– Brought to you by Fr. Bernardino Andrade (


There was a Church where the pastor and the minister of music were not getting along. As time went by, this began to spill over into the worship service:

The first week the pastor preached on commitment and how we all should dedicate ourselves to the service of God. The music director led the song “I Shall Not Be Moved”. The second week the pastor preached on tithing and how we all should gladly give to the work of the Lord. The music director led the song “Jesus Paid it All”. The third week the pastor preached on gossiping and how we should all watch our tongues. The music director led the song “I Love to Tell the Story”.

With all this going on, the pastor became very disgusted over the situation and the following Sunday told the congregation that he was considering resigning. The musician led the song, “Oh Why Not Tonight?”.

As it came to pass, the pastor did indeed resign. The next week he informed the Church that it was Jesus who led him there and it was Jesus who was taking him away. The music leader led the song, “What a Friend We Have in Jesus”.

Is there anybody you have trouble getting along with?


When Bill Clinton met Nelson Mandela for the first time, he had a question on his mind: «When you were released from prison, Mr. Mandela,» the former President said, « I woke my daughter at three o’clock in the morning. I wanted her to see this historic event.»

Then President Clinton zeroed in on his question: «As you marched from the cellblock across the yard to the gate of the prison, the camera focused in on your face. I have never seen such anger, and even hatred, in any man as was expressed on your face at that time. That’s not the Nelson Mandela I know today,» said Clinton, «What was that about?».

Mandela answered: «I’m surprised that you saw that, and I regret that the cameras caught my anger. As I walked across the courtyard that day I thought to myself, “They’ve taken everything from you that matters. Your cause is dead. Your family is gone. Your friends have been killed. Now they’re releasing you, but there’s nothing left for you out there.” And I hated them for what they had taken from me. Then, I sensed an inner voice saying to me ” Nelson! For twenty-seven years you were their prisoner, but you were always a free man! Don’t allow them to make you into a free man, only to turn you into their prisoner! “. You can never be free to be a whole person if you are unable to forgive. You see that, don’t you?».

There are many people who are imprisoned by their own anger, their own hurt, their own inability to let go of the past and move on. Here’s the other thing we need to see about forgiveness: THERE IS ONLY ONE PLACE YOU CAN FIND THE ABILITY TO FORGIVE. It is at the throne of Christ.

Love and Peace,

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