but it is mainly for couples in permanent relationships. One of my main appeals for couples united by the Sacrament of Marriage is that their Marriage should be visible. It has been very popular the idea that «you don’t need to show your love». According to this belief, «love is inside of you and that is enough». With this belief in mind I have seen many people dying of loneliness because there is no expression of love. According to Dr. Robert Schuller, a bell is not a bell until it is played, a song is not a song until it is sung, love is not love until it is expressed.


When last Sunday I invited the couples that were celebrating their Wedding Anniversaries during the month of February to come up for a special blessing, I invited two of them to renew their vows. The first couple said: «I renew my vows of love and fidelity I made to you 50 years ago». The second couple said:«I renew my vows of love and fidelity I made to you last Friday!». Before a clap of hands there was a joyful laughter. We believe that renewing their vows daily is the best and safest way to prepare the 50th anniversary.

Love and Peace,
Fr. Bernardino Andrade

FROM MY HEART TO YOUR HEART – Merry Christmas in February

by Father Bernadino


It was on the 7th of January of 2020 that I had the privilege of attending, for the first time, a Christmas Mass in the month of January.

It is the day when the Ukrainian Orthodox Church celebrates Christmas Day. I was there.

I don’t know one word of the Ukrainian language; however it didn’t make any difference.

I didn’t understand one word, but I understood the experience of praying, listening and worshipping the same God, and enjoying the presence of my family whatever language they speak.
For many people differences are a problem. For us Christians differences are a blessing.

The People from Puerto Rico end their Christmas Season on the 2nd of February. It is the Feast of the Presentation of the Baby Jesus in the Temple.

Christmas, more than being just one day, is a journey. Christmas is all year. Christmas happens every time the Good News is announced to the poor.

For all of you, here is my Christmas card. Merry Christmas!


Love and Peace,
Fr. Bernardino Andrade

FROM MY HEART TO YOUR HEART – An Uncommonly Honest Confession

by Fr. Bernardino Andrade


I met Father Walter Burghardt in 1984 during my Sabbatical at the University of Notre Dame, State of Illinois, USA. I had heard about him and, after that, I attended one of his workshops on Social Justice. Preaching and Social Justice were his main field. He is the author of many books and articles. During this workshop I asked him about his «Uncommonly Honest Confession». He confessed this was one of his most famous texts. Today I want to share his «Uncommonly Honest Confession» and I want also to confess that I identity myself, one hundred percent, with Father Walter Burghardt.



Let me make an uncommonly honest confession.
In the course of a half century, I have seen more Catholic corruption than you have read of. I have tasted it. I have been reasonably corrupt myself, and yet, I joy in this church – this living, pulsing sinning people of God, love it with a crucifying passion. Why? For all the Catholic hate, I experience here a community of love. For all the institutional idiocy, I find here a tradition of reason. For all the individual repressions, I breathe here an air of freedom. For all the fear of sex, I discover here the redemption of my body. In an age so inhuman, I touch here tears of compassion. In a world so grim and humourless, I share here rich joy and earthy laughter. In the midst of death, I hear here an incomparable stress on life. For all the apparent absence of God, I sense here the real presence of Christ. (Fr. Walter Burghart).

Love and Peace,
Fr. Bernardino Andrade


Every year, from January 18 to 25, the Christian Churches get together to pray for Christian Unity, to fulfill the dream of Jesus in the Gospel of John 17:21 «That they may be one, so that the world will believe that you sent me».

For the last 2 Sundays, Bishop Tom Burns from the Parish of Menevia, Wales, joined us for Mass here at the Chapel. Last Sunday he told us a story about the ecumenical church. I asked him to write it down to share in our newsletter:



When planning a new town north of London, the authorities are reported to have included a site for a SHARED CHURCH and asked the various faiths and denominations how they would like to use it. Father F, the designated Catholic Parish Priest, consulted his Anglican counterpart and other Church leaders. In an ecumenical spirit of true sharing, they quickly agreed on having ONE altar, ONE lectern, ONE set of candles, ONE presidential chair, and ONE tabernacle for reserving the Blessed Sacrament. Father F and his Anglican colleague then sent their proposals up to their respective Church authorities for approval – and waited expectantly. Back came ONE letter with joint signatures, approving ONE of everything as proposed. However, there were special instructions given about the tabernacle.

It was to have 2 doors and 2 different keys. Inside there were to be two compartments, separated by a fixed screen. Father F accepted this condition, but insisted that the screen should be made of glass. And so it was.
Finally, it is said that he attached a sticker to each side of the screen.

It read: In case of unity, break glass!

It is also said that that same sticker is still there today.

Rt Rev Tom M Burns , SM BA BD,
Bishop Emeritus of Menevia

FROM MY HEART TO YOUR HEART – No Catholics in Heaven

by Fr. Bernardino Andrade

Father Bernadino with Father Michael

Father Bernadino with Father Michael

Mr. Johnson, who belonged to an Evangelical Church, died and went to Heaven. God, who was his companion during all his life, welcomed him in heaven with great joy and excitement like a mother welcomes her baby. One of the first things Mr. Johnson did was to enquire about who was in heaven. With that purpose he asked God his first question.

-«Are there any Catholics in heaven?» And God answered: – «No. There are no Catholics in Heaven». – «That’s what I expected», said Mr. Johnson, «Catholics changed the Bible, they worship statues, they think that Mary is the fourth Person of the Holy Trinity. Of course they don’t deserve Heaven. I knew that».

Then another question: «What about Baptists and Methodists? Are there any of them in Heaven?». And God’s answer was the same: – «No! No Baptists and Methodists in Heaven». – «Of course I was also expecting that. They misinterpreted the Bible and did things against the word of God. I knew that they would never get to Heaven».

«And what about Muslims, Hindus and Buddhists and all that confusion of religions»? Right. «No Muslims, no Hindus and no Buddhists in Heaven». – «That is obvious. Jesus is the only Saviour and they are so ignorant that they thought that they could get to Heaven without Jesus. In Heaven there is no room for ignorant people.»

Finally the last question. – «God… what do you have to say about my Evangelical Church?» And God’s answer was the same: «No one with that kind of Church’s name is in Heaven».

Mr. Johnson was breathless. «But my God… We, the members of my Church, frequently read and studied the Bible, we did everything right. Why are there no members of my Church in Heaven? If WE are not in Heaven, then please tell me who is in Heaven? »

And God’s answer was:

«My son… in Heaven I only have sons and daughters. You are the ones who made that mess of religions, not Me. I only created sons and daughters to take care of one another and to come to Heaven together. »

FROM MY HEART TO YOUR HEART – A Cup of Coffee with Jesus

by Fr. Bernardino Andrade

It took one year to plan and prepare a trip to the Caribbean Islands. Stan and Joyce, married for 33 years, living in England, had everything well planned to spend quality time together on a cruise of their dreams with a short stop in Madeira Island.

Stan was a retired pilot of the Royal Air Force and Joyce a retired Air Traffic Controller. But something happened that had not been planned. Stan got very sick and we met at the Hospital of Funchal where we became good friends. The first time I met Joyce she was looking for the Hospital’s Chapel. Because I speak English I was the one who had the privilege of being chosen by the hospital’s receptionist to be her guide. This was Saturday and she didn’t want to miss Mass on Sunday. I told her about the English Mass at the Chapel of Penha de França and she immediately decided to be there the following Sunday at 10:00 AM. Before the start of Mass, Joyce volunteered to read the Prayers of the Faithful.


When I asked Stan what was his job and he said that he was a pilot, I immediately replied that he must have many beautiful stories to tell. I don’t know why I am always fascinated by the stories of fishermen and pilots.
When I said that he must have many beautiful stories to tell he looked at his wife with such tenderness in his eyes and said: “She is my best story.”

One morning when I arrived at the Hospital where I was a chaplain, the first thing I saw in the corridor was Joyce, seated on a bench, right in front of the chapel door, drinking a large cup of coffee.

I greeted her as usual. The door of the chapel was wide open. Most of the people, when they want to do something they call «profane» or «not religious» in front of the chapel, they close the door «out of respect and reverence». Joyce did the opposite. She opened the door wide open from where she could see and contemplate the tabernacle while enjoying a delicious cup of coffee. I realized that if Joyce had to choose between «reverence» and «intimacy» for sure she would choose intimacy.

Reverence, sometimes, can mean distance. Intimacy is always closeness.

That day, I learned from Joyce that sometimes, I may plan a trip to the Caribbean Islands and end up in the hospital of a foreign land. Sometimes I may feel dry, without words, without thoughts and even without feelings to pray. Sometimes I may feel like asking God “Why me? Why bad things happen to good people?” I learned that when I feel lost in a foreign world there is nothing better than to just sit down, relax and have a cup of coffee with Jesus.

Christmas of God’s Meddling


Sign and mystery.


Mystery does not intrude; it is distant and invisible. The title of the Pope’s letter on the Christmas Crib is very meaningful. «The admirable sign», Jesus’ Crib speaks, bothers, implies, insists. The Boy, the incarnate Son of God is God with us (Emmanuel). We may not be aware of Him but God’s flesh is there in us, in our home and heart. He lives beside us, occupies space and time in our lives. With the mysteries one tries to arrange and solve things alone.

The sign of God visible in time and space intrudes into our plans. A distant and mysterious God can still be ignored and rhymed with agnosticism, indifference. A visible little God who lives in my tent, cries and starts talking, no longer can be ignored; it can disturb and mess things up. Ask St. Joseph, Mary, the shepherds, the wise men, king Herod: all of them were surprised and had to change their plans. At home and in the village, Emmanuel demands time, space and attention. A God-boy is there, you see. When he grows up he requires even more space, time and attention. He speaks and asks people to listen; he gives his opinion and gets involved in our plans. He intrudes, by surprise, to propose his plans. Already in O.T. a prophet was sent to Ahaz; in the N.T. Mary and Joseph were intruded by God with us (Emmanuel), God with them, God with you and me. Zechariah, «your wife will have a child in her barren old age». «Fear not, Joseph», leave your plan and accept mine.

Now Jesus always intrudes on your things. In the past the invisible God sent messengers, announcements, words, meaning, stars, some signs but He was not seen. In Jesus He appeared as a sign of flesh and blood and began to speak. He dwells on earth; Diciples have written what he said in the gospels, and now He leaves no one.

One moment, one second and there He is, intruding in each other’s lives. «We saw his star and we came to worship him». Herod wants to kill him. Joseph receives orders: «get up, take the boy and his mother and run away». At the age of twelve he questions and answers doctors. He asks Peter, Andrew, and Matthew to leave their plans and to follow him. He insist with Zacchaeus: «come down, quickly, I want to stay in your house». With Saulus, he is surprising: «why are you persecuting me»?

The Sign, Emmanuel, will never be erased; it will continue to dwell with everyone and meddle with everyone’s life.

The Boy-God – Christmas takes away from man the illusion of being the center of the world. It makes him face change in himself by accepting to be a son, and a servant to be disturbed by his Lord and Father. And to be blessed and loved in the plans of God, the Boy! In this year of 2020 pray Jesus to disturb you when you are distant from Him. It would be a blessing! A Happy New Year.

Funchal, Epiphany, 05.01.2020
Fr. Aires Gameiro
(Brother of Saint John of God)


FROM MY HEART TO YOUR HEART – Holy Family, Sunday after Christmas



The Catholic Liturgy celebrates the Feast of the Holy Family on the Sunday after Christmas. Church is about relationships. Family is about relationships. The difference between a good family and a bad family is the level of communication.


A few years ago, a study was undertaken to find the U.S. city with the lowest incidence of cancer and heart disease. The winner was Roseto, Pennsylvania. Soon experts descended upon the city expecting to see a town populated by non-smokers, people who ate the correct food, took regular exercise and kept close track of their cholesterol.

To their great surprise, however, the researchers discovered that none of the above was true. They found instead that the city’s good health was tied to the close family bonds that prevailed within the community. This suggests that there is much to be said for a close and loving family relationship. (Robert Duggan & Richard Jajac).


A senior Judge of the Supreme Court congratulated the bride and groom in a marriage with a pertinent piece of advice: “See that you never convert your family into a courtroom; instead let it be a confessional. If the husband and wife start arguing like attorneys in an attempt to justify their behaviour, their family becomes a court of law and nobody wins. On the other hand, if the husband and the wife — as in a confessional — are ready to admit their faults and try to correct them, the family becomes a Heavenly one.”

Children learn what theyy Live

If children live with criticism, they learn to condemn.
If children live with hostility, they learn to fight.
If children live with fear, they learn to be apprehensive.
If children live with pity, they learn to feel sorry for themselves.
If children live with ridicule, they learn to feel shy.
If children live with jealousy, they learn to feel envy.
If children live with shame, they learn to feel guilty.
If children live with encouragement, they learn confidence.
If children live with tolerance, they learn patience.
If children live with praise, they learn appreciation.
If children live with acceptance, they learn to love.
If children live with approval, they learn to like themselves.

If children live with recognition, they learn it is good to have a goal.
If children live with sharing, they learn generosity.
If children live with honesty, they learn truthfulness.
If children live with fairness, they learn justice.
If children live with kindness and consideration, they learn respect.
If children live with security, they learn to have faith in themselves and in those about them.
If children live with friendliness, they learn the world is a nice place in which to live.

Love and Peace, Fr. Bernardino Andrade


by Fr. Bernardino Andrade



The Pastor of a Church in New York, conscious of his responsibility as a presider of a good Liturgy, spent hours preparing what he considered should be a good sermon for the Midnight Christmas Mass. He read about the birth of Jesus, he took notes and rehearsed the sermon he was supposed to deliver. A Christmas play, mobilizing a group of children and young people, was very well prepared to act after the reading of the Gospel, right before the sermon. It was a very inclusive church where everyone would have a chance to participate.

To emphasize inclusion, they decided to invite Tom to act as a shepherd. Tom was a very special 17-year-old boy with learning difficulties because of his down syndrome condition. After trying a few rehearsals, there was a little frustration due the difficulty Tom had to learn a very simple role as a shepherd. Then they decided to change roles. Maybe Tom would be a good innkeeper. Tom was open to anything as long as he could be part of the play.

Great. After the first try, it was easy to decide that Tom would be the perfect «actor» to act as an innkeeper. The only thing he had to do was to wait in front of the altar, put his hands on his hips, look tough, and when Joseph and Mary came asking for shelter he would say: «No room for you at the Inn».
It took some time and lots of work but there was no doubt that Tom was ready. Even at the last minute they were whispering: «Don’t forget Tom… put your hands over your hips, look tough and say: – there is no room for you at the Inn. Are you ready?

– Yyyyes. I am… am ready».

The moment came. Joseph and Mary walked slowly towards the altar. Tom was standing there. They approached Tom and asked for a place to spend the night. Besides, Mary was ready to give birth to her baby. Both looked very tired. But Tom did as he had been trained to do: He put his hands over his hips, looked tough and yelled in a loud voice:

«There is no room for you at the Inn! ».

Joseph and Mary did as they have been trained to do too. They looked very sad, turned around and started walking towards the front door. Just a few seconds after they left, Tom started crying, with tears rolling down his face, and ran after them and repeated a few times: «Wait… wait… you can stay at my house… You can stay at my house. Please, don’t go»!

At that moment, the pastor approached the microphone and with tears in his eyes, said:
«I couldn´t make a better sermon than the one that was just done by Tom. «Please Jesus stay at my house»…. «Merry Christmas».