From My Heart to Your Heart – 1st World Day of the Poor

Dear Friends!
I am in California to spend one month in my former field of work that I loved and where I felt loved. I am going to relive part of my story. I really love stories. Each one of us is a story written by our loving God. Even if we try to sabotage his work God never quits on us. And in spite of all my failures God has been the main author of my story and that’s why I also love my story. From Madeira to Africa, from Africa to California and from California to Madeira… If I could go back in life I would choose to travel the same road with less mistakes.

This Sunday is the 1st WORLD DAY OF THE POOR, established by Pope Francis at the close of the Year of Mercy. The poor are the heart of the message of Jesus. Here is something that I found in the Ecclesia Agency website about the 1st WORLD DAY OF THE POOR…

Vatican: Pope makes a surprise visit to small field hospital for people in need

Vatican City, Nov 16, 2017 (Ecclesia) – Pope Francis made a surprise visit today to the small field hospital set up on Pius XII Square (St. Peter’s Square) near the Vatican on the occasion of the 1st World Day of the Poor to be celebrated on Sunday November 19th.

The space, with several tents, offers medical and nursing consultations to needy people living in the Italian capital. The Pope greeted the medical staff, volunteers and several people standing in line waiting for a free consultation. Pope Francis also spoke with volunteers from the Italian Confederation of Mercies, who offered him, as they do to everyone who moves into that space, a hot drink to fight the cold. This is one of the initiatives promoted by the Pontifical Council for the New Evangelization (Holy See), which on Sunday 19th November, brings together around 1500 people for a festive lunch on the First World Day of the Poor.

The Holy See informs that the meal will take place in the Paul VI Audience Hall, after the celebration of the Mass and the recitation of the Angelus, and will gather together, people in need, accompanied by volunteers. The Pontifical Council that promotes the event also says that the Mass presided by the Pope in the Basilica of St. Peter, from 10am will count on the participation of 4000 poor people from Rome and other dioceses in the world. The creation of World Day of the Poor was a decision announced by Pope Francis at the conclusion of the Jubilee of Mercy (December 2015 – November 2016).

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