Scripture Readings 22nd January 2017, 3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A

Isaiah 8:23-9:3; Psalm 26; 1 Corinthians 1:10-13,17; Matthew 4:12-23

The first reading is from First Isaiah, when, about 725 BC, Isaiah, was advisor to the king of Judah. Ahaz, a weak king, asked Assyria for help, in spite of Isaiah’s advice to wait because “God is with us”. God would send a saviour, idealistically described with words probably used to hail the new king Hezekiah. Assyria attacked northern Palestine, but Isaiah looked forward to the Messiah bringing freedom to the “Way of the sea” ie Galilee.

In our second reading, in this week of prayer for Christian unity, Paul is shocked at the self-glorifying divisions, or “rents”, in the church at Corinth. Whoever baptised us, we were baptised into Christ. With our common baptism we should therefore “be united in belief and practice”. Unity, but not uniformity. Our task is to preach the Good News of Christ’s crucifixion, without following particular teachers or allowing the meaning of the Cross to be obscured by clever oratory.

In Matthew’s Gospel, Jesus has rejected the devil’s temptations and so identified himself as the “Son of God”, capable of not sinning. Hearing of the arrest of the Baptist, Jesus withdraws to Galilee, the “Way of the sea”. He then quotes the verses of Isaiah from our first reading, before starting his mission in Galilee by calling his first disciples.

Psalm Response: The Lord is my light and my help.

Isaiah 8:23-9:3; Psalm 26; 1 Corinthians 1:10-13,17; Matthew 4:12-23

Scripture Readings 15th January 2017, 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A

Isaiah 49: 3,5-6; Psalm 39; 1 Corinthians 1:1-3; John 1:29-34

Second Isaiah’s servant songs were written after the Israelites had been released from their captivity in Babylon. It is not clear who the servant is: is it Israel or an individual who is to be “the light of the nations”? The servant has been chosen before he was born, all part of God’s plan, and he is to take God’s salvation to the whole world, as well as to Israel.
From now until Lent we read from Paul’s first letter to the Corinthians, written from Ephesus about 56AD. Paul cannot stop talking about the centre of his life: Jesus, who called him to be his envoy. Those in the “assembly called by God in Corinth”, are called to be holy, part of the universal fellowship of believers, and subject to Christ’s authority. He blesses them with grace – God’s unconditional love – and peace.
John’s Gospel does not have Jesus being baptised. Instead, after the Baptist insists to questioners from Jerusalem that he is not the Messiah, he recognises Jesus. Uniquely he describes Jesus as the Passover sacrificial “Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world”, the “Chosen one of God”, who “baptises with the Holy Spirit”. This gift of new life in God, is greater than the cleansing given by John’s baptism with water.

Psalm Response: Here I am, Lord! I come to do your will.

Isaiah 49: 3,5-6; Psalm 39; 1 Corinthians 1:1-3; John 1:29-34

Scripture Readings 8th January 2017, Epiphany, Year A

isaiah 60:1-6; Psalm 71; Ephesians 3:2-3,5-6; Matthew 2:1-12


Third Isaiah was writing just after the Israelites had returned from exile in Babylon. Participation in the future messianic salvation is offered to all who believe in the Lord and keep his commandments. Isaiah visualises the new Jerusalem, illuminated by God, to which all peoples will stream and a time when their offerings will be acceptable. The church’s task is to bring the good news to the whole world.


The vision of the universal Church Paul describes in Ephesians matches Isaiah’s image of the new Jerusalem. Paul sees the Church, led by the Spirit, as Christ’s body, part of God’s plan for the whole of creation. And Paul joyfully realises that it was always part of God’s plan that the gospel message is to be taken to all: Gentiles as well as Jews are to share in the inheritance promised by God.


In Luke’s Gospel an angel announced Jesus’ birth to poor Jewish shepherds, excluded by their occupation from Temple worship. Today we hear Matthew’s description of Gentile scholars travelling from afar to bring kingly offerings to the new-born child. But they needed the Jewish scriptures to help find him. We too need the Old Testament to help us understand God’s plan and what he has done in Jesus for our salvation.


Psalm Response:                                   All nations shall fall prostrate before you, O Lord.


Scripture Readings 1st January 2017, Mary Mother of God, Year A

Numbers 6:22-26; Psalm 66; Galatians 4:4-7; Luke 2:16-21

The Book of Numbers continues the story of the Israelites during their exodus journey from Mount Sinai until they arrive outside the Promised Land before 1200 BC. Among the many laws for behaviour and ritual practices is this beautiful form of blessing given to Moses by the Lord. It is one of the oldest and finest pieces of ancient poetry. To “bless” means to pour out the power of life that produces growth, success, fertility and prosperity.

Paul wrote his letter to the Galatians as an angry and anguished appeal to them not to forsake the gospel he had taught them. Other preachers were trying to persuade them that, to be fully Christian, Gentiles had to become Jews and conform to the Jewish Law. No, says Paul. The Law was a temporary disciplinarian needed until humanity was mature enough to join God’s family. This is now possible through the faith of, and our faith in, God’s Son, who was born of a woman and so fully human.

In Luke’s Gospel the coming birth of Jesus was announced to Mary by the Angel Gabriel. Accepting what God wanted of her, and still a virgin when Jesus was born, she may still have been puzzling over this strange event. So she must have been much helped by the coming of these shepherds, who confirmed that her son was “Messiah and Lord”.

Psalm Response: O God, be gracious and bless us.

Scripture Readings 25th December 2016, Nativity of the Lord, Year A

Midnight: Isaiah 9:1-7; Psalm 95; Titus 2:11-14; Luke 2:1-14.
Dawn: Isaiah 62:11-12; Psalm 96; Titus 3:4-7; Luke 2:15-20.
Day: Isaiah 52:7-10; Psalm 97; Hebrews 1:1-6; John 1:1-18.

Around 720 BC Judah was threatened by many enemies. Isaiah advised the kings to stand firm, because the Lord would give a sign: “the maiden shall be with child”. The birth of a helpless baby gives hope for the future. But this future must be founded on justice and integrity. Early Christians adopted these words as a marvellous way to celebrate the birth of Jesus.

Written over 60 years after Jesus’ birth, Paul’s summarises the gospel to Titus: a compassionate God chose to offer us the free gift of being “at one” with him. But God’s revelation of salvation in Christ demands we transform our lives and “give up everything that does not lead to God”. The reading from Hebrews tells us that God has spoken to us through his son, who is “the perfect copy of his nature”.

Luke places the birth of the Christ firmly in time and space. Jesus was a man born miraculously to a virgin in Bethlehem in Judea. The peace and quiet of the undercroft, where animals gave warmth, must have been a welcome relief for Mary, after the noise and bustle of the inn. The simplicity of Jesus’ birth is important: God comes as a vulnerable baby to draw us into a relationship with him. The royal birth announcement was sent not to royalty, but to poor shepherds, outcasts excluded from Temple worship by their occupation. Joseph, of the house of David, named Jesus as his son. Jesus lived in history, growing up in Nazareth in Galilee.

By the time John’s gospel was written, Christians had come to realise that Jesus had existed as the Word of God before time began. So John’s prologue seeks to describe the complexity of the creator becoming part of his own creation.
Psalm Responses:
Midnight: Today a saviour has been born to us; he is Christ the Lord.
Dawn: This day a new light will shine upon the earth: the Lord is born for us.
Day: All the ends of the earth have seen the salvation of our God.

Scripture Readings 4th December 2016, 2nd Sunday of Advent, Year A

Isaiah 11:1-10; Psalm 71; Romans 15:4-9; Matthew 3:1-12

The readings for Advent from Isaiah continue with his description of the ideal king, who will come from the remnant of Israel – the stump of Jesse, of David’s dynasty. Much quoted by Christian New Testament writers and applied to Jesus. But Isaiah was seeking to comfort his people, under attack by Assyria, and he goes on to foresee a fantastic and idyllic future when the whole of creation will live in complete harmony. No human king could achieve this, but the “fear of the Lord” and the “knowledge of the Lord” would bring it about.

Paul’s letter to the Romans exhorts the two groups of Christians in Rome to work patiently together, ignoring varying degrees of conformity to the Jewish Law. We must learn about God from the Jewish Scriptures, the Old Testament, so that we may worship him in unity of mind and mouth. The sufferings of both the Messiah and of Israel demonstrate that God keeps His promises, and the Messiah will lead all nations, both Jews and Gentiles, to praise God.

In the Gospel John the Baptist, the last prophet of the Old Testament, prepares the way of the Lord by urging people to repent, to turn towards God from their sins. But he condemns those who say they have no need of God.

Psalm Response: In his days justice shall flourish and peace till the moon fails.

Scripture Readings 27th November 2016, 1st Sunday of Advent, Year A

Isaiah 2:1-5; Psalm 121; Romans 13:11-14; Matthew 24:37-44

During advent the first readings are from first Isaiah, mostly written before 700 BC, a period when Israel was under attack from Assyria. Isaiah is critical of attempts by Israel’s kings to control their destiny – he urges them to place their faith and trust in God, and in His promises to David, whose city of Jerusalem is where God dwells. But God will not necessarily protect Israel from its enemies, who might be the means God uses to cleanse the people.
Nevertheless there will be a remnant who will ensure the survival of the people, like a stump of a tree, from which will come an ideal ruler in the future. In today’s reading Isaiah looks forward to a peaceful time when all nations will be attracted by Israel’s behaviour to accept God’s authority, centred on Mount Zion in Jerusalem.
In his letter to the Romans Paul has been drawing out the implications of his image of Christians as all parts of one body. Since we are therefore dependant on each other we have a duty of love for each other. Judgement will come at any time, so we must live at all times as if all our actions are visible to all.
Matthew’s gospel reinforces the need to “stay awake”, ready for the Lord’s coming.

Psalm Response: I rejoiced when I heard them say: “Let us go to God’s house”.

Isaiah 2:1-5; Psalm 121; Romans 13:11-14; Matthew 24:37-44

Scripture Readings 20th November 2016, Christ the King, Year C

2 Sam 5:1-3 Ps 121 Col 1:12-20 Lk 23:35-43

The Books of Samuel, with the Books of Kings and of Judges, tell of Israel’s history from when they entered Canaan about 1200 BC, up to their exile to Babylon in 587 BC. After the death of Saul, David became King of Judah. In today’s key reading David then becomes King of all Israel. He goes on to capture the 1,000 year-old city of Jerusalem, and makes it his capital. He then brings the Ark of the Covenant to Jerusalem, making it also Israel’s religious centre. The Psalm celebrates Jerusalem, David’s city.

The letter to the Colossians was written because they thought that angelic beings and other spiritual powers were either rivals to Christ or were needed to supplement Christ’s work. Paul says this detracts from the person of Jesus Christ, who possesses the totality of power needed for redemption, meaning the forgiveness of sins. The hymn praises Christ, who is the image of the unseen God. He existed before all things, which were created in him, and He is supreme over all creation. He has reconciled all things, the whole cosmos, by “the blood of the Cross”.

In Luke’s Gospel the crucified Jesus is recognised as King, both by the good thief and in the inscription written by Pilate, a Gentile.

Psalm Response: I rejoiced when I heard them say: “Let us go to God’s house”.

(2 Sam 5:1-3 Ps 121 Col 1:12-20 Lk 23:35-43)

Scripture Readings 13th November 2016, 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year C

Mal 3:19-20 Ps 97 2 Thess 3:7-12 Lk 21:5-19

Written about 460 BC, after the Jews returned from their Babylonian exile to rebuild the Temple, Malachi criticises the people’s religious indifference, priestly abuses, intermarriage with pagans and divorce. So he writes anonymously, “Malachi” means “my messenger”. “Where is the God of justice?” he asks. But he promises that the day of the Lord is coming, preceded by a messenger to prepare the way, later seen by Christians as John the Baptist. When that day comes evil-doers will be burnt up, while those who fear the Lord will be energised and healed, gambolling with joy and treading on the ashes of the evil-doers.

The Thessalonians had heard a forged letter saying the Lord’s second coming was very close. Some had stopped working for a living and were “interfering in everyone else’s” work. Paul says they are “busybodies”, stirring up trouble! They should be shunned until they pull their weight in the community, as Paul did when he was with them.

In the Gospel Jesus foresees the destruction of the Temple, and the disasters, persecutions and false prophets that must precede the second coming. But we must not worry about these future problems, nor try to guess the day of the Lord’s second coming. We should concentrate on the day-to-day following of Jesus, placing all our trust in Him.

Psalm Response: The Lord comes to rule the peoples with fairness.

Scripture Readings 6th November 2016, 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year C

2 Macc 7:1-2,9-14 Ps 16 2 Thess 2:16-3:5 Lk 20:27-38

The second Book of Maccabees relates events from about 180 to 160 BC, and includes the martyrdom stories of Eleazar, and of this family of a mother and seven brothers, written to encourage God’s people in times of persecution. The Syrian king Antiochus imposed Greek cultures on the Jews, prompting a revolt led by Judas Maccabeus. The brothers each profess aspects of their faith, including confidence in individual bodily resurrection. After their martyrdoms the Jews succeeded in throwing off their oppressor.

The second letter to the Thessalonians was written to calm a community startled by claims that “the day of the Lord” was upon them. As long as they love and believe in the truth given them originally they should stand firm and have no fear. They should continue to pray confidently for Paul and other preachers, that the word of the Lord may “run” into people’s hearts everywhere.

In Luke’s gospel, after meeting Zacheus Jesus entered Jerusalem, cleansed the Temple and responded to challenges about his authority. Then he is asked about resurrection, with another example of seven brothers. He says those worthy to attain resurrection will no longer die or marry, “they are children of God”, the living God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, whom Moses called “Lord”.

Psalm Response: I shall be filled, when I awake, with the sight of your glory, O Lord.

(2 Macc 7:1-2,9-14 Ps 16 2 Thess 2:16-3:5 Lk 20:27-38)